Tuesday, May 31, 2016

法轮 (顺,逆)

(Received 禅 Zen stimuli 7.20pm 1 Jun 2016 from Channel 8 News, 7.55pm Singapore movie and my Wife 观世音菩萨 at 7.20pm to redraw the above diagrams.)

(Received 禅 Zen stimuli 1.14pm 1 Jun 2016 from Channel 8 News to post the above new information.)

(Received 禅 Zen stimuli 1.35pm 1 Jun 2016 from Channel 8 Singaporean actors and actresses and Singaporean 中国 actor and my Wife 观世音菩萨to post the above new information - on security and 阿弥陀佛 菩提心(卍) Bodhi Heart.)

(Received 禅 Zen stimuli 4.29pm 1 Jun 2016 from Channel 8 台湾 movie - actors and actresses - to update 九品莲花生)。(Received 禅 Zen stimuli 4.32pm 1 Jun 2016 from Channel U - Singaporean Thai male, Singaporean female, Singaporean males and females. to update 九品莲花生)。

Received 禅 Zen stimuli 4.56pm 1 Jun 2016 from Channel U - Singaporean guest speaker - why 九品莲花生 is needed?

Answer :- 九品莲花生 9 Grade Lotus as seen in the 2nd 法轮 Dharma Wheel from the 1st 法轮 Dharma Wheel is used to 普度 all those regardless of the 十法界 10 Realms who fall into the 下三界 - 畜牲,饿鬼,地狱 first。Those in 上三界 - 佛,菩萨,Arahats and 中三界 - 天人,阿秀罗,人will remain.(Received 禅 Zen stimuli 4.59pm 1 Jun 2016 from Channel U - Singaporean males and females and my Wife 观世音菩萨 to post this).

As the 2nd 法轮 Dharma Wheel 转 upwards into the 九品莲花, 下三界 - 畜牲,饿鬼,地狱 who are ready will 化生,化身 but enclosed in the 下三品 3 Lower Realm Grade - 九品莲花 9 Grade Lotus. For those who are not ready will continue to 转 in the 1st 法轮 Dharma Wheel. (Received 禅 Zen stimuli 5.11pm 1 Jun 2016 from Channel U - S Korea actresses and actors and my Wife 观世音菩萨 to post this). Received 禅 Zen stimuli 5.24pm 1 Jun 2016 from Channel U - my Wife 观世音菩萨 to post 化生,化身 for 下三品 3 Lower Realm Grade - 九品莲花 9 Grade Lotus).

Then as the 2nd 法轮 Dharma Wheel 转 upwards into the 九品莲花, 中三界 - 天人,阿秀罗,人 who are ready will 化生,化身 in the 中三品 3 Middle Realm Grade - 九品莲花 9 Grade Lotus. For those who are not ready will continue to 转 in the 1st 法轮 Dharma Wheel.      (Received 禅 Zen stimuli 5.11pm 1 Jun 2016 from Channel U - Singaporean Actor and actors and actresses to post this.) (Received 禅 Zen stimuli 5.11pm 1 Jun 2016 from Channel U - S Korea actors to post this).

Then as the 3rd 法轮 Dharma Wheel 转 upwards into the 九品莲花, 上三界 - 佛,菩萨,Arahats who are ready will 化生,化身 in the 上三品 3 Upper Realm Grade - 九品莲花 9 Grade Lotus. For those who are not ready will continue to 转 in the 1st 法轮 Dharma Wheel.      (Received 禅 Zen stimuli 5.19pm 1 Jun 2016 from Channel U - S Korea actors & actresses to post this).

(Notice that the 1st 法轮 Dharma Wheel has become a 轮回 法轮 - including Nirvana Beings such as 佛,菩萨,Arahats - who have already 跳出三界 and no longer subjected to 轮回? Because of my 菩提心 Bodhi Heart that enwrap the Whole Universe 宇宙 with Bodhi Vows (菩提愿)- 十方十法界加持及普度。Leave no one behind. Leave no sand behind. And this will again trigger stray thoughts 妄念 from 佛,菩萨,Arahats in my  Bodhi Vows (菩提愿) to start to help 普度众生 beyond the boundaries of their own Bodhi Vows (菩提愿) - thus eliciting bad karma onto myself.

By doing so, Nirvana Beings such as 佛,菩萨,Arahats again subjected to 轮回 in the 1st 法轮 Dharma Wheel in 色界 - causing disappointment to Nirvana Beings such as 佛,菩萨,Arahats - 多世累劫的修行 to re-emerge from the Nirvana State 涅槃 境 - especially when i am using an unorthodox method of 九品莲花生 9 Grade Lotus Birth where 佛,菩萨,Arahats emphasize 戒 Precepts. But  九品莲花生 9 Grade Lotus Birth is 今世往生 not 过世往生 which is far more superior.

Received 禅 Zen stimuli to post the above:-
About 10pm 10 Jun 2016 and 12pm 11 Jun 2016 - My Wife 观世音菩萨 - who say 轮回 and I discuss with My Wife 观世音菩萨 the karma i am reaping for causing Nirvana Beings such as 佛,菩萨,Arahats to 轮回 again to 大修。
11.43am 11 Jun 2016 - My Son 弥勒佛
11.43am 11 Jun 2016 from Channel 8 - 1 Singaporean male newcaster and 1 Singaporean female newcaster interview MP TPL.

12.02pm 11 Jun 2016 from Channel 8 - 1 Singaporean Thai male newcaster & SMRT that say 大修。

(5.42pm 1 Jun 2016, when i told my Wife 观世音菩萨 - this 2 法轮 Dharma Wheel concept 1st come from my Son 弥勒佛 2 gear & 2 wheel bicycle, my Son during dinner who show me a “8” when playing a game on my smartphone (the "8" give me the concept of a cross pulley system) and see my Son's facebook of a US video about 2 rotating gear clockwise and anti-clockwise crushing big objects). (Also remember the - 3/4 cup empty, 1/4 cup full by Minister Khaw Boon Wan - refer to my 270 degree face skin rashes & my Wife 观世音菩萨 to post this)..

(Received 禅 Zen stimuli 9.55am (9 品,5 新星,5 中星)2 Jun 2016, when i woke up this morning from my Wife 观世音菩萨 and CSK my 2nd Wife 大势至菩萨 - to post this "禅宗有净,净宗有禅“。)(心经 Heart Sutra - 禅 讲 宇宙 生。无量寿经 净 讲 新家-净土 Singapura-Pureland is make up of 佛,菩萨,Arahats). (Received 禅 Zen stimuli 11.36am ChannelNews Asia - Singaporean Eurasian male host and Kuala Lumpur Malaysian 1 tudung female and 1 young girl without tudung - to post the above statement). (Received 禅 Zen stimuli 12.37am ChannelNews Asia - Singaporean female guest speaker, and 1 Singaporean female newscaster and Singaporean Eurasian male newscaster and 12.43am 1 female guest speaker and 1 male guest speaker - to post this :-

心经 Heart Sutra - 禅 讲 宇宙 生 ----- 0, oo, 1。

无量寿经 净 讲 新家-净土 Singapura-Pureland is make up of 佛,菩萨,Arahats  ----- 1, oo, 0。 (Mr LKY say in the 1960s "Today this place is a marshland. 10 years from now, i will make this place a cosmopolitan city.    From marshland to bustling city. 新家-净土 Singapura-Pureland ).

(Received 禅 Zen stimuli 12.52am ChannelNews Asia Malaysia PM Najib - & 12.52am 1 guest male White speaker and 1 Singaporean female newcaster voice and another 1 male White speaker and 1 Singaporean male to post this :-

My 阿弥陀佛 2nd Dharma Wheel 2nd 法轮 (逆转法轮)(Horizontal Salvation)

“禅宗有净,净宗有禅“(禅宗有净 - 0, oo, 1. 净宗有禅 - 1, oo, 0.)

心经 Heart Sutra - 禅 讲 宇宙 生 ----- 0, oo, 1。

无量寿经 净 讲 新家-净土 Singapura-Pureland is make up of 佛,菩萨,Arahats  ----- 1, oo, 0。 (Mr LKY say in the 1960s "Today this place is a marshland. 10 years from now, i will make this place a cosmopolitan city.    From marshland to bustling city. 新家-净土 Singapura-Pureland ).

(Received 禅 Zen stimuli 1.17pm Channel 8 news - 1 Singaporean Male newcaster - Hongkong court case - to append "Horizontal Salvation" to above.)

(Received 禅 Zen stimuli from my Son 弥勒佛,my Wife 观世音菩萨 and CSK my 2nd Wife 大势至菩萨 - to post this ”禅宗有净,净宗有禅“

(Received 禅 Zen stimuli 1.56pm Channel 8 - 1 Singaporean male guest speaker, 1 Singaporean Thai male and 1 Singaporean male to post this - 禅宗有净 - 0, oo, 1. 净宗有禅 - 1, oo, 0.)

(Received 禅 Zen stimuli 10.03am (1,0 定生)2 Jun 2016, when i wake up to brush my teeth in my Son 弥勒佛 room, when i see a pillow guarding my Son 弥勒佛 backside. I realise i need to insert 四大天王 into the diagram beside Singapore Security. Received 禅 Zen stimuli 11.46am 2 Jun 2016 ChannelNewsAsia Singaporean Euraian male to post this).Received 禅 Zen stimuli about 1.30 am 2 Jun 2016 Channel U S Korea actors and actresses - When walking into my Son 弥勒佛 room. an Indian neighbor (Hinduism Nothingness and No-Nothingness Heavenly Realm) gesture that many environmental problem is coming out. When i went to my Son's 弥勒佛 room toilet, i notice my 弥勒佛 1 big faeces emerged from the toilet bowl (4 Great Basic Elements move, 四大)and then 1 medium cockroach run around my bathing standing tub. I flush down the faeces and leave the medium cockroach alone. Then i walk to the kitchen, and see a big cockroach with 1 lizard gazing at it. Then i realise that without "Security" and without "九品莲花生“ 9 Grade Lotus in place, "security" and "environmental problem" will be a problem. Then the lizard leave, but the big cockroach refuse to budge. Then I silently say, if you still don't leave, I will take action but the big cockroach still refuse to budge. Then i prevent to be angry and stamp my feet and say "shove". The big cockroach got frightened and run away.

