观世音菩萨 心经 reveal the Entire Universal Truth and unlock the Universal Mystery - by describing the 华严三昧 (3-Ring Nirvana Fruition) in its Entirety.
At 8.50am Sunday, May 22, 2016 I received the following Zen stimuli to talk about 心经 (Heart Sutra)。
When i woke up and walk to the living room, i notice a fan facing my Wife still rotating. Both my Wife and my Son are asleep still in bed. Yesterday my wife was awake using her tablet while i slept. My son is also awake using the notebook.
Then I notic a big black cockroach (I realise at 1.17 pm that it is Pornsak 小化生) infront of the sofa where my Wife sit. I chant 阿弥陀佛 (Amituofo) to it and i realise it want to transmit Zen stimuli to me. Then i pray and silently chant to all the 佛 and 菩萨 installed on my altars. While i come to sliently chanting the 心经 (Heart Sutra), I receive a Zen stimuli that I begin to understand the 心经 (Heart Sutra) is actually explaining my meditative experience of 华严三昧 (3-Ring Nirvana Fruition) in its Entirety.
Then alarm clock at 9 am ring and my son woke up. I asked my son yesterday why he did not switch off the fan. My son told me Mummy is using it. I realise 十法界 want me to expound my Wife, 观世音菩萨。 Yesterday, I also have a dream when i keep chasing after my Wife which look like my Wife, and only this morning i realise it is 观世音菩萨 while in my Heart i am in need to look for 大勢至菩萨 to start the 九品莲花。
This morning, after i complete my meditaion in 普觉temple, i saw a man using a yellow fan. Then I realise my son play with my smartphone yesterday 21 May 2016 at about 5.15pm during dinner on a game. A yellow checker 8 was left on my smartphone. I realsie now the 8 is like 2 Dharma Wheel (a pulley system) where (Singapura Pureland 普度 空界 and China help to 偶渡 色界 - and both the 0 of the 8 through 从中道, 渡上,渡下。
Before I take my vegetarian lunch, when i put my sitting cushion back to my car, I notice a cat open its legs facing me and sit upright like 母鸡生蛋 hen lay eggs. I realise the cat send a Zen stimuli to me to remember to ensure 大勢至菩萨 must come to me, 阿弥陀佛 to begin the 九品莲花 9 Grade Lotus. I noted and say will have to wait for 因缘。
When I have consume the vegetarian lunch and seated in the car about to drive off, a cat walk and lay on the curb beside my car, I quietly talk to the cat. The cat send Zen stimuli to me to remember to use 九品莲花 9 Grade Lotus to 普度 下三界 in 胎生。
心经 (Heart Sutra)in full text :-
Translate into English using my Meditative Experience (阿弥陀佛) to describe the 华严三昧 (3-Ring Nirvana Fruition) in its Entirety.
五蕴皆空 度一却苦
When I was meditating in a lying position at home many years ago while after eating vegetarian meal for 7 days with my Wife (观世音菩萨)sleeping beside me, and then later sitting position in meditation, attain 5 Mental Aggregate Emptiness with the following experiences :-
(1) 1-Pointedness Equanimity (一针线的空洞)on small sun nimitta, Bliss Happiness feeling (超俗的愉快), Serenity feeling (宁静), silencing of the mind feeling (甘凉, 清净), initial application (开始不稳定的专注)on the small sun nimitta and mindfulness sustaind application (刻意稳定专注) on the small sun nimitta.
(2) 1-Pointedness Equanimity (一针线的空洞)on small sun nimitta, Bliss Happiness feeling (超俗的愉快)
(3) 1-Pointedness Equanimity (一针线的空洞)on small sun
(all the above after checking with my Heart base on 菩提心).
