Monday, May 9, 2016

禅宗 与 净宗

先有禅宗, 才有净宗。(Have 0 Emptiness Formless than have 1 Form). That is Black Hole and then SuperNova into Universe.

It start with 0 divide by 0 (0/0) - thus lead to Universe with Infinite Celestial bodies.

If a religion only talk about Heaven, Earth and Hell - the target (禅) Zen only cover up to Singapor-lah Pureland and the Whole Earth. And the Heavenly Realm should be - the Sensual Desire Heavenly Realm (欲界天).

If a religion cover the Whole Universe - the target Zen (禅) will cover the Whole Universe. It will have 2 Heavenly Formless Realm. Perception and Non-Perception Heavenly Formless Realm and Nothingness and No-Nothingness Heavenly Realm.

Zen (禅)& Zen stimuli (禅相) - is based on 相 (Perception) and (Non-Perception) (Eg. Environment, noise etc).

Nothingness and No-Nothingness is based on nama (空) Formless & rupa (色) Form。

In order to ensure stability, the Nothingness and No-Nothingness will require a focus point. The focus point is Singapor-lah Pureland - the 5 Stars and 1 Moon (9 Grade Lotus).

Otherwise, Amituofo whole face and body will be full of rashes and scars - infected by micro-organism.

After writing this at 9.40pm 9 May 2016, notice that my room toilet water pipe leak water again - symbolising the tears of the Nothingnesss and No-Nothingness Realm.

The only way is through re-birth via 9 Grade Lotus as human.

Only through Google that support this Blog, enable the Universal Truth to be unveil.

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