Sunday, May 8, 2016

Endless Loop

0 divide by 0 ----- my head feel very giddy ---- my head spinning.
I has entered into endless loop ....................................................................

And when finished writing this --- loud thunder just roar at 2.30pm 9 May 2016.

0 is me. 1 is me.
A cell, split into 0 and 1. (binary).
Study binary math.

0 is the mirror.
When 1 look at the mirror, the 1 see the image of the 1.

Thus, should be 1,0,1.

Not 0 and 1 (Not Adam and Eve).

PM is my mirror.
My mirror is PM.

Like magnetic poles repel.

Like poles cannot come together, it will bounce off - and Singapore, the World and the Universe will go topsy-turvy.

Thus for Singapore to ensure Equilibrium, a fulcrum of 5 Stars need to be in place with a Moon (that represent 9 Grade Lotus Pureland) using Chinese Divinity (Red) and PAP (White).
The 5 Stars representation are as follows:-
1      0      1

                0 - PM (LHL)
1  - SK    0 - LCL      1 - PH
                0 - WR

      SK carry the Moon (9 Grade Lotus)

If the above is not in place, the whole Singapore will spin out of control causing 小三灾 (天灾,人祸, 瘟疫)。

Like a rotating fan. If the fulcrum is not in the centre of the spinning fan - the whole fan will spin out of control - causing havoc and may injure others.

Singapore is somewhere around the centre of the Earth, albeit the centre of the Universe.
And Singapore is a Bodhi Heart of Singapore, the World, the Universe.
The shape of Singapore is like a "Heart".


于宙,地球 的 太阳穴 在哪边?
在新家坡啦 这一边。

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