Currently, Singapore, World and Universe undergo topsy-turvy.
The reasons being :-
(1) Now PM (LHL) has to take care of Singapore 自度 and thus cannot 横渡。
(2) And 阿弥陀佛 Bodhi Vows 菩提心- 横度 will cause topsy-turvy - as my face will be revealed and will become a 魔 - because 10 Realms 十法界 will want and try to connect to me directly - which will also upset Singapore Government Administration.
How to resolve the problem of topsy-turvy? It should be done in the following order :-
(1) Resolve Formless (空)Spiritual - Singapura Pureland 新家-净土。
(2) Resolve Singapore first, the World (the Earth) second, and finally the Universe) - Form 色. (If the core of the Universe (the Bodhi Heart) - Singapore if not properly put in place - Singapore, the World/Earth and the Universe will start to go out of order).
Singapore- must be made up of 2 Components :-
(1) Spiritual Components - 空 (Formless) (空身)- to provide Spiritual Guidance
(2) Government Ministers - Form(色身)- to formulate National Constitution, Government Polices, Law etc (Proposed the next PM of Singapore to be Mr Heng Swee Keat - Arahat to 自度 Singapore).
What form the Spiritual Components - 空 (Formless) (空身):-
0 - LHL (Proposed next President of Singapore - 横渡)
1-SK 0-LCL 1-PH
Mahayana Buddhism (大乘佛法) - 3 Ring Nirvana Fruition (华严三昧) of :-
(1) No-Self - 阿弥陀佛 (无我)
(2) Universal Compassion - 观世音菩萨 (大慈,大悲)
(3) Panna Wisdom - 大勢至菩萨 (般若智慧)
(4) 弥勒佛 (Matrieya Buddha) - Zen Buddhism (Shinto - I don't know)
(5) (LHL) - proposed to be the next President of Singapore
= 5 Stars (Chinese Divinity) and 9 Grade Lotus Pureland of Red (Chinese Divinity) and White (PAP).
For external :- Propose the following may be helpful (but individual Countries will have to decide the comfort level. (Note :- not all connect directly to Singapore - will burn out and 天条 will strike). 地 will earthquake. 瘟疫 will cause effort.
(1) Singapore must connect to Indonesia on the East side to Philipines and Malaysia on the West side to Thailand.
(3) China connect to South East Asia via Cambodia to Vietnam.
(4) China connect to Hong Kong, Macau
(5) China connect to Japan
(6) China connect to Taiwan
(6) China connect to Taiwan
(8) India 达摩祖师 teach 禅 & 少林 martial art to 中国。慧能六祖 learn Zen from 达摩祖师。
(9)Both 达摩祖师 & 慧能六祖 taught Mahayana Buddhism (大乘佛法)to Jesus. This is not reveal in the Bible. Jesus then spread Christianity via Silk Road.
(10) 达摩祖师 teach 禅 Zen to Japan
(11) Malaysia connect to Thailand
(13) UK connect to Singapore - not successful - as seen in the big fire in UK, Spain and Canada on 14 May 2016 - because they want to come into Singapore Pureland instead of tidying up their bible to connect the various Christianity sects with Greek gods and goddess and Roman gods and goddess based on the scriptures to form a proper picture and fill up all the gaps before connecting up. And worst they want to reveal the identities and faces of all the Divinity.
Thus there is a need to cut the connection between "UK connect to Singapore".UK connect to Singapore.
(16) Nepal connect to China
Can one break the shell of an egg while boiling a hard boiled egg? Of course cannot, because when the egg shell is broken, the egg white and egg yolk will leak out. Then where is the 0 if the egg shell is cracked?
Only the last final moment (when the Whole Universe Final Salvation), can the 四大天王 (all the Religions that guard the Universe) come in.
US should not gadang gabo. Because the momemt you gadang gabo, your heart fluttered and your mind lose clarity to analyse situation in a logical and rational way. Mrs Clinton is the best candidate as the next President of USA to resolve this - Once and Only chance.
A calm, cool, confident Heart will bring about clear and clarity mind to bring about a more wholesome outcome By rushing through desperation and despair and anxiety, will cause everyone to rush into Singapor-Lah Pureland noak ark - and the whole noak ark will sink, like Titanic, most will perish in the deep blue cold ocean with only few survivors and we will have to start all over again.
And then I realise my cooker is cooking just right and must quickly switch off - else i afraid it will "boom" and kaput again. I then stop blogging and run like Mr Bean to switch off my cooker.