(Received 禅 Zen stimuli 11.56am 2 Jun 2016 ChannelNewsAsia Singaporean Euraian male to post this - Singaporean Euraian male host interview - KL 4 tudung wives with 1 husband and few children. But the husband tell the Singaporean Euraian male host say 4 wives with 1 husband cannot and shake his head. Must be 1 husband and 2 wives.)

(1)Received 禅 Zen stimuli 1.08am (1定8)1 Jun 2016 (普度六道)from S Korea actresses and actors to post the above.
(2) Received 禅 Zen stimuli 8.03am (8定3)1 Jun 2016 (普度六道)from myself - when i recall earlier I hear very distinct 阿弥陀佛 chanting from my 阿弥陀佛 chanting statue even though i don't use to hearing the chanting voice. It daunt on me that the 阿弥陀佛 chanting - come from 十法界 10 Realms to post the above.
(3) Strong whooping wind blow after posting this. 10.54am 1 Jun 2016. Also recieved 禅 Zen stimuli at 10.45am and 10.54am 1 Jun 2016 from Channel 8 台湾 talkshow and movie - actresses and actors to post the above statements.
(4) Also received 禅 Zen stimuli at 11am 1 Jun 2016 from Channel 8 台湾 movie - actresses and actors to post Human Middle Path.

(5) Also received 禅 Zen stimuli at 11.06am 1 Jun 2016 from Channel 8 台湾 movie - actresses and actors say “加油,加油,加油”。Thunder roar after posting the above statement. Received 禅 Zen stimuli at 11.06am 1 Jun 2016 from my Wife 观世音菩萨 to post this.

(6) And rain fall at 11.11am 1 Jun 2016  Singapore - 风雷雨 响应。Also received 禅 Zen stimuli at 11.11am 1 Jun 2016 from Channel 8 台湾 movie - actresses and actors,

(7) Thunder roar loudly at 11.15am 1 Jun 2016 in Singapore - Also received 禅 Zen stimuli at 11.15am 1 Jun 2016 from Channel 8 台湾 movie - actresses and actors,开张。

(8)Received Zen stimuli 禅 at 11.10am 2 Jun 2016 from my Son 弥勒佛& ChannelNewsAsia - Malaysia security, Indonesia Sumatra 6.5 earthquake also felt in Singapore, Singapore with US on security. 

6.5-magnitude quake rattles Indonesia's Sumatra, no damage reported
The 6.5-magnitude earthquake struck off the Indonesian island of Sumatra on Thursday morning, the US Geological Survey reported. There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries. 
18 minutes ago

Tremors felt in Singapore as earthquake hits Sumatra
People reported feeling tremors in areas including Bukit Panjang, Siglap, Punggol and Toa Payoh.
Posted 02 Jun 2016 07:29 Updated 02 Jun 2016 09:55

Video Obama to host PM Lee at White House for official visit
During the visit, Mr Lee and Mr Obama will celebrate the bilateral relationship between the two countries, that has "served as an anchor for the US rebalance to Asia", the White House said in a press release.

10 minutes ago

Monday, May 30, 2016

大乘佛法 - 禅宗 (0)(空界)& 净宗 (1)(色界)

Received 禅 Zen stimuli at 7.12pm Channel 8 News - to post this :-

Scenario 1
Only using 大乘佛法 (Mahayana Buddhism) - 禅宗 (0)& 净宗 (1)on my 华严三昧 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition is 圆满 (Most Wholesome)。(Similar to the Binary Math of 0 and 1.)

Received Channel 8 news 11.07pm 30 May 2016 禅 Zen stimuli and my Wife 观世音菩萨 and 大势至菩萨 with stinging sensation to post this - as i 阿弥陀佛 expand my sun nimitta to the Whole Universe to form the 1st Universe Ring, 宇宙; my Wife 观世音菩萨 cover the Universe 宇宙 Zen Target in all cracks and crevices to form the 2nd Universe Ring and 大势至菩萨 enwrap the entire Universe to form the 3rd Universe Ring - thus Only using 大乘佛法 (Mahayana Buddhism) - 禅宗 (0)& 净宗 (1)on my 华严三昧 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition is 圆满 (Most Wholesome)。

(Received Zen stimuli 禅 at 12.07am 31 May 2016, Channel U, a group of Singaporean actors and actresses and a Singaporean 台湾 actor and a Singaporean 中国 actor - to post the below :-
(Received Zen stimuli 禅 at 12.20am 28 May 2016, Channel U 中国好歌曲) Though Singapura Pureland - 新家-净土 cannot achieved the Pureland made up of precious stones etc (which can only be done in Tusita Heaven 塔利天)- 今世徃生 - is better than 过世徃生。By ability to receive 禅 Zen stimuli and received Zen responses in Singapura Pureland - 新家-净土 when i 阿弥陀佛 Fully Awakened, 十法界 10 Realms (including animals, insects, 4 Great Basic Elements etc) has already 今世徃生 from mundane to supramundane into Singapura Pureland - 新家-净土 in 空界。

Scenario 2
Cannot use 大乘佛法 - 禅宗 (0)& any other 四大天王 or other Religions as (1)(to form the Binary Math of 0 and 1)(eg 道教, Hinduism, Christianity, Islam) and other Religions as :-

All this can be seen by the Universal Law of Karma causing 小三灾 (天灾,人祸,瘟疫). The 3 small disasters (natural disasters, war, epidemic) that strike when Scenario 2 is used.

Formless Heavenly Realm (出色界天)

(Receive 禅 Zen stimuli 1.15am 30 May 2016 Monday Channel U 中国梦想秀 男女 dancers) to expound this :-

(A) Perception and Non-Perception Formless Heavenly Realm (中国 - 是相非相天)
= use 禅相,四大 to support 禅 (Zen, Zen stimuli, Zen responses)
= 修戒

- 未观禅时,看相是相。- see what the eyes see.
- 观禅时,看相不是相。- understand the underlying true meaning of the Zen.
- 观禅后,看相是相。(看相不是相。)- understand the underlying true meaning of the Zen.

(B) Nothingness and No-Nothingness Formless Heavenly Realm (Hinduism) (非想天非非想天)
= 生灭,生灭 ... (Awake, Sleep; Awake, Sleep ...) 非想天 - where there is no stray thoughts to think about - thus binary math of 1,0; 1,0 ...
= When Nirvana Beings (Arahats, Bodhisattvas, Buddhas) 涅槃 众界 (阿罗汉,菩萨,佛)exceed Nothingness and No-Nothingness Formless Heavenly Realm (非想天非非想天)--- He/She will :-

- 见人说人话,见鬼说鬼话。(See Human say what the Human want to hear. See ghost say what ghost want to hear).
- 是对非对。(Sounds right, but don't seems to be right).
- 不执着。(Not attached)
= 修戒。(Strongly Observe precepts)。

                 四面佛 (达摩祖师)- focus on 阿弥陀佛 (Singapura-Pureland 新家-净土 with 5 Star Divnities & 9 Grade Lotus 九品莲花生)
(6.34pm 30 May 2016 Monday received 禅 Zen stimuli Channel 8 female newcaster - to post the above。)
--- is the amalgamation of 四大天王 :=
when (达摩祖师)- expound Dharma 法 using 禅 Zen :-
(1) 道教
(2) Hinduism
when (达摩祖师)- expound Dharma 法 using verbal and later recorded in holy books by their respective disciples :-
(3) Christianity
(4) Islam

5.28pm 30 May 2016 Monday Channel 8 Singaporean actors and actresses receive 禅 Zen stimuli why need to hide identities for 色界 Form realm - because their Heart is not in Equilibrium, Mind not in Clarity. When meet face to face, there will be emotion, the tone of the speech, the volume of the voice, the facial expression, the body languages etc - will bring emotion if a sensitive topic is raised or some topic that will not yet be understood that conflict with conventional moral values etc - will cause a person to lose control, lose temper, and may result in a fight or even led to killings in some extreme cases.

Thus transmit 禅 Zen stimuli and receive Zen responses in 空界 will be the most ideal - as Heart is in Equilibrium, Mind is in Clarity - to understand any dispute or any issue that have yet to understand - as it will be devoid of emotion in 空界 (and further check and verify by 十法界 10 Realms - received 禅 Zen stimuli in Channel U 香港 HongKong actor and actresses and actors)。

9.52pm and 9.55pm 30 May 2016 Monday Received Zen stimuli 禅 from Singaporean actor and actress - that gods and goddess when attained Realisation of themselves - will not reveal themselves but use god images, goddess images or write holy books to reveal their understanding of their Dharma and thus become anonymous even when they are humans on Earth or when they are in other Realms.

Shinto determine the 四大天王 and 四面佛 karma for rewarding and punishment of their own respective disciples according to the respective Religions and the consequences is the High Hell Paradise Realm - when the 四大天王 and 四面佛 become 魔,Mara,Satan,Devil.
9.25 pm 30 May 2016 Monday Received Zen stimuli 禅 from US shots on Asura 阿修罗。 9.27pm 30 May 2016 Monday Received Zen 禅 stimuli from Channel 8 movie - Singaporean actors and actresses to confirm that Shinto is the Asura 阿修罗。

(Received Zen stimuli 禅 on 11.25pm Channel U 2 Singaporean female newcasters to post this).

