Monday, May 23, 2016

How to attain Clarity of Mind and Equilibrium in Heart to receive Zen stimuli and provide Zen response - like peeling Onion.

(Received Zen stimuli from a Malaysian and Singaporeans hosted show in Channel U and an Indian at about 5.15pm on Monday, May 23, 2016 - to expound this post).

Mind cannot achieve Clarity and Heart cannot settle down to Equilibrium because of Attachment to wrong views. And because of vexation. As well as 贪嗔痴。(Greed, Hatred and Ignorance of the Universal Truth).

How to attain Clarity of Mind and Equilibrium in Heart to receive Zen stimuli and provide Zen response 禅?

Like peeling onion - layer by layer.

Attachment to the above can be detached like peeling onion - layer by layer - until One attained Equilibrium in Heart and Clarity in Mind.

But important to :-


That is, Heart let go of attachment, But our role, our job, our work, our daily living life must not let go and try our best to do well.

But important to go for Win-Win solutions (双赢)- not to reveal the identities of Divinities and Singapura Pureland (新家-净土)。

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