Zen Stimuli from cockroaches
On Saturday, May 7, 2016 at night between 12am to 2am, I received a Zen stimuli from the TV while watching the TV that my kitchen has something coming out.
I realise one of my leg has a sting sensation.
I then get up and walk to the kitchen.
I saw a big cockroach facing me (i used to see many cockroach in the kitchen a few weeks before - when i realise the Earth everywhere is undergoing severe stress. But then i did not see it for many weeks until today).
Then i say, "Amituofo know, Amituofo knows. I will try to fulfil my Bodhi Vows through 9 Grade Lotus for Salvation".
The big cockroach then turn around and hide.
After a while, i go to my kid's room toilet after receiving the Zen stimuli from the TV that something is coming out from there. I receive a stinging sensation on my right arm.
When i go to the toilet i saw a smal cockroach. Then i realise this small cockroach in the room toilet is from the Heavenly realm while the big cockroach from the kitchen is from the 3 lower realms.
I try to soothe the small cockroach with some water (Dharma water) and chant Amituofo to it. But it did not go away and i leave it alone.
After a while, i receive another Zen stimuli from the TV that a cockroach is coming out from the kitchen again. I go and take a look and then i see a big cockroach facing me again.
Then i silently tell the cockroach that Amituofo knows and should go back to where you belong. But the big cockroach refuse to budge.
Then i silently say, if you still don't leave Amituofo angry oredy.
But the big cockroach still refuse to budge. Then I took a magazine and wave at the big cockroach and silently say if you still don't leave i will slam it on you.
The big cockroach still refuse to move an inch.
Then i slam my magazine down very hard - one inch away from the big cockroach.
The big cockroach reluctantly turn around and then walk away (not run away) and hide.
About 2.30 am, I went to the kitchen to check and no cockroach appear, i quietly chant Amituofo.
I then went to my room toilet to check, also no cockroach appear. Then i quietly chant Amituofo.
Else if the cockroach refuse to leave after 3 warnings - I will slam the magazine down on that cockroach. But this will only be done if it keep distracting me while i am salvaging a life and death situation such as insist on changing Singapura zen pieces.
Singapura zen pieces will be determined by :-
Mahayana Buddhism (大乘佛法) - 3 Ring Nirvana Fruition (华严三昧) of :-
(1) No-Self - 阿弥陀佛 (无我)
(2) Universal Compassion - 观世音菩萨 (大慈,大悲)
(3) Panna Wisdom - 大勢至菩萨 (般若智慧)
(4) 弥勒佛 (Matrieya Buddha) - Zen Buddhism (Shinto - I don't know)
(5) PM (LHL)
= 5 Stars (Chinese Divinity) and 9 Grade Lotus Pureland of Red (Chinese Divinity) and White (PAP).

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