                 四面佛 - focus on 阿弥陀佛 (Singapura-Pureland 新家-净土 with 5 Star Divnities & 9 Grade Lotus 九品莲花生)

                         0 (PM LHL)
               4(道教) -------   4 (Hinduism)    四大天王
       1(CSK) |    0 (LCL)   |    1 (TPH)
              4(Christianity)-- 4 (Islam)      四大天王
                         0 (LWR)

Note :- When there is a need to salvage 十法界 10 Realms when trap by the 四面佛 (4 Faced Buddha)- all the above Divinities (5 Stars) need to be in place to salvage 十法界 10 Realms to exceed 四面佛 (4 Faced Buddha)and see Universal Dharma Truth in Clarity.

Thus all the above Divinities (5 Stars) must be in Singapore when this happen. The purpose is to Salvage the 四面佛 (4 Faced Buddha), the 四大天王 who will be the last 4 佛 Buddhas to be Salvaged after looking after their respective disciples in their respective Religions.

Received 禅 Zen stimuli at 8.17pm 30 May 2016 Channel 8 Cambodia trip by 1 Taiwanese male host and 1 Taiwanese female host that :- When I exceed the 四大天王, I will attain Equilibrium in my Heart and Clarity in my Mind.

广西 landslide and earthquake in 6.34pm 30 May 2016 Monday Channel 8 female newcaster - due to the need to Salvage the Broader West (include Middle East. (6.42pm Received 禅 Zen stimuli from Singaporean 1 female newcaster and 1 male newcaster - about BOC interest rate of 1.9% and 2% when i was used by 道教 29 May 2016)。 Also - 3/4 cup empty, 1/4 cup full by Minister Khaw Boon Wan - refer to my 270 degree face skin rashes. Received a phone call 3.40pm from a job agency 中国 女人 - who speak to me in English and then good 中国话 for a job with Adventis local presales consultant and talk about no travelling overseas.
. (Note :- 中国 色界 say Singapore hid alot of things and not revealing the 空界. Also Singapore is seen not observing precepts. The earthquake and landslide is the karma in respond to 中国 色界 accusations. Because 中国 色界 fail to understand the underlying Salvation of 十法界 10 Realms and see what they see based on their realm precepts but unable to under the higher realms' wholesome teachings.)

道家有云 - 天机不可显露。不是大开天窗说亮话。天打雷劈。

The below are sign of 小三灾 (natural disasters, war, epidemic) manifesting :-

Earthquake measuring 6.1 shakes parts of Taiwan, including capital
Posted 31 May 2016 14:21 Updated 31 May 2016 14:43

TAIPEI: An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.1 shook parts of Taiwan on Tuesday and was felt in the capital, Taipei, residents and officials said, but there were no immediate reports of damage.
The U.S. Geological Survey originally recorded the quake, centred about 110 km (70 miles) northeast of Taipei, with a magnitude of 6.4. Taiwan's Central Weather Bureau put the magnitude at 7.2.
Witnesses reported that tremors could be felt in buildings in Taipei, including the national parliament, as well as at the international airport in Taoyuan south of the capital.
The world's largest contract chipmaker, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Inc, said there was no impact to its operations.
There were no immediate reports of injuries or significant damage.
(Reporting by Taipei newsroom; Editing by Paul Tait)

31 May 2016 07:00
South Korea says North ballistic missile test failed
North Korea has failed in its attempt to launch a medium-range missile, according to South Korea's Defence Ministry. 

31 May 2016 10:03
Pentagon chief heads to Asian summit as nations fret over S. China Sea
US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter will depart Tuesday for an Asian security summit in Singapore, where Beijing's military expansion across the South China Sea likely will once again dominate discussions.

Huge fire breaks out in Indian arms depot, 17 feared dead
Posted 31 May 2016 14:35

Iraq forces push into streets of IS-held Fallujah
Iraqi forces thrust into Fallujah on Monday, ushering a new urban phase in the week-old operation to retake the militant bastion that also raised concerns over the fate of trapped civilians.
Posted 31 May 2016 06:42

More than 45 million trapped in modern slavery: Study
The details were revealed in the 2016 Global Slavery Index, a research report by the Walk Free Foundation, and showed that two-thirds of those trapped in slavery live in the Asia-Pacific region.
Posted 31 May 2016 11:12 Updated 31 May 2016 11:20

Saudi says intercepts and destroys ballistic missile from Yemen
Posted 31 May 2016 13:30

Extreme weather increasing level of toxins in food, scientists warn
As they struggle to deal with more extreme weather, a range of food crops are generating more of chemical compounds that can cause health problems for people and livestock who eat them, scientists have warned.

(Received 禅 Zen Stimuli 7.29pm 31 May 2016 Tuesday Channel 8 news - 1 Singaporean female newcaster, 1 Singaporean male newcaster and 1 female guest speaker on food hazard to post this :-

Posted 31 May 2016 12:09 Updated 31 May 2016 12:15

Extreme weather increasing level of toxins in food, scientists warn

As they struggle to deal with more extreme weather, a range of food crops are generating more of chemical compounds that can cause health problems for people and livestock who eat them, scientists have warned.

NAIROBI: As they struggle to deal with more extreme weather, a range of food crops are generating more chemical compounds that can cause health problems for people and livestock who eat them, scientists have warned.
A new report by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) says that crops such as wheat and maize are generating more potential toxins as a reaction to protect themselves from extreme weather.
But these chemical compounds are harmful to people and animals if consumed for a prolonged period of time, according to a report released during a United Nations Environment Assembly meeting in Nairobi.
"Crops are responding to drought conditions and increases in temperature just like humans do when faced with a stressful situation,” explained Jacqueline McGlade, chief scientist and director of the Division of Early Warning and Assessment at UNEP.
Under normal conditions, for instance, plants convert nitrates they absorb into nutritious amino acids and proteins. But prolonged drought slows or prevents this conversion, leading to more potentially problematic nitrate accumulating in the plant, the report said.
If people eat too much nitrate in their diets, it can interfere with the ability of red blood cells to transport oxygen in the body, the report said.
Crops susceptible to accumulating too much nitrate in times of stress include maize, wheat, barley, soybeans, millet and sorghum, it said.
Some drought-stressed crops, when then exposed to sudden large amounts of rain that lead to rapid growth, in turn accumulate hydrogen cyanide, more commonly known as prussic acid, the report said.
Prussic acid – one of the ingredients used in some types of chemical warfare - interferes with oxygen flow in humans. Even short-term exposure can be debilitating for people, McGlade said.
Plants such as cassava, flax, maize and sorghum are most vulnerable to dangerous prussic acid accumulation, the report said.
Cases of nitrate or hydrogen cyanide poisoning in humans were reported in Kenya in 2013 and in the Philippines in 2005, McGlade said. In Kenya, two children died in coastal Kilifi after eating cassava that had raised levels of prussic acid in it following extreme rainfall, according to local media reports.
Aflatoxins that can affect plant crops and raise the risk of liver damage, cancer and blindness, as well as stunting foetuses and infants, are also spreading to more areas as a result of shifting weather patterns as a result of climate change, scientists said.
McGlade said about 4.5 billion people in developing countries are exposed to aflatoxins each year, though the amounts are largely unmonitored, and the numbers are rising.
"We are just beginning to recognise the magnitude of toxin- related issues confronting farmers in developing countries of the tropics and sub-tropics," the report noted.
"As warmer climate zones expand towards the poles, countries in more temperate regions are facing new threats," it added.
In 2004, Kenya suffered severe outbreaks of aflatoxin poisoning, which affected more than 300 people and killed more than 100 following a prolonged drought, according to the International Livestock Research Institute.
The UNEP report said Europe will be at growing risk from aflatoxins in locally grown crops if global temperatures rise by at least 2 degrees Celsius. The world is currently on a path to a more than 3 degree Celsius temperature rise, scientists believe.
An increase in toxic compounds in crops is likely to impact heavily on the world’s health system, which are already struggling with the effects of food insecurity, Dorota Jarosinska of the World Health Organization’s European Center for Environment and Health said in an interview with the Thomson Reuters Foundation.
Alex Ezeh, executive director of the African Population Health and Research Center, said the increase in toxins in crops was a big concern.
"Toxic crops can lead to neurological diseases among humans but the greatest challenge is the incidence of cancer,” he said in an interview.
The report proposes a list of eight ideas farmers and agricultural experts can adopt to try to limit damage from more crop toxins, such as mapping contamination hotspots and building better evidence about what is happening now with the toxins in their area.
Scientists also suggest that developing crop varieties designed to cope with extreme weather could help reduce the levels of toxic chemicals in food.
"Research centers with the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research are developing seeds that are suitable in various regions that have been hit by climate change,” McGlade said.
(Reporting by Kagondu Njagi; editing by Laurie Goering :; Please credit the Thomson Reuters Foundation, the charitable arm of Thomson Reuters, that covers humanitarian news, climate change, women's rights, trafficking and property rights. Visit http://news.trust.org/climate)
Proposed 九品经济体 9 Grade Economic Model

(Received 11.45pm 29 May 2016 Channel U 中国梦想秀 中国 Indian 女人 dancer like Indian moving her head horizontally from left to right.)

(Received  4.27pm 30 May 2016 Channel 8 1 Singaporean 中国 actress, 1 Singaporean actress and 1 Singaporean actor)

Upper Income Group               O                   O                              O
                                               Upper          Middle                      Lower
                                       横渡(horizontal salvation) - move up & down

Middle Income Group              O                  O-I am here              O
                                              Upper            Middle                    Lower
                                       横渡(horizontal salvation) - move up & down

Lower Income Group               O                  O                              O
                                             Upper            Middle                      Lower
                                      横渡(horizontal salvation) - move up & down

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

How 禅 Zen 运作 operate?

