Friday, May 6, 2016

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Zen Stimuli from Ah Mu

Just now, Saturday, May 7, 2016  in the morning, i went down with my wife and son to take our breakfast cum lunch at a noodle store.

When we take a lift down, we saw an old man with other older man.

But that old man that sit directly and look at me send a Zen stimuli to me that he is my grandfather who passed away long time ago.

That why :-
Ah Mu 有理。

Because i received Zen stimuli - a badminton racket near the kitchen is place on top of my son's bag.

And i when i go to the kitchen toilet and then to my son room toilet, i notice a very loud "siren" noise from my water pipes.

All these Zen stimuli indicate something very serious is going to happen.

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