Upon the Attainment of of 5 Mental Aggregate Emptiness that suck all my 5 Mental Aggregates of Mundane-consciousness into the 1-pointedness sun nimitta, follow by goose-pimples (法喜)(Received Zen stimuli 禅 from 大勢至菩萨 through my Wife 观世音菩萨 to mention this. As i ever heard 大勢至菩萨 mention this before.) all over my body and than my ears experience muffled noise. (Note :- I realise much later that this is a Samadhi Jhana attainment - 禅定)。
Thereafter about 15 minutes maintaining in this State, I experience a very quiet, serene expansion (that expand outwards towards my neighborhood, my Singapore, my World, my Earth, my Solar System, my Galaxies and then to the Whole Universe) when my 1 pointedness small sun nimitta become a bright Big Round Yellow Light that grow and expand outward to encompass the Whole Universe to form the 1st Ring.(Note :- Many years later, after i met 大勢至菩萨,I begin to realise this is my 1st Nirvana Fruition 华严一昧 of No-Self 无我)。
After a while, i realise that the circumference of the Big Round Yellow Light have flicker, flicker light like the M1 logo. (Note :- Many years later, after i met 大勢至菩萨,I begin to realise this is my 2nd Nirvana Fruition 华严二昧 of Universal Compassion 大慈大悲。This flicker, flicker light i realise is to go to all the crack and crevices of the Universe. This form the 2nd Ring)
Then after a while when the flicker, flicker light stabilise, I realise a rounded 3rd Ring, very robust that look like a pink car tyre that look like the pink Lotus, also look like human skin, also look like Singapore pink orchid color will wrap around the Whole Universe of flicker, flicker light of 2nd ring and the Big Round Yellow Light of 1st ring - to form 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition 华严三昧.
When this 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition 华严三昧 is formed, I realise no stray thoughts arise within no matter how hard i try and force it (无妄念,无杂念). Also I notice outside the 3-Ring, there are many dirt-like flying around the 3-ring but it is not a physical objects (I believe no more beings or sand or objects from outside the 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition 华严三昧). As nothing will penetrate the 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition 华严三昧 protected by the very robust strong pink car tyre from outside.
There are no fear of life and death, no false views, no fear of separation as All in the Universe is One. Everything when 十法界 10 Realms come together - every thoughts become Mindful in Zen 禅 in 空界.
This form the Panna Wisdom (般若智慧)of the 3rd Ring Nirvana Fruition. (Note :- Now i realise the Dharma Wheel below - fully depict my 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition 华严三昧 .)

After that, I experience the following feelings of :-
(1) Equanitmity (空洞)
(2) Bliss Happiness feeling (超俗的愉快)
from inside the 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition 华严三昧 with 3 Wholesome Attributes of(No-Self 无我,Universal Compassion 大慈大悲,Panna Wisdom 般若智慧).
With the above Attainment, the "No More Sufferings" - 度一却苦 have been achieved.
My sitting meditation with my blanket covering my body like a Sangha, become my Body Sariras 舍利子 as i maintained in that State for about 4 hours starting from 2am to 6am (when i check my clock or watch - cannot remember when i emerged from the above state after incessantly shake and call by my Wife, 观世音菩萨 who wake up about 6 am. Note :- Now i realise my Wife, 观世音菩萨 is my 空身 who is like divisible of cell, that split off from me to become 观世音菩萨 .) (But my the other side, 大勢至菩萨 still have not split off from me (my cell) to form my 2nd Wife.)
Human Body Sariras in Jhana - 舍利子 色不异空,空不异色
A human body sariras in Samadhi Jhana cannot encompass the Whole Universe, only the attainment of 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition 华严三昧 can encompass the Whole Universe. Thus Form (色界) of Universe cannot encompass the Formless (空界)of 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition 华严三昧 because the 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition 华严三昧 encompass the Whole Universe in Form (色界) through Formless (空界).
So when One say, it is not possible to be OmniPresence to encompass the Whole Universe in 色界 (Form), it is possible through 空界 (Formless) through 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition 华严三昧 .
It cannot be Omnipotent of One - because it encompass the 十法界 10 Realms of being like a jigsaw puzzle with all the jigs.
Sex to bear offspring so that those who perish can be rebirth as human to understand Zen, Zen stimuli and provide Zen response - is expounded in this sutra which say "Sex = Emptiness. Emptiness = Sex". No human body or other form through birth - how to learn Dharma teachings (Holy teachings)?
Whether thinking, feeling, doing, knowing, understanding, receiving Zen stimuli, providing Zen response, seeing events, happenings, reading news, doing work, watching TV, posting social media, posting blogs, cooking, seeing bees, earth, objects, thunder roar, lightning, raining etc. I realise the above Attainment.
As my 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition 华严三昧 though has encompassed the Whole Universe, not everyone in the Universe has understand Zen, receive Zen stimuli, respond to Zen stimuli 禅。
It is a God mantra. It is a Full Awakening mantra. It is the maximum mantra. It is the mantra of all mantra.
