Friday, May 6, 2016

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Zen Stimuli on 大勢至菩萨

I have a dream on Saturday, May 7, 2016 morning at about 8.07am.

Siew Kheng say she want to share food with me. I say I want to share food only with 大勢至菩萨。Then she call her husband and pass the food to her husband.The 空身 of Siew Kheng then appear as 大勢至菩萨。

I wake up from my dream and I sms Siew Kheng to inform her. I also whatsapp both my wife and my son.

Then I use my computer to blog.

When I write this, I check my Zen stimuli with my son who is sitting beside me. When I receive the Zen response from my son to say ok, i notice the Zen stimuli from the TV that Singapore Government also affirm, it is ok to share the this post in my blog.

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