In 空界 (Formless), when the Heart is in Equilibirum and the Mind is in Clarity - we are at ease, at peace, in serenity, in clarity. When this happen, it is possible to 化生 - either through 5 Mental Aggregate Emptiness (五蕴皆空)like Heart Attack or through 4 Great Basic Elements Emptiness (四大皆空)- and assume a new identity 化生。
This is the concept of 不生不灭 (Law of Permanence) - No birth, No death. As stray thoughts still exist, thus karma 因果 continues.
Why stray thoughs still exist? Because previously when I attained the 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition 华严三昧 many years ago after I attended Phor Kark See dharma talk,At my home in sleeping and sitting meditation, I experience no stray thoughts within (里面念头不起)(没妄念) and no stray thoughts can penetrate from outside (外面念头不能进). No matter how hard i try, stray thoughts just will not arise within the 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition 华严三昧, nor any stray thoughts can penetrate as it is protected by the 3rd Ring which is strong and robust like a car tyre which is a pink color like the Lotus pink color (空是色,色是空). It is the nature of 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition 华严三昧. Unlike mundane humans, having stray thoughts is the nature.
禅 Zen stimuli and Zen response is the nature in 空界 (Formless).
Why in the 经 (Sutra)say that when the above situation arise, it is a 魔,Mara or Satan? This is because if I attained the 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition 华严三昧 and i refused to salvage the whole Universe of 10 Realms 十法界 - I will have become a 魔,Mara or Satan for refusing to practice 大乘佛法 (Mahayana Buddhism)- as all will perish under 小三灾 (天灾,人祸,瘟疫) the 3 catastrophe (natural disasters, war, epidemic). (ALL THIS ARE DUE TO YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW (I CANNOT REWARD OR PUNISH ANYONE AS I AM ALSO SUBJECTED TO KARMA IN HUMAN BODY).)
(Thunder roar a few times in bright daylight at 2.16pm 19 May 2016 in Singapore when I finish writing the above).
But now as my Bodhi Vows 大悲心,大愿力 - encompassess the whole Universe of 10 Realms 十法界, many still have stray thoughts - thus karma 因果 continues. Because i can't stop 10 Realms 十法界 stray thoughts.
Why is there a concept of Life and Death (为何有生死?)Because beings have Ego. Only upon no attachment to Self (无我), 大慈大悲 (Compassion), 般若智慧 (Panna Wisdom) - then 空界 (Formless)understanding of 禅 Zen - Zen stimuli and Zen response can arise.
In 色界 (Form), is it possible to have Law of Permanence? The concept is similar to 空界 (Formless)in 化生。
The cell can rejuvenate itself when decay &/or demise.
Trees can have sapling and seeds to rejuventate itself even if the orignial main tree decay &/or demise.
Earth can also alse rejuvenate itself with greenery, unpolluted lands, climatic conditions, fresh air, ozone level etc. But Earth like all matter will one day still demise and everyone will still have to be rebirth in another planet. But will there be fear, panic, despair, desperation etc when this happen?
The ansver is when 十法界 (10 Realms)when the Heart is in Equilibirum and the Mind is in Clarity - we are at ease, at peace, in serenity, in clarity - with 阿弥陀佛大涅槃 Amituofo Final Great Nirvana Fruition is attained with 十方佛 All the Buddhas Nirvana Fruition 菩提心 Bodhi Heart 卍 are put together to form One Dharma Wheel (大法轮)- "One for All, All for One" - Mutual Inclusiveness - there is 无恐怖远离颠倒梦想 (no fear, no distance, no topsy-turvy - is like a dream).(心经)(Heart Sutra).
So is there a need to have 九品莲花 9 Grade Lotus? The answer is "yes" - because beings who passed away need to be reborn.
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