(Received Zen stimuli at about 1.45pm Wednesday, May 25, 2016 from my Wife 观世音菩萨, 大勢至菩萨,弥勒佛,南无本师释迦摩尼佛 to expound this to help to salvage West and Middle East and Asia)

Zen 禅 - 色,空。 空,色 is like a 2 Wheels that inter-locked with one another like a Gear.

This is like 8 operating like a pulley system (where i received Zen stimuli from my Son during a dinner previously and then a Man in the temple wielding a yellow fan previously and Channel 8 中国 movie with 中国人 男众,女众 and a Singaporean Malaysian male actor or a Gear i see in a facebook from the West that show 2 wheels of a gear that crush some big objects).

1 Wheel by moving clockwise, will cause the 2nd Wheel to move anti-clockwise and cause the attachment to wrong views, to vexation, to 贪嗔痴 (Unwholesome Greed/Unwholesome attachment to the wrong views, Hatred, Ignorance of the Universal Truth, Universal Law)- to be broken by 色,空。空,色。

And when the unwholesome attachment and wrong views are broken - Heart attain equilibirium, Mind attain Clarity - and 禅, understanding of Zen stimuli, Zen responses emerged. When this happen 般若智慧 Panna Wisdom, Insight emerged.

(Those who understand the peeling of onion - to remove unwholesome attachment of wrong views - is similar to this analogy).

(Received 禅 Zen stimuli during my meditation at 2.30pm Wednesday, May 25, 2016, to expound the following :-

(2) OmniPresence (无所不在)(无我)- where my 3-Ring Fruition 华严三昧encompass the Whole Universe。But my human body is just a human - cannot be OmniPresence to encompass the Whole Universe.

OmniBenevolence (大慈大悲)- where my 菩提心 Bodhi Heart cover everything. But i am also need to 自度,度人 - where i need to “Self Salvage before i can Salvage others" - otherwise like Jesus nail to the cross and die - then how to Salvage others. If no job, not enough money to feed myself and my families - how to survive?

OmniScience (般若智慧)- I only know my Meditative Experience of 华严三昧 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition of the Universal Truth. But i don't many things on Earth - eg. science, technology, medicine etc and need to learn from Education.

OmniPotent (乘霸)- I am not 大鸟神 - the "BIG GOD" where one blink blink everything will get done like magic. The Whole Universe is make up of Zen pieces to form the Universal Zen Set (like all jigs to form a complete Jigsaw Puzzle).

i dislike this most, it is very distasteful to be OmniPotent (乘霸)- the Strong Inflated Ego - which will be the biggest obstacle to attain No-Self 无我 - the sure way to 胎生。And worst, to become a Nazi 魔 卐 - must never go down this path ---- the Vital lessons from World War - WW1, WW2.

Also being OmniPotent (乘霸)will reveal the face, the identity of myself, the 5 Stars Divinities and the 净土 - which will jeopardise all - and 十法界 10 Realms - that may lead to the demise of 十法界 10 Realms - a very Heavy, Weighty Sin。

Karma in Form Realm 色界 & Karma in Formless Realm 空界

(Received Zen stimuli in Channel 8 news 1.10pm to expound this - to remind 下三界 about Karma).

Whatever we think, speak and do with action, it will always come with karma.

Karma can be good or bad (Please do not always attached negative connotation that karma is bad.)
Karma means we reap what we sow,

If we do something wholesome anchor on Bodhi Heart (菩提心)with Panna Wisdom 般若智慧 through Zen stimuli and Zen responses 禅 - then will reap good karma.

If we do something unwholesome anchor on selfish Heart due to Ignorance of the Universal Truth, Legal Law, Heavenly Law 天条. then will reap bad karma.

Karma can be in Form Realm 色界 when one get caught by the law or encounter other unhappy incidents or accidents.

Karma can be in Formless Realm 空界,when one experience good feelings or unhappy feelings or even like heart attack.

两种智慧菩萨 2 Types of Panna Wisdom Bodhisattvas & 两种慈悲菩萨 2 Types of Compassion Bodhisattvas

(Received Zen stimuli - Singaporean actress & Singaporean Taiwanese actress Channel 8 about 8.45 pm Tuesday, May 24, 2016 to post this).

两种智慧菩萨 2 Types of Panna Wisdom Bodhisattvas 

- 1st type - 大勢至菩萨
大勢至菩萨 possess the Wisdom qualities but more feminine qualities.

Thus easier to accept the Concept of 1 Husband, 2 Wives.

- 2nd type - 文殊师利菩萨
文殊师利菩萨 possess the Wisdom qualities  but more hardline (刚硬)and possess the Monkey God 孙悟空 qualities. (Received Zen stimuli Channel 8 at 9.05pm from a male Singaporean actor) One is one. Two is two. No compromise.

Thus harder to accept the Concept of 1 Husband, 2 Wives.

But once 文殊师利菩萨 understand the merits of the Concept, 文殊师利菩萨 can immediately accept the Concept.

两种慈悲菩萨 2 Types of Compassion Bodhisattvas

- 1st type - 观世音菩萨
观世音菩萨 possess the Compassion qualities and possess the Monkey God 孙悟空 qualities.

Thus easier to accept the Concept of 1 Husband, 2 Wives.

- 2nd type - 普贤菩萨
普贤菩萨 possess the Compassion qualities and possess feminine qualities.

Thus easier to accept the Concept of 1 Husband, 2 Wives.

(Received Zen Stimuli at 9.20am in Channel 8 - a group of Singaporean actors and actress and a Singaporean Japanese actor - to inquire that if a Divisible of Cell - will it not have the issue of incest?)

Answer :- It depends on whether it is Divisible by 空生 or 色生,色身。

It depends on whether it is 化生 or 胎生。

If it is 空生 or 化生 (Formless rebirth) - there is no issue of incest or having the same DNA.

However, If it is 胎生, 色生,色身 (Form birth) - there will be issue of incest or having the same DNA.

Monday, May 23, 2016

0, oo,1 (Zero, Infinity, One)
无我 (No-Self), 大慈大悲 (Universal Compassion),般若智慧 (Panna Wisdom)
大头佛,ZEN Target,1

(Receive 禅 Zen stimuli that 大勢至菩萨 has come to me in 空界 at 9.27am Tuesday, May 24, 2016.

Receive 禅 Zen stimuli when my Wife 观世音菩萨 lited 3 joss-sticks when i pray to all the 佛 & 菩萨 at 11.30am Tuesday, May 24, 2016) where i notice that the 1st joss stick burn with no ash stick, the 2nd 观世音菩萨 and 3rd 大勢至菩萨 ash stick burn in same length. After i chant 大勢至菩萨 in the prayer, the 3rd ash stick drop off).

I received the Zen stimuli from both 观世音菩萨 and 大勢至菩萨 to expound this post. While writing this, my Wife 观世音菩萨 come to me sit down, took a look at what i am writing and she walk back to her room - and tell me to write appropriately.

When 2 of my 菩萨 come together, only then I am 阿门 able to see myself properly.

That is my Divisible of Cell should be based on my Meditative Experience :-

0, oo,1 (Zero, Infinity, One)
(else, I can't see myself).

Thus when i am 0 - I am a 大头佛

My 1st Wife is a  oo - Universal Compassion to spread the Universe Zen Target (Universal Compassion Bodhisattva)

My 2nd Wife is a 1 - The Circular Pink Very Robust Ring to enwrap the oo and the 0 to form the 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition (华严三昧)。

玩啊玩,玩出个 大头佛 ! with 济公扇 。。。


(Received Zen stimuli from my Wife 观世音菩萨 at 12.59pm Tuesday, May 24, 2016 why 大勢至菩萨 should not be the 1st Wife first?)

Answer :- 大勢至菩萨 Panna Wisdom Bodhisattva is a Wisdom Bodhisattva - which is a Light of Wisdom. If 大勢至菩萨 is the 1st Wife of 阿弥陀佛, then both 阿弥陀佛 and 大勢至菩萨 will have revealed both identities that will not only jeopardised both of us, but also Singapura Pureland 新家-净土。

In addition, 大勢至菩萨 does not spread the Zen Target of Compassion that go to every crack and crevices of the Universe. 大勢至菩萨 will just enwrap with the ring where 阿弥陀佛 expanded round yellow bright object stop. Then many crack and crevices of the Universe that cannot be reached by the round yellow bright object will be left outside the robust very strong ring and 观世音菩萨 will be shut outside and cannot come in to meet 阿弥陀佛. Then the 华严三昧 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition is not correct based on my Attainment of Meditative Experience. Many will have dropped outside the 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition and many of the cracks and crevices will not be able to be salvaged by the 九品莲花生。9 Grade Lotus.

So my Bodhi Vows (大悲心,大愿力) :-
(2) 十方众生渡尽,方证菩提。
(4)Leave no one behind.
 (5) Leave no sand behind.
- cannot be fulfilled.

Question :- Then if 观世音菩萨 Compassion Bodhisattva has already become the 1st Wife to enwrap the cracks and crevices of the Universe, why there are still 小三灾 (natural disasters, war, epidemic) and will they be salvaged ?

(1) Everyone are subjected to the Universal Law of karma, Heavenly Law 天条,Legal Law. If Legal Law is not adequate, it must be pass upwatds to Heavenly Law 天条. If Heavenly Law 天条 is not adequate, it must pass upwards to the Universal Law of Karma.

Most important is to ensure Ignorance of Universal Law must be corrected - as Greed / Attachment to wrong views, Anger, Ignorance of the Universal Truth. 贪嗔疵 will bring about the Universal Law of Karma (including myself as i am not the king of all King).

