Wednesday, May 11, 2016


I have to 破地狱戒 (Hell Realm) because of SK 9 Grade Lotus - 出佛身血。(Cut my finger).

Next I have 破饿鬼戒 (Hungry Ghost Realm) - eat my wife cup noodle without her permission because hungry - got a slight splash of hot water on hand.

Next I have 破畜生戒 (Animal Realm) - i splash some water on an ant to chase it away - so as to maintain a hygiene basin for preparation of food.

Wonder will i have to 破人- law 戒 ?Where our marriage law and marriage vows come under the English Law. Thus I have to 超越了一 彻。(exceed all Dharma) - 十法界 (10 Realms) to 超越一却法 (to exceed all Dharma, all Holy Teachings) - to save Singapore, the Earth and the Universe. This is done by restoring the right marriage of 1 husband and 2 wives. This will help to form the right family cluster and allow more babies to be born.

- as i turn the Dharma Wheel anti-clockwise to intercept the 小三灾 (Earth collapse) & 大三灾 (Universe collapse) - I inherit the Universal Law of Karma.

I have no choice as all the 天条 Heavenly Laws are in place, it will always reach a deadlock - when I try to cross the 天条 Heavenly Laws to transform it into a more wholesome Universal Law of Karma to salvage the 10 Realms.

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