Now let us come back to Titanic - i recall the movie "Titanic". My current action is to prevent Titanic - the unsinkable mighty Carrier sailing full steam ahead and crash into the iceberg, and then slowly the Carrier slowly but steadily sink into the deep blue cold ocean sea.
Singapore Minister of MOF (Finance) Heng Swee Keat succumb to a stroke on 12 May 2016 during Cabinet meeting because he need to stop USA from piercing in into Singapura.
Thus I have to join iDA, a Statutory Board, but it will bounce off PM LHL to become the next President of Singapura because i am the mirror of PM LHL.
This will help to start the process of 9 Grade Lotus.
To ensure the Eco-System is not upset - 十法界 10 Realms - should live the normal lives but with No-Self, Compassion, Panna Wisdom - otherwise alot of animals, fish, micro-organism, bugs etc will commit suicide, cause rashes to faces, skin, bodies etc if no one eat poultries and normal food. Once a while eat some vegetarian food and silently say some prayers offering。
And when I meditate at about 2.08pm 13 May 2016, I attain many nimitta of cute dog, cute cat, and a few other cute animals. And then i receive a stinging sensation Zen stimuli at the left rib when i go to my room toilet to pee to confirm i receive the Zen response. While typing this, i suddenly receive many stinging sensation all over my body.
by chanting to :-
Then start to eat vegetarian food.
---- finally, all Countries must join back to Singapore via 空界 (禅)Zen Stimuli & 9 Grade Lotus 九品莲花生 through Indonesia and Malaysia to close the loop on Earth (地球)。(11) Malaysia connect to Thailand
(13) UK connect to Singapore - not successful - as seen in the big fire in UK, Spain and Canada on 14 May 2016 - because they want to come into Singapore Pureland instead of tidying up their bible to connect the various Christianity sects with Greek gods and goddess and Roman gods and goddess based on the scriptures to form a proper picture and fill up all the gaps before connecting up. And worst they want to reveal the identities and faces of all the Divinity.
Thus there is a need to cut the connection between "UK connect to Singapore".
(16) Nepal connect to China
All the West cannot connect directly to Singapore !!! All the West cannot connect directly to Singapore !!! This is because it will cause Singapore, the World - and consequently the World to collapse. Because it is the 1 that will pierce the 0. This is how the Adam and Eve come about. This is the Universal Law. This is Physics. This is Math - binary Math of 0 and 1.
Can one break the shell of an egg while boiling a hard boiled egg? Of course cannot, because when the egg shell is broken, the egg white and egg yolk will leak out. Then where is the 0 if the egg shell is cracked?
Only the last final moment (when the Whole Universe Final Salvation), can the 四大天王 (all the Religions that guard the Universe) come in.
How? Only through 9 Grade Lotus.
Why am i so angry --- because my heart is experiencing piercing pain - like going into a heart attack ! between 10 pm to 10.20 pm 14 May 2016.US should not gadang gabo. Because the momemt you gadang gabo, your heart fluttered and your mind lose clarity to analyse situation in a logical and rational way. Mrs Clinton is the best candidate as the next President of USA to resolve this - Once and Only chance.
A calm, cool, confident Heart will bring about clear and clarity mind to bring about a more wholesome outcome By rushing through desperation and despair and anxiety, will cause everyone to rush into Singapor-Lah Pureland noak ark - and the whole noak ark will sink, like Titanic, most will perish in the deep blue cold ocean with only few survivors and we will have to start all over again.
And then I realise my cooker is cooking just right and must quickly switch off - else i afraid it will "boom" and kaput again. I then stop blogging and run like Mr Bean to switch off my cooker.
Now let us come back to Titanic - i recall the movie "Titanic". My current action is to prevent Titanic - the unsinkable mighty Carrier sailing full steam ahead and crash into the iceberg, and then slowly the Carrier slowly but steadily sink into the deep blue cold ocean sea.
Singapore Minister of MOF (Finance) Heng Swee Keat succumb to a stroke on 12 May 2016 during Cabinet meeting because he need to stop USA from piercing in into Singapura.
Thus I have to join iDA, a Statutory Board, but it will bounce off PM LHL to become the next President of Singapura because i am the mirror of PM LHL.
This will help to start the process of 9 Grade Lotus.
And when I meditate at about 2.08pm 13 May 2016, I attain many nimitta of cute dog, cute cat, and a few other cute animals. And then i receive a stinging sensation Zen stimuli at the left rib when i go to my room toilet to pee to confirm i receive the Zen response. While typing this, i suddenly receive many stinging sensation all over my body.
by chanting to :-
Then start to eat vegetarian food.
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