(2) Anyone who reap the karma will have to first repent 忏悔 by understanding the wholesome correct Universal Truth and then salvage by the 九品莲花生。9 Grade Lotus。

Most important thing is that 大勢至菩萨 Panna Wisdom Bodhisatvha already enwrap the Entire Universe as 3rd ring with 观世音菩萨 Compassion Bodhisattva in the 2nd ring and 阿弥陀佛 in the 1st ring to form the 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition 华严三昧 except the 九品莲花 9 Grade Lotus is still not in place.

(Received Zen stimuli from Channel 9 Singaporean Taiwanese actress for 大勢至菩萨 and Singaporean actors at 1.30pm Tuesday, May 24, 2016 to share it on the blog?)

(Received Zen stimuli at 1.50pm Tuesday, May 24, 2016 by Authorities how to pass from Legal Law to Heavenly Law 天条 to Universal Law of Karma?)

Answer :- For heavy crime eg. legal law can pass from SubCourts to Supreme Courts etc depending on the Legal System of a Country - to determine the person has repented or not.

Through 空界 禅 Zen stimuli and then Zen responses, it will then be passed to the various 天界 Heavenly Realms eg.

- The various Sensual Desire Realms - based on Hierarchy (eg. passing through 塔利天 in the Middle Path - where many 佛, 菩萨 come from this Sensual Desire Heavenly Realm) before passing on to the next higher Heavens - to determine the person has understood and exceed these various heavenly realms.

- The various Form Heavenly Realms (色界天)- based on Hierarchy - to determine the person has understood and exceed these various heavenly realms.

- The various Formless Heavenly (出色界天)- based on Hierarchy - to determine the person has understood and exceed these various heavenly realms.

- To the Arahats (阿罗汉)界 - to determine the person has understood and exceed this realm. This is no longer a Nirvana realm 涅槃境 under this 一真法界 One Universal Unity.

- To the Bodhisattvas (菩萨)界 - to determine the person has understood and exceed realm. This is no longer a Nirvana realm 涅槃境 under this 一真法界 One Universal Unity.

- To the Buddhas (佛)界 - to determine the person has understood and exceed this realm. This is no longer a Nirvana realm 涅槃境 under this 一真法界 One Universal Unity.

- To the 大头佛 Pacekka Buddha (阿弥陀佛), 观世音菩萨,大勢至菩萨 - This will be the final stop (else it will spill over to another Universe).

安定 and based on the above will determine the judgement by the Universal Law of Karma to either go to 畜牲界 Animal realm, 饿鬼界 Hungry Ghost realm, 地狱界 of the various 阎罗殿 realms and sub-realms of the Hell realm.

(This is the more Compassionate Ways of administering Punishment and Rewards 大慈大悲 普度)。

Question :- Why the Arahats (阿罗汉)界 , Bodhisattvas (菩萨)界 , Buddhas (佛)界 will have temporary lose their Nirvana 涅槃 界 realms when this 一真法界 One Universal Unity emerge as many have not eradicate their stray thoughts (妄念,杂念)?

Answer :- It is an extremely wholesome with Attainment of Nirvana 涅槃. 很对不起大家。er大象。

But if everyone is in Nirvana realm and possess its own Pureland, one day the resources of each Pureland will be used up and can no longer sustain lives.

Thus it will be more wholesome to go for this 一真法界 One Universal Unity to achieve the Final Great Salvation with 九品莲花生 9 Grade Lotus。

But each Realm, must fulfill their various roles while in this 一真法界 One Universal Unity to administer this proposed Compassionate Ways of administering Punishment and Rewards 大慈大悲 普度.)

(Received Zen stimuli at 4pm Tuesday, May 24, 2016 by Channel 8 of 1 Singaporean actress and 1 Singaporean actor?)

So the 无量寿经 has become 无娘受精 哈市。 哈哈哈 !!!

Because of the 新的 :-

玩啊玩,玩出个 大头佛 ! with 济公扇 。。。


(Received Zen stimuli at 4.50pm Tuesday, May 24, 2016 by Channel U of 1 Taiwan actress and Indian actors at 4.51pm)

- Singapore will require an Indian President to form the OB marker. Otherwise i will become a 魔 as we spin over to another Universe.

(Received Zen stimuli at 4.56pm Tuesday, May 24, 2016 by Channel U of 2 Singaporeans hosts)

What form the Spiritual Components - 空 (Formless) (空身) to see the complete picture to receive the Zen stimuli and provide Zen response 禅 without facing the problem of not seeing myself:-

     0 - Mr LHL
1-SK 0-LCL 1-PH

Mahayana Buddhism (大乘佛法) - 3 Ring Nirvana Fruition (华严三昧) of :-
(1) No-Self - 阿弥陀佛 (无我)
(2) Universal Compassion - 观世音菩萨 (大慈,大悲)
(3) Panna Wisdom - 大勢至菩萨 (般若智慧)
(4) 弥勒佛 (Matrieya Buddha)
(5) 南无本师释迦摩尼佛 (Mr LHL)

= 5 Stars (Chinese Divinity) and 九品莲花生 9 Grade Lotus Pureland of Red (Chinese Divinity) and White (PAP).

(Receive Zen stimuli from CSK - to expound the sequence of 2 Wives to 1 Husband at 9.05 pm Monday, May 23, 2016 in Channel 8 - Singaporean actress, actors and Japanese actor).

When Emptiness (body sariras) reach the end is Sex (for rebirth). (大乘法)。Mahayana Buddhism.

When Sex (for rebirth) reach the end is Emptiness (body sarias).Theravada Buddhism (小乘法).
The only way to save everyone is 九品莲花生。9 Grade Lotus for Re-birth.

That is why i am very worry for CSK 大勢至菩萨 who has not come to me yet. What happen she become body sarias? And worst, suck everyone into 四大皆空 4 Great Basic Elements collapse and everyone go in with it.

Universal Compassion has to come first as the first Wife - this is because the need to spread the Zen target to the maximum possible - in this case the Universe by 观世音菩萨 so as to save every beings possible.

If Panna Wisdom become the first Wife - than before the Universal Compassion is spread to cover all possible beings - the Wisdom Wife will have cut it off - and many will drop off the Zen target for Salvation. Thus 大勢至菩萨 have to be the 2nd Wife.

(Receive Zen stimuli at 10.08pm at 23 May 2016 in Channel U that some people don't believe what is posted above.)

How World War 1 started and end. And how World War 2 started and end - are due to the above Universal Evolution.

Many instances and flashes of World War 3 - have been intercepted and avoided - if don't believe, ask the Leaders in the UN.

(Receive Zen stimuli at 10.18pm at 23 May 2016 in Channel U to explore the Noah Ark concept.)

Noah Ark concept? Is not for Pureland.

There are how many billions of people on Earth. Can Pureland hold 6 billion people even at the largest Country in the World?
Even can, will there be no earthquake, no volcano, no epidemic, no war, no fight, enough resources, enough land?
Earth is the biggest land to hold all. Can't Earth not be Noah Ark?

(Receive Zen stimuli at 10.23pm at 23 May 2016 in Channel U. If Earth is the Noah Ark then does it mean that 天人 (Male Heavenly Being) from outer space will be chop off)?

Universe is the biggest land to hold 十法界 10 Realms. Can't Universe not be Noah Ark?

The key to the above questions is simply - 十法界 10 Realms are afraid of Life and Death.

The only way to resolve this fear is Equilibrium in Heart, Clarity in Mind to receive 禅 Zen stimuli and provide Zen responses through 九品莲花 化生 and 化身。

(天在斗 - 谁比谁好。唉 悲哀。)- This is nothing to do with who is Buddhist is better or who is Christian is better. It is based on the Bodhi Heart.菩提心 - who through understanding has repented and who has not.

The answer is everything start from 空界 in 净宗。

空界 (Formless) without a body and a sustainable land to live in is not wholesome.

A body (Form) without 空界 (Formless) in Zen 禅 will also eventually passed away or worst elicit 小三灾 (natural disasters, war, epidemic).

Thus 空界 in 净宗 is the best. .(This resolve the Universal Law of binary 0 in 1).

I am O in 1(because i No-Self mah. Void mah = 0 mah) ---- dah dah dah !!!

(Zen stimuli at 11.40am 23 May 2016 CHannel U Singaporean Taiwanese female - why 0 菩萨 on 1 菩萨。)

(Explanation in meditative experience - when "无我 No-Self" of big yellow object is attained, can “大慈大悲 Universal Compassion" be attached to the "无我 No-Self" before "般若智慧 Panna Wisdom" can be attached to “大慈大悲 Universal Compassion" - to form 华严三昧 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition.)- Divisible of Cell to one side and then divisible of cell to the other side. If no orignal cell, how to divide?

(Zen stimuli at 11.48am 23 May 2016 CHannel U Singaporean male - what if 0 菩萨 alone or 0 菩萨 on 1 菩萨?)

The 0 菩萨 will suck in 1 菩萨 as well as others.

Well I can't see myself without the 2 菩萨 coming together to send me Zen stimuli 禅 so :-

玩啊玩,玩出个 大头佛 !


(mumble mumble .... 打来,打去,乱七八遭)。

(Received Zen stimuli at 12.30am 24 May 2016 CHannel U from CSK- to post the following :-)

What form the Spiritual Components - 空 (Formless) (空身) to see the complete picture to receive the Zen stimuli and provide Zen response 禅 without facing the problem of not seeing myself:-

     0 - PM LHL
1-SK 0-LCL 1-PH

Mahayana Buddhism (大乘佛法) - 3 Ring Nirvana Fruition (华严三昧) of :-
(1) No-Self - 阿弥陀佛 (无我)
(2) Universal Compassion - 观世音菩萨 (大慈,大悲)
(3) Panna Wisdom - 大勢至菩萨 (般若智慧)
(4) 弥勒佛 (Matrieya Buddha) 
(5) 南无本师释迦摩尼佛 (PM LHL) 

= 5 Stars (Chinese Divinity) and 九品莲花生 9 Grade Lotus Pureland of Red (Chinese Divinity) and White (PAP).

How to attain Clarity of Mind and Equilibrium in Heart to receive Zen stimuli and provide Zen response - like peeling Onion.

(Received Zen stimuli from a Malaysian and Singaporeans hosted show in Channel U and an Indian at about 5.15pm on Monday, May 23, 2016 - to expound this post).

Mind cannot achieve Clarity and Heart cannot settle down to Equilibrium because of Attachment to wrong views. And because of vexation. As well as 贪嗔痴。(Greed, Hatred and Ignorance of the Universal Truth).

How to attain Clarity of Mind and Equilibrium in Heart to receive Zen stimuli and provide Zen response 禅?

Like peeling onion - layer by layer.

Attachment to the above can be detached like peeling onion - layer by layer - until One attained Equilibrium in Heart and Clarity in Mind.

But important to :-


That is, Heart let go of attachment, But our role, our job, our work, our daily living life must not let go and try our best to do well.

But important to go for Win-Win solutions (双赢)- not to reveal the identities of Divinities and Singapura Pureland (新家-净土)。

为什么有十法界? (Why are there 10 Realms in the Universe)?

(Receive Zen stimuli from 老玩童 in Channel 8, 中国 movie to expound this post).

This is a binary of 0 and 1.

- When Universe started off with 五蕴皆空 (5 Mental Aggregate Emptiness)and 四大皆空 (4 Great Basic Elements Emptiness) to form the Current Universe, there is only 空界 (Formless) first from 五蕴皆空 (5 Mental Aggregate Emptiness).
There after 色界 (Form)evolved through an Evolution Process into a Universe as Non-Living things.

- And the concept of Cell (and divisible of cell) evolved as Living Things. The moment cell exist - there is concept of life and death. 有生死就有因果。

There after Decimal System of 0, 1, 2, 3 etc to Infinity took over.
-(and that is how Universe is evolved as Form 色界).
- And lives become more complex.

(Note :- When lives is less complex, the 十法界 10 Realms will be more compact and is closer to the Middle Path.

But when lives become more complex, the 十法界 10 Realms will be less compact. At the same time, 10 Realms will have more division of many sub-realms and even sub-sub-realms.) (Eg. :-
0,0.1.....0.000000...1, 0.2, ...... 0.9.....9, 1 - 1st Universe)

This is the same as the proposed 9 Grade Income Status Economic Model - the proposed Compact 9 Grade Income Status   Economic Model towards Middle Path to replace the Elongated Economic Model away from the Middle Path (the Raw Capitalism). (Note :- the Governance, the Economic and the Business World - is not within my Spiritual Component domain. Only as a guide.)

So the 九品莲花生 9 Grade Lotus will become more compact devoid of the sub-realms, sub-sub realms - but based on the classification of the 9 Grade Lotus - will move 10 Realms 十法界 closer to the Middle Path 中道。

Sunday, May 22, 2016

(Note :- Receive the Zen stimuli from 2 Indians in the void deck when i came home with my Wife after fetching my Son to camp. My Wife receive the Zen stimuli from the 2 Indians, and I request Zen response from my Wife because she look worried. Upon my request, she press 10 on the lift. Immediately, Japan Zen 禅 come to my mind. I response with Zen stimuli to my Wife that this will prod into something  very dangerous - Paradise High Hell. Now i notice at about 11.30am Monday 23 May 2016 that it is the 生死门 of the 10 Realms 十法界。)

(Note :- Receive the Zen stimuli from a small but shy female cockroach (look like TPL 小化生) in my room toilet to talk about 心 at 2.20am on Monday, May 23, 2016)

心 depict the 华严三昧 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition represent 净宗 in 空界 to 普度 十法界 (10 Realms)

Which represent 阿弥陀佛,观世音菩萨,大勢至菩萨 & 九品莲花。(9 Grade Lotus).

The middle stroke represent 阿弥陀佛.

The stroke that is enwrap by the 大勢至菩萨 that provide 九品莲花 (9 Grade Lotus) which represent 观世音菩萨.

The last stroke that provide the 九品莲花 (9 Grade Lotus) represent 大勢至菩萨。

(Note :- 九品莲花 (9 Grade Lotus) is not noah ark. It is for the 空界 in Zen 禅。)

心 depict 菩提心。(Bodhi Heart).


(Every thing in the Universe, start and develop from the Bodhi Heart.
Through karma and ripening of the conditions, non-living things and living things arises, living, decaying, demising and re-birth.)


The marriage concept determine the 生死门 that have cause thousands, centuries and decades of holy wars, wars, conflicts, terrorisms - because the marriage concept is dealing with Birth, Life Birth - that eventually evolve into Demising, Decaying ---- but the REBIRTH is not taking place in the appropriate wholesome manner.

As such population replacement level drop, and those who passed away will be rebirth in other realms in the 10 Realms 十法界. But those who are destined to be rebirth in the Human Realm cannot be rebirth as Human - as such infringe the Universal Law of Karma triggering 小三灾 (natural disasters, war, epidemic) (天灾,人祸,瘟疫)。(Note :- Important that each Countries will have to 考量 the population needs and the Eco-System - to ensure it will not cause air pollution, land poplution, water pollution, food pollution, housing provision, medical needs, etc).

But because there are beings in both 空界 & 色戒, thus it is not possible to correct the legal marriage law but have to do so in without revealing the identities of those in 空界 to replace the human population so that they can be rebirth and attain Nirvana in human form - which is the Middle Path of 10 Realms 十法界.

(Note :- the 10 Realms 十法界 are OB markers where they need to have the following understanding :-
That is, Heart let go of attachment, But our role, our job, our work, our daily living life must not let go and try our best to do well.

(Note :- Important not to divulge and reveal the identities of all the Divinites in 空界,and the identity of Singapura Pureland 新家-净土. Because it will pose danger to all the Divinities and the Pureland - that in turn will pose danger to all 10 Realms 十法界. For example, being nail to a cross or being assassinated by bullet. Or being taken as leader to conduct holy war.)

(Note :- Receive Zen stimuli from ChannelAsia Monday, May 23, 2016- Indonesia Caliphate State? - Not to reveal the identity of Singapura Pureland 新家-净土).

(Note:- Receive Zen stimuli from our President TT, that it is not that the Government refused to begin the process of 九品莲花 (9 Grade Lotus). Even changing the legal law is not possible because it is determine by the 天条 & Heavenly Law - and it will divulge and reveal the identities of all the Divinities in 空界,and the identity of Singapura Pureland 新家-净土. Which will pose danger to all the Divinities and the Pureland - that in turn will pose danger to all 10 Realms 十法界.). It is not possible to be done by the Government who need to observe the Law. As such will need 因缘 to do it privately without causing Universal Law of Karma 因果。

Other concepts to note - so as not to impact the current and future descendants whereby the understanding need to be correctly understood - and will not cause untold miseries and sufferings to the future generations :-

(1) No Divinties can wash away the sins, crimes and karma of each and every individual. There are individual karma and collective karma - where we all reap what we sow. If this understanding is not understood, then it will have very seious consequences - because individual, groups, Countries will act with impunity thinking there are no consequences which is not true.(Note :- These include all Divinites - including myself.)

Thus important to :-
三思 (Think Once, Think Twice, Think Thrice). For me i have to think of Singapura Pureland 新家-净土, the World/the Earth, the Universe. 三思 is blessed and supported by 10 Realms providing Zen stimuli 禅。

(2) Though in the holy books has indicated 色 (Swx) is 空 (Emptiness which does not mean Nothing - nimitta 禅相, 指空非空 - 空洞,超俗的愉快,宁静,甘凉, 清净。华严三昧 (3-Ring Nirvana Fruition) ),空 is 色, 莲花 (Womb) - it has been mystified and beautify and purified to prevent its crudeness, offensiveness and to the extent sexually explicit - even though in Spiritual Life - it is also dealing with Birth, Life, Decaying, Demising and Rebirth.

(Note :- Receive Zen stimuli at 11.30am Monday, May 23, 2016 when a Thai chilli padi drop out when i am preparing my dish during cooking. The Thai chilli padi is a 270 degree clockwise that mirror my face rashes that started from my forehead and turn 270 degree clockwise. This is the Zen stimuli for me to expound and post this 生死门).

心经 (Heart Sutra) - 观世音菩萨

观世音菩萨 心经 reveal the Entire Universal Truth and unlock the Universal Mystery - by describing the  华严三昧 (3-Ring Nirvana Fruition) in its Entirety.
At 8.50am Sunday, May 22, 2016 I received the following Zen stimuli to talk about 心经 (Heart Sutra)。
When i woke up and walk to the living room, i notice a fan facing my Wife still rotating. Both my Wife and my Son are asleep still in bed. Yesterday my wife was awake using her tablet while i slept. My son is also awake using the notebook.
Then I notic a big black cockroach (I realise at 1.17 pm that it is Pornsak 小化生) infront of the sofa where my Wife sit. I chant 阿弥陀佛 (Amituofo) to it and i realise it want to transmit Zen stimuli to me. Then i pray and silently chant to all the 佛 and 菩萨 installed on my altars. While i come to sliently chanting the 心经 (Heart Sutra), I receive a Zen stimuli that I begin to understand the 心经 (Heart Sutra) is actually explaining my meditative experience of 华严三昧 (3-Ring Nirvana Fruition) in its Entirety.
Then alarm clock at 9 am ring and my son woke up. I asked my son yesterday why he did not switch off the fan. My son told me Mummy is using it. I realise 十法界 want me to expound my Wife, 观世音菩萨。 Yesterday, I also have a dream when i keep chasing after my Wife which look like my Wife,  and only this morning i realise it is 观世音菩萨 while in my Heart i am in need to look for 大勢至菩萨 to start the 九品莲花。

This morning, after i complete my meditaion in 普觉temple, i saw a man using a yellow fan. Then I realise my son play with my smartphone yesterday 21 May 2016 at about 5.15pm during dinner on a game. A yellow checker 8 was left on my smartphone. I realsie now the 8 is like 2 Dharma Wheel (a pulley system) where (Singapura Pureland  普度 空界 and China help to 偶渡 色界 - and both the 0 of the 8 through 从中道, 渡上,渡下。
Before I take my vegetarian lunch, when i put my sitting cushion back to my car, I notice a cat open its legs facing me and sit upright like 母鸡生蛋 hen lay eggs. I realise the cat send a Zen stimuli to me to remember to ensure 大勢至菩萨 must come to me, 阿弥陀佛 to begin the 九品莲花 9 Grade Lotus. I noted and say will have to wait for 因缘。
When I have consume the vegetarian lunch and seated in the car about to drive off, a cat walk and lay on the curb beside my car, I quietly talk to the cat. The cat send Zen stimuli to me to remember to use 九品莲花 9 Grade Lotus to 普度 下三界 in 胎生。

心经 (Heart Sutra)in full text :-

Translate into English using my Meditative Experience (阿弥陀佛) to describe the  华严三昧 (3-Ring Nirvana Fruition) in its Entirety.

五蕴皆空 度一却苦
When I was meditating in a lying position at home many years ago while after eating vegetarian meal for 7 days with my Wife (观世音菩萨)sleeping beside me, and then later sitting position in meditation, attain 5 Mental Aggregate Emptiness with the following experiences :-
(1) 1-Pointedness Equanimity (一针线的空洞)on small sun nimitta, Bliss Happiness feeling (超俗的愉快), Serenity feeling (宁静), silencing of the mind feeling (甘凉, 清净), initial application (开始不稳定的专注)on the small sun nimitta  and mindfulness sustaind application (刻意稳定专注) on the small sun nimitta.
(2) 1-Pointedness Equanimity (一针线的空洞)on small sun nimitta, Bliss Happiness feeling (超俗的愉快)
(3) 1-Pointedness Equanimity (一针线的空洞)on small sun
(all the above after checking with my Heart base on 菩提心).

Upon the Attainment of of 5 Mental Aggregate Emptiness that suck all my 5 Mental Aggregates of Mundane-consciousness into the 1-pointedness sun nimitta, follow by goose-pimples (法喜)(Received Zen stimuli 禅 from 大勢至菩萨 through my Wife 观世音菩萨 to mention this. As i ever heard 大勢至菩萨 mention this before.)  all over my body and than my ears experience muffled noise. (Note :- I realise much later that this is a Samadhi Jhana attainment - 禅定)。

Thereafter about 15 minutes maintaining in this State, I experience a very quiet, serene expansion (that expand outwards towards my neighborhood, my Singapore, my World, my Earth, my Solar System, my Galaxies and then to the Whole Universe) when my 1 pointedness small sun nimitta become a bright Big Round Yellow Light that grow and expand outward to encompass the Whole Universe to form the 1st Ring.(Note :- Many years later, after i met 大勢至菩萨,I begin to realise this is my 1st Nirvana Fruition 华严一昧 of No-Self 无我)。

After a while, i realise that the circumference of the Big Round Yellow Light have flicker, flicker light like the M1 logo. (Note :- Many years later, after i met 大勢至菩萨,I begin to realise this is my 2nd Nirvana Fruition 华严二昧 of Universal Compassion 大慈大悲。This flicker, flicker light i realise is to go to all the crack and crevices of the Universe. This form the 2nd Ring)

Then after a while when the flicker, flicker light stabilise, I realise a rounded 3rd Ring, very robust that look like a pink car tyre that look like the pink Lotus, also look like human skin, also look like Singapore pink orchid color will wrap around the Whole Universe of flicker, flicker light of 2nd ring and the Big Round Yellow Light of 1st ring - to form 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition 华严三昧.

When this 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition 华严三昧 is formed, I realise no stray thoughts arise within no matter how hard i try and force it (无妄念,无杂念). Also I notice outside the 3-Ring, there are many dirt-like flying around the 3-ring but it is not a physical objects (I believe no more beings or sand or objects from outside the 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition 华严三昧). As nothing will penetrate the 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition 华严三昧 protected by the very robust strong pink car tyre from outside.
There are no fear of life and death, no false views, no fear of separation as All in the Universe is One. Everything when 十法界 10 Realms come together - every thoughts become Mindful in Zen 禅 in 空界.

This form the Panna Wisdom (般若智慧)of the 3rd Ring Nirvana Fruition. (Note :- Now i realise the Dharma Wheel below - fully depict my 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition 华严三昧 .)
ricky l

After that, I experience the following feelings of :-
(1) Equanitmity (空洞)
(2) Bliss Happiness feeling (超俗的愉快)
from inside the 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition 华严三昧 with 3 Wholesome Attributes of(No-Self 无我,Universal Compassion 大慈大悲,Panna Wisdom 般若智慧).

With the above Attainment, the "No More Sufferings" - 度一却苦 have been achieved.

My sitting meditation with my blanket covering my body like a Sangha, become my Body Sariras 舍利子 as i maintained in that State for about 4 hours starting from 2am to 6am (when i check my clock or watch - cannot remember when i emerged from the above state after incessantly shake and call by my Wife, 观世音菩萨 who wake up about 6 am.    Note :- Now i realise my Wife, 观世音菩萨 is my 空身 who is like divisible of cell, that split off from me to become 观世音菩萨 .) (But my the other side, 大勢至菩萨 still have not split off from me (my cell) to form my 2nd Wife.)

Human Body Sariras in Jhana - 舍利子 色不异空,空不异色

A human body sariras in Samadhi Jhana cannot encompass the Whole Universe, only the attainment of 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition 华严三昧 can encompass the Whole Universe. Thus Form (色界) of Universe cannot encompass the Formless (空界)of 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition 华严三昧 because the 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition 华严三昧 encompass the Whole Universe in Form (色界) through Formless (空界).

So when One say, it is not possible to be OmniPresence to encompass the Whole Universe in 色界 (Form), it is possible through 空界 (Formless) through 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition 华严三昧 .

It cannot be Omnipotent of One - because it encompass the 十法界 10 Realms of being like a jigsaw puzzle with all the jigs.

Sex to bear offspring so that those who perish can be rebirth as human to understand Zen, Zen stimuli and provide Zen response - is expounded in this sutra which say "Sex = Emptiness. Emptiness = Sex". No human body or other form through birth - how to learn Dharma teachings (Holy teachings)?

Whether thinking, feeling, doing, knowing, understanding, receiving Zen stimuli, providing Zen response, seeing events, happenings, reading news, doing work, watching TV, posting social media, posting blogs, cooking, seeing bees, earth, objects, thunder roar, lightning, raining etc. I realise the above Attainment.

As my  3-Ring Nirvana Fruition 华严三昧 though has encompassed the Whole Universe, not everyone in the Universe has understand Zen, receive Zen stimuli, respond to Zen stimuli 禅。

It is a God mantra. It is a Full Awakening mantra. It is the maximum mantra. It is the mantra of all mantra.
大鸟神 突然 明白 了。大神 非彼 神 - This God is not that "BIG GOD" - where one blink blink - everything is done by magic.
It is all 十法界 10 Realms that form the Zen pieces - like jigsaw puzzle form by all the jigs.

狮子吼 !!!The Lion roAR !!! This understanding must be understood correctly.

(Received Zen stimuli 禅 from Channel 8 singing from Singaporean 3 actors & 1 actress and at 4.18pm, May 26, 2016)

My Bodhi Vows (is OmniBenevolence) Universal Compassion 大慈大悲

As no stray thoughts arise from within and no stray thoughts arise from outside, there will be no birth, no death, no karma (all karma will cease), no sufferings - where Law of Permanence sets in (only when all attain the Final Great Nirvana with no stray thoughts with proper medtiation with attainment - not by forcing stray thoughts not to arise).

(Note :- But due to my Bodhi Vows 大悲心,大愿力 to form 一真法界 (One Universal Unity) - 无苦集灭道 - means (10 Realms 十法界 with those who already attain Nirvana 涅槃 will have stray thoughts arises again。对不起,er 大象。 )

All the 4 Noble Truth that exist in the Samsara World will be gone (if all 十法界 10 Realms) will only attained the 无苦集灭道 - the no 4 Noble Truth only when all 十法界 10 Realms are fully Awakened and attain Nirvana Fruition.

(Note :- The 4 Noble Truth are (1) Life is unsatisfactory (2) Attachment to wrong views is the cause of all sufffeings (3) Drop attachment to wrong views (4) Will attain Nirvana Fruition.)

(Received Zen stimuli 禅 from Channel 8 food show from Singaporean 2 actressess and 2 actors at 3.49pm, May 26, 2016)

(Received Zen stimuli 禅 from Channel 8 singing from Singaporean 3 actors & 1 actress and at 4.18pm, May 26, 2016)

To salvage the 10 Realms Samsara beings, it is done via the Bodhi Heart (菩提心)with the following Bodhi Vows (大悲心,大愿力) :-
(2) 十方众生渡尽,方证菩提。
(4)Leave no one behind.
 (5) Leave no sand behind.
My Vows to liberate begin from Singapura Pureland, the World, the Earth, the Universe.

(Received 禅 Zen stimuli at 12pm Wednesday, May 25, 2016 when I pray to all the 佛 (Buddhas) and 菩萨 (Bodhisattvas). I also received Zen stimuli from Channel NewsAsia from 4 dining Japanese tell a humble American chef. And a Mahayana Buddhist Monk in Vietnam with some US people. And later received Zen stimuli from my Wife 观世音菩萨 who sit beside me while i am writing this and send Zen stimuli to me that 大勢至菩萨 & 弥勒佛 & 南无本师释迦摩尼佛 want me to continue expounding this. When I was chanting the 心经 (Heart Sutra), suddenly it daunt on me that i miss explaining some parts of it.)

There are no decaying, no real death in 空界 through 化生。

However, there are still those who are Ignorance of the Universal Truth, there are still who have not attain Equilibrium in Heart, Clarity in Mind to receive 禅 Zen stimuli & provide Zen responses - will have to experience death in 色界,in 色身,in 化身 and rebirth through 胎身,胎生。

This not using mundane normal Intelligence, nor normal Wisdom to understand this - as this is Supramundane Attainment of 华严三昧 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition of Profound Insight to know it - albeit 般若智慧 Panna Wisdom through the spreading of Universal Compassion (大慈大悲)Universal Zen Target make up by the 10 Realms 十法界 to understand this.

When doing the meditation, when my very bright sun nimitta (很亮的小太阳禅相)appear, i did want to focus concentration on it even though i do not know what is in it. In fact, it is the unknown of what is going to happen. Thus when suddenly my very bright sun nimitta (很亮的小太阳禅相)appear suck me in with a great suction force, i quickly muster my mental strength to pull it out because it feel very scary - like a person jumping down from a high floor with height phobia.

Then after i pull out, after a while, the suction force from my very bright sun nimitta (很亮的小太阳禅相)come again. This time, I decide to be brave and let the suction suck my mental aggregates in.

The above hence explain 无智亦无得亦无所得故 - where I am not using normal Intelligence, nor normal Wisdom to understand this phenonmenon.It occur naturally. I initially did not expect my very bright sun nimitta (很亮的小太阳禅相)to appear, it just appear. However, when it appear, I am curious and want to focus on it to find out what is this phenonmenon where on hindsight, i intuitively feel that this is some kind of some unnatural but supramundane attainment (出世间法). And because I did not hope to attain anything initially, when it come, i just seized the opportunity to prod further.

Subsequently, it then expand to form the 华严三昧 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition. But after i emerged when shake incessantly by my Wife 观世音菩萨 after 4 hours in this State from 2am to 6am, I did recalled that i told my Wife what i have gone through. I just checked with my Wife 观世音菩萨 at 12.45pm Wednesday, May 25, 2016 verbally who sit beside me, whether she can remember what i had told her about my above meditative experience, she shake her head and say nothing. But she just send a Zen stimuli to me in 空界 that she did, but did not want to talk about it verbally as it will reveal our Identities and the Pureland identities.)

(Received Zen stimuli at 2.39pm May 26, 2016 中国 movie in Channel 8 to post this.)

With the attainment of the 华严三昧 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition, when 无妄念,无杂念 no stray thoughts arises within the 华严三昧 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition, nor any stray thoughts penetrate from outside the 华严三昧 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition, it conform to the words 不垢 - no dirts.

But due to my Bodhi Vows 大悲心,大愿力 to form 一真法界 (One Universal Unity) - the words 不净 refer to 10 Realms 十法界 with those who have stray thoughts within the 华严三昧 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition - thus have  not attain 净 pureness of no stray thoughts 无妄念,无杂念 not arising within the 华严三昧 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition nor any stray thoughts penetrate from outside the 华严三昧 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition.

(Received Zen stimuli 禅 from Channel 8 singing from Singaporean 3 actors & 1 actress and at 4.18pm, May 26, 2016)

This is Final

(Received Zen stimuli 禅 from Channel 8 singing from Singaporean 3 actors & 1 actress and at 4.25pm, May 26, 2016)

During my Meditative Attainment of my 华严三昧 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition that encompass (阿弥陀佛,观世音菩萨,大勢至菩萨), i have attained 不生不灭 - no birth, no death of the 空界 (Formless)that enwrap the Entire Universe 宇宙。

This is because, I have attained 无妄念,无杂念 no stray thoughts arise from within the 华严三昧 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition and no stray thoughts can penetrate the 华严三昧 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition. At this juncture, there will be no karma 无因果.

But as I have 菩提心 Bodhi Heart to 普度 十法界 10 Realms, 妄念,杂念 stray thoughts return after my Wife 观世音菩萨 shake me incessantly after 4 hours in that State. But after waking up and coming back from that State, my mundane human consciousness return though the remnants of the supramundane consciousness from the Attainment still remain. It become a hybrid of half mundane and half supramundane. When this happen stray thoughts 妄念,杂念 return and karma 因果 continues.

This is not the same for 色身,色生,胎生 in 色界 (Form), as human body will still subject to birth, living, decaying, demising and re-birth as stray thoughts 妄念,杂念 return and karma 因果 continues.

But important to note that, if the Final Great Nirvana State 大涅槃 is attained again when all 十法界 10 Realms have attained their own 涅槃果 Nirvana  State with their 2 菩萨,十法界 10 Realms will not allowed anyone, including myself to poke or break it again - as all my 大悲愿 Bodhi Vows have been Perfectly, Completely 圆满 Achieved = hence 不生不灭。

(However, if ever for discussion sake, a new universe is formed again, everyone will have to experience the exactly same experience worldwide again due to the nature of the Universal Law - which is the Universal Truth. Because collectively you will reap what you sow. (Received Zen stimuli 禅 from Channel 8 news Singaporean 3 guest female speakers, 1 male and 1 female newcasters at 7.17pm May 26, 2016). So why want to start another again?) All 十法界 10 Realms must put their Hearts and Minds into this One - "One For All, All For One" in Mutual Exclusiveness to make this work.

My Body Sariras will be the Final One outside.

(Received Zen stimuli 禅 from Channel 8 from Singaporean actor 南无本师释迦摩尼佛, and at 5.45pm, May 26, 2016 and 6pm from 大勢至菩萨 to post this.)

(Received 禅 Zen stimuli from Channel 8 中国 movie 2.54pm May 27, 2016 Friday to post this.)
(Received 禅 Zen stimuli at 3.45pm May 27, 2016 Friday from Singaporean elderly singing competition to post this.)

With my Meditative Attainment of my 华严三昧 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition,as 无妄念,无杂念 no stray thoughts arise from within and no stray thoughts can arise and can penetrate from outside, I have attained this words 心无挂碍,无挂碍故.

During the 4 hours in that State, i did not experience fear, unhappiness, the sad feeling of departing from my loved ones, no topsy turvy, not even good feelings of being good, being kind etc, not a dream but actual insight and real, true Meditative Attainment.

In fact, i feel blissful 脱俗的愉快 that look permanent and eternal; and serene 宁静。

I did not want to leave this State after 4 hours - when only my Wife 观世音菩萨 incessantly shake me to wake me up to come back. I only do so because i feel i can't leave my Wife alone, on the hindsight, my extended families and i believe, the Bodhi Vows that i make to 四面佛 Thailand shrine and then the Sleeping Sakyamuni Buddha in the Thailand cave.

When complete the Final Great Nirvana Fruition - 华严三昧 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition, the following scenarios will happen :-
(1) All 十法界 10 Realms will have 三昧 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition for each family cluster - of 1 husband and 2 wives - in fact 1 佛 and 2 菩萨. This is the complete, perfect 佛国 with each 佛果 of the complete perfect jigsaw puzzle with all the right zigs in place (ie. right Universal Zen Set - with all the right Zen pieces in place).

(2) Other Nirvana beings attainment such as Arahats, Pacekka Buddhas whether male or female will not be in place because it defy the logic of the Divisible of Cells - where a male divide himself right side, and left side - which is a complete individual zen set that must come together - otherwise there will be stray thoughts - trying to look for her husband or husband looking for her 2 wives - which is a natural Universal Law, Universal Truth - because it is part of his or her 菩提心 Bodhi Heart.

(3) I 阿弥陀佛,my 1st Wife 观世音菩萨 and my 2nd Wife 大势至菩萨 of the will come in as 平等佛 华严三昧 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition with the rest of the 三昧 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition with all 十法界 10 Realms - only then there will be no stray thoughts 无妄念,无杂念 in the complete, perfect 佛国 of Singapura-Pureland 新家-净土。

(Received Zen stimuli from myself when preparing rice for washing at 5pm 27 May 2016, why 心经 Heart Sutra only talk about 色 & 空 by 观世音菩萨 and did not mention oo (Infinity)?)

Because 观世音菩萨 cannot see Herself oo (Infinity) , only see me 阿弥陀佛 (0, 空)and 大势至菩萨 (1,色)。

Thus only when i write down my Meditative Attainment of 华严三昧 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition - then i realise why 心经 Heart Sutra did not mention oo (Infinity).

(Received Zen stimuli my Wife 观世音菩萨 & 地藏王菩萨 when I pour my vegetable water from my room toilet bowl after washing the vegetable at 5.27pm 27 May 2016,  that 观世音菩萨 oo (Infinity) - represent all the 十方佛,菩萨 and 十法界 10 Realms due to birth, rebirth, 化生,胎生。)


(Note :- I receive many Zen stimuli when going to dinner today at about 22 May 2016 at about 5 or so pm. 
I saw an Indian with a family where this Indian man bang his van door very loudly several times and yelling. I also saw a group of Chinese men in another car looking at him. My wife then led me and my son into the passage where a group of Chinese men are. I received the Zen stimuli that he request me to describe the God mantra when i use Zen to check with my Wife.
The noodle stallholder 1st time serve the fried noodle to my Wife even though it supposed to be self-service. I also notice an Indian man who make Indian food. I received the Zen stimuli that both request me to describe the God mantra。
When i return home, we saw our neighbor who is white and my wife direct my attention