大鸟神 突然 明白 了。大神 非彼 神 - This God is not that "BIG GOD" - where one blink blink - everything is done by magic.
It is all 十法界 10 Realms that form the Zen pieces - like jigsaw puzzle form by all the jigs.
狮子吼 !!!The Lion roAR !!! This understanding must be understood correctly.
(Received Zen stimuli 禅 from Channel 8 singing from Singaporean 3 actors & 1 actress and at 4.18pm, May 26, 2016)
My Bodhi Vows (is OmniBenevolence) Universal Compassion 大慈大悲
As no stray thoughts arise from within and no stray thoughts arise from outside, there will be no birth, no death, no karma (all karma will cease), no sufferings - where Law of Permanence sets in (only when all attain the Final Great Nirvana with no stray thoughts with proper medtiation with attainment - not by forcing stray thoughts not to arise).
(Note :- But due to my Bodhi Vows 大悲心,大愿力 to form 一真法界 (One Universal Unity) - 无苦集灭道 - means (10 Realms 十法界 with those who already attain Nirvana 涅槃 will have stray thoughts arises again。对不起,er 大象。 )
All the 4 Noble Truth that exist in the Samsara World will be gone (if all 十法界 10 Realms) will only attained the 无苦集灭道 - the no 4 Noble Truth only when all 十法界 10 Realms are fully Awakened and attain Nirvana Fruition.
(Note :- The 4 Noble Truth are (1) Life is unsatisfactory (2) Attachment to wrong views is the cause of all sufffeings (3) Drop attachment to wrong views (4) Will attain Nirvana Fruition.)
(Received Zen stimuli 禅 from Channel 8 food show from Singaporean 2 actressess and 2 actors at 3.49pm, May 26, 2016)
(Received Zen stimuli 禅 from Channel 8 singing from Singaporean 3 actors & 1 actress and at 4.18pm, May 26, 2016)
To salvage the 10 Realms Samsara beings, it is done via the Bodhi Heart (菩提心)with the following Bodhi Vows (大悲心,大愿力) :-
(2) 十方众生渡尽,方证菩提。
(4)Leave no one behind.
(5) Leave no sand behind.
My Vows to liberate begin from Singapura Pureland, the World, the Earth, the Universe.
(Received 禅 Zen stimuli at 12pm Wednesday, May 25, 2016 when I pray to all the 佛 (Buddhas) and 菩萨 (Bodhisattvas). I also received Zen stimuli from Channel NewsAsia from 4 dining Japanese tell a humble American chef. And a Mahayana Buddhist Monk in Vietnam with some US people. And later received Zen stimuli from my Wife 观世音菩萨 who sit beside me while i am writing this and send Zen stimuli to me that 大勢至菩萨 & 弥勒佛 & 南无本师释迦摩尼佛 want me to continue expounding this. When I was chanting the 心经 (Heart Sutra), suddenly it daunt on me that i miss explaining some parts of it.)
There are no decaying, no real death in 空界 through 化生。
However, there are still those who are Ignorance of the Universal Truth, there are still who have not attain Equilibrium in Heart, Clarity in Mind to receive 禅 Zen stimuli & provide Zen responses - will have to experience death in 色界,in 色身,in 化身 and rebirth through 胎身,胎生。
This not using mundane normal Intelligence, nor normal Wisdom to understand this - as this is Supramundane Attainment of 华严三昧 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition of Profound Insight to know it - albeit 般若智慧 Panna Wisdom through the spreading of Universal Compassion (大慈大悲)Universal Zen Target make up by the 10 Realms 十法界 to understand this.
When doing the meditation, when my very bright sun nimitta (很亮的小太阳禅相)appear, i did want to focus concentration on it even though i do not know what is in it. In fact, it is the unknown of what is going to happen. Thus when suddenly my very bright sun nimitta (很亮的小太阳禅相)appear suck me in with a great suction force, i quickly muster my mental strength to pull it out because it feel very scary - like a person jumping down from a high floor with height phobia.
Then after i pull out, after a while, the suction force from my very bright sun nimitta (很亮的小太阳禅相)come again. This time, I decide to be brave and let the suction suck my mental aggregates in.
The above hence explain 无智亦无得亦无所得故 - where I am not using normal Intelligence, nor normal Wisdom to understand this phenonmenon.It occur naturally. I initially did not expect my very bright sun nimitta (很亮的小太阳禅相)to appear, it just appear. However, when it appear, I am curious and want to focus on it to find out what is this phenonmenon where on hindsight, i intuitively feel that this is some kind of some unnatural but supramundane attainment (出世间法). And because I did not hope to attain anything initially, when it come, i just seized the opportunity to prod further.
Subsequently, it then expand to form the 华严三昧 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition. But after i emerged when shake incessantly by my Wife 观世音菩萨 after 4 hours in this State from 2am to 6am, I did recalled that i told my Wife what i have gone through. I just checked with my Wife 观世音菩萨 at 12.45pm Wednesday, May 25, 2016 verbally who sit beside me, whether she can remember what i had told her about my above meditative experience, she shake her head and say nothing. But she just send a Zen stimuli to me in 空界 that she did, but did not want to talk about it verbally as it will reveal our Identities and the Pureland identities.)
(Received Zen stimuli at 2.39pm May 26, 2016 中国 movie in Channel 8 to post this.)
With the attainment of the 华严三昧 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition, when 无妄念,无杂念 no stray thoughts arises within the 华严三昧 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition, nor any stray thoughts penetrate from outside the 华严三昧 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition, it conform to the words 不垢 - no dirts.
But due to my Bodhi Vows 大悲心,大愿力 to form 一真法界 (One Universal Unity) - the words 不净 refer to 10 Realms 十法界 with those who have stray thoughts within the 华严三昧 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition - thus have not attain 净 pureness of no stray thoughts 无妄念,无杂念 not arising within the 华严三昧 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition nor any stray thoughts penetrate from outside the 华严三昧 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition.
(Received Zen stimuli 禅 from Channel 8 singing from Singaporean 3 actors & 1 actress and at 4.18pm, May 26, 2016)
This is Final
During my Meditative Attainment of my 华严三昧 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition that encompass (阿弥陀佛,观世音菩萨,大勢至菩萨), i have attained 不生不灭 - no birth, no death of the 空界 (Formless)that enwrap the Entire Universe 宇宙。
This is because, I have attained 无妄念,无杂念 no stray thoughts arise from within the 华严三昧 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition and no stray thoughts can penetrate the 华严三昧 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition. At this juncture, there will be no karma 无因果.
But as I have 菩提心 Bodhi Heart to 普度 十法界 10 Realms, 妄念,杂念 stray thoughts return after my Wife 观世音菩萨 shake me incessantly after 4 hours in that State. But after waking up and coming back from that State, my mundane human consciousness return though the remnants of the supramundane consciousness from the Attainment still remain. It become a hybrid of half mundane and half supramundane. When this happen stray thoughts 妄念,杂念 return and karma 因果 continues.
This is not the same for 色身,色生,胎生 in 色界 (Form), as human body will still subject to birth, living, decaying, demising and re-birth as stray thoughts 妄念,杂念 return and karma 因果 continues.
But important to note that, if the Final Great Nirvana State 大涅槃 is attained again when all 十法界 10 Realms have attained their own 涅槃果 Nirvana State with their 2 菩萨,十法界 10 Realms will not allowed anyone, including myself to poke or break it again - as all my 大悲愿 Bodhi Vows have been Perfectly, Completely 圆满 Achieved = hence 不生不灭。
(However, if ever for discussion sake, a new universe is formed again, everyone will have to experience the exactly same experience worldwide again due to the nature of the Universal Law - which is the Universal Truth. Because collectively you will reap what you sow. (Received Zen stimuli 禅 from Channel 8 news Singaporean 3 guest female speakers, 1 male and 1 female newcasters at 7.17pm May 26, 2016). So why want to start another again?) All 十法界 10 Realms must put their Hearts and Minds into this One - "One For All, All For One" in Mutual Exclusiveness to make this work.
My Body Sariras will be the Final One outside.
(Received Zen stimuli 禅 from Channel 8 from Singaporean actor 南无本师释迦摩尼佛, and at 5.45pm, May 26, 2016 and 6pm from 大勢至菩萨 to post this.)
(Received 禅 Zen stimuli from Channel 8 中国 movie 2.54pm May 27, 2016 Friday to post this.)
(Received 禅 Zen stimuli at 3.45pm May 27, 2016 Friday from Singaporean elderly singing competition to post this.)
With my Meditative Attainment of my 华严三昧 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition,as 无妄念,无杂念 no stray thoughts arise from within and no stray thoughts can arise and can penetrate from outside, I have attained this words 心无挂碍,无挂碍故.
During the 4 hours in that State, i did not experience fear, unhappiness, the sad feeling of departing from my loved ones, no topsy turvy, not even good feelings of being good, being kind etc, not a dream but actual insight and real, true Meditative Attainment.
In fact, i feel blissful 脱俗的愉快 that look permanent and eternal; and serene 宁静。
I did not want to leave this State after 4 hours - when only my Wife 观世音菩萨 incessantly shake me to wake me up to come back. I only do so because i feel i can't leave my Wife alone, on the hindsight, my extended families and i believe, the Bodhi Vows that i make to 四面佛 Thailand shrine and then the Sleeping Sakyamuni Buddha in the Thailand cave.
When complete the Final Great Nirvana Fruition - 华严三昧 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition, the following scenarios will happen :-
(1) All 十法界 10 Realms will have 三昧 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition for each family cluster - of 1 husband and 2 wives - in fact 1 佛 and 2 菩萨. This is the complete, perfect 佛国 with each 佛果 of the complete perfect jigsaw puzzle with all the right zigs in place (ie. right Universal Zen Set - with all the right Zen pieces in place).
(2) Other Nirvana beings attainment such as Arahats, Pacekka Buddhas whether male or female will not be in place because it defy the logic of the Divisible of Cells - where a male divide himself right side, and left side - which is a complete individual zen set that must come together - otherwise there will be stray thoughts - trying to look for her husband or husband looking for her 2 wives - which is a natural Universal Law, Universal Truth - because it is part of his or her 菩提心 Bodhi Heart.
(3) I 阿弥陀佛,my 1st Wife 观世音菩萨 and my 2nd Wife 大势至菩萨 of the will come in as 平等佛 华严三昧 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition with the rest of the 三昧 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition with all 十法界 10 Realms - only then there will be no stray thoughts 无妄念,无杂念 in the complete, perfect 佛国 of Singapura-Pureland 新家-净土。
Because 观世音菩萨 cannot see Herself oo (Infinity) , only see me 阿弥陀佛 (0, 空)and 大势至菩萨 (1,色)。
Thus only when i write down my Meditative Attainment of 华严三昧 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition - then i realise why 心经 Heart Sutra did not mention oo (Infinity).
(Received Zen stimuli my Wife 观世音菩萨 & 地藏王菩萨 when I pour my vegetable water from my room toilet bowl after washing the vegetable at 5.27pm 27 May 2016, that 观世音菩萨 oo (Infinity) - represent all the 十方佛,菩萨 and 十法界 10 Realms due to birth, rebirth, 化生,胎生。)
(Note :- I receive many Zen stimuli when going to dinner today at about 22 May 2016 at about 5 or so pm.
I saw an Indian with a family where this Indian man bang his van door very loudly several times and yelling. I also saw a group of Chinese men in another car looking at him. My wife then led me and my son into the passage where a group of Chinese men are. I received the Zen stimuli that he request me to describe the God mantra when i use Zen to check with my Wife.
The noodle stallholder 1st time serve the fried noodle to my Wife even though it supposed to be self-service. I also notice an Indian man who make Indian food. I received the Zen stimuli that both request me to describe the God mantra。
When i return home, we saw our neighbor who is white and my wife direct my attention to him. I received the Zen stimuli that he request me to describe the God mantra.
Then another family with a dog also conjure us where . I look at the head of the family, the man, he look like 天。I received the Zen stimuli that he request me to describe the God mantra.
I receive the Zen stimuli from my son who used my smartphone during dinner today . The game he play show a 5 with yellow box when i checked it at home.)
Thus to succeed, must have the following :-
What form the Spiritual Components - 空 (Formless) (空身):-
0 - LHL
1-SK 0-LCL 1-PH
Mahayana Buddhism (大乘佛法) - 3 Ring Nirvana Fruition (华严三昧) of :-
(1) No-Self - 阿弥陀佛 (无我)
(2) Universal Compassion - 观世音菩萨 (大慈,大悲)
(3) Panna Wisdom - 大勢至菩萨 (般若智慧)
(4) 弥勒佛 (Matrieya Buddha) - Zen Buddhism (Shinto - I don't know)
(5) 南无本师释迦摩尼佛 (PM LHL)
= 5 Stars (Chinese Divinity) and 9 Grade Lotus Pureland of Red (Chinese Divinity) and White (PAP).
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