Buddhas (佛)- can only be Male - 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition (华严三昧)。
上三品 (3 Upper Grade) (can be Female or Male)
(1) Bodhisattvas (菩萨)- 2-Ring Fruition
(2) Pacekka Buddhas (辟支佛) - ? - Self Attainment without Buddha Teaching
(3) Arahats (阿罗汉)- 1-Ring Fruition (No-Self) - Disciples of 南无本师释迦摩尼佛
中三品 (3 Middle Grade) (can be Female or Male)
(4) Heavenly Realms Beings (天人)
(a) Formless Heavenly Realm (5th Arupa Jhana) (出色界天)
(i) Nothingness & No-Nothingness Formless Heavenly Realm - 生灭,生灭。(awake,sleep. awake, sleep)
(ii) Perception & Non-Perception Formless Heavenly Realm - 禅相 (Zen stimuli and Zen response)
(b) Form Heavenly Realm (色界天)(checking with Heart base on 菩提心)
(i) 4th Rupa Jhana - 1-Pointedness Equanimity (一针线的空洞)on small sun nimitta (Anangami)
(ii) 3rd Rupa Jhana - 1-Pointedness Equanimity (一针线的空洞)on small sun nimitta, Bliss Happiness feeling (超俗的愉快)(Sakadagami)
(iii) 1st Rupa Jhana - 1-Pointedness Equanimity (一针线的空洞)on small sun nimitta, Bliss Happiness feeling (超俗的愉快), Serenity feeling (宁静), silencing of the mind feeling (甘凉, 清净), initial application (开始不稳定的专注)on the small sun nimitta and mindfulness sustaind application (刻意稳定专注) on the small sun nimitta (Sotapanna)
(Received 禅 Zen stimuli from - Channel U - S Korea actresses and actors).
(Note :- Upon finished writing on this post at about 2.44am Saturday, May 21, 2016, thunder roar louder and louder and then follow by numerous rumbling thunder and notice 1 lightning strike).
(Note :- This morning at about 10.48am Saturday, May 21, 2016, when brush teeth on my toilet blue basin while thinking through this post, a small dark yellowish brown cockroach emerge from the sink of my basin. I silently chant 阿弥陀佛 to the cockroach and say i know i will post it in the blog when it refuse to go back underneath the sink hole. Then i spray some water on it and coax it to go back. It go back and then while i thought through the post again, it re-emerge and somehow i got the Zen stimuli from the cockroach that it will provide some Zen to me when i make the post clearer with more appropriate wording to express my meditation experience more clearly. I think this cockroach also has similar meditative experience when it was a human to check and verify my meditative experience. I know who this cockroach is when it is a human. My ex-colleague when we worked very closely on a project. Why i know is him, is because his image vision appear when i was quietly talking to the cockroach. And the way the cockroach run and move and turn its body, it look exactly like my ex-colleague when he talks, he moved his body, the way he do work and the way he moved around. He also got a very strong and sharp BO (body odour) though it does not smell like a cockroach BO.
He is a Pacekka Buddha based on what i observed from his attributes when he was a human.Also based on the Zen stimuli provided to me as i go through my above post and as i try to think of more appropriate words to substitute my earlier writing while i recollect my meditative experience while i receive Zen stimuli from my wife who is also awake, and my wife pass the Zen stimuli to my son who receive the Zen stimuli from his Christian friend Timothy to post this. From the Zen stimuli that i received from my wife, I post this).
(Why a Human can become a cockroach to look for you? This is known as 小化生 - that is Human mind in 空界 (Formless) can transcend into different realms while in human realm to appear and communicate with another person in another location).
(c) Sensual Desire Heavenly Realm (欲界天)
- The sub-classification - i don't know (never been here)
- 塔利天 (Tusita Heaven) (中道 Middle Path of 欲界天)
- 保生大地 - 玉印 - 观世音菩萨
- 寿禄福 - 弥勒佛
- 雷电(雨风) - 四大天王
- Mother Earth - 地灵灵印 - 天龙八部
- 九王爷
- 玉王大帝
- 天将,天兵
- 文官,武将
- 蟹将,虾兵
- 四海龙王
(5) Asuras (阿修罗)
(6) Humans (人) - I am here
下三品 (3 Lower Grade) (can be Female or Male)
(7) Animals (畜牲)
(8) Hungry Ghosts (饿鬼)
(9) Hell Beings (地狱)
(Note :- For the 3 lowest realm - Animals, Hungry Ghosts, Hell Beings - they will have to be enclosed in the 莲花 (Lotus) of its various Grade).
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