Tuesday, May 24, 2016

两种智慧菩萨 2 Types of Panna Wisdom Bodhisattvas & 两种慈悲菩萨 2 Types of Compassion Bodhisattvas

(Received Zen stimuli - Singaporean actress & Singaporean Taiwanese actress Channel 8 about 8.45 pm Tuesday, May 24, 2016 to post this).

两种智慧菩萨 2 Types of Panna Wisdom Bodhisattvas 

- 1st type - 大勢至菩萨
大勢至菩萨 possess the Wisdom qualities but more feminine qualities.

Thus easier to accept the Concept of 1 Husband, 2 Wives.

- 2nd type - 文殊师利菩萨
文殊师利菩萨 possess the Wisdom qualities  but more hardline (刚硬)and possess the Monkey God 孙悟空 qualities. (Received Zen stimuli Channel 8 at 9.05pm from a male Singaporean actor) One is one. Two is two. No compromise.

Thus harder to accept the Concept of 1 Husband, 2 Wives.

But once 文殊师利菩萨 understand the merits of the Concept, 文殊师利菩萨 can immediately accept the Concept.

两种慈悲菩萨 2 Types of Compassion Bodhisattvas

- 1st type - 观世音菩萨
观世音菩萨 possess the Compassion qualities and possess the Monkey God 孙悟空 qualities.

Thus easier to accept the Concept of 1 Husband, 2 Wives.

- 2nd type - 普贤菩萨
普贤菩萨 possess the Compassion qualities and possess feminine qualities.

Thus easier to accept the Concept of 1 Husband, 2 Wives.

(Received Zen Stimuli at 9.20am in Channel 8 - a group of Singaporean actors and actress and a Singaporean Japanese actor - to inquire that if a Divisible of Cell - will it not have the issue of incest?)

Answer :- It depends on whether it is Divisible by 空生 or 色生,色身。

It depends on whether it is 化生 or 胎生。

If it is 空生 or 化生 (Formless rebirth) - there is no issue of incest or having the same DNA.

However, If it is 胎生, 色生,色身 (Form birth) - there will be issue of incest or having the same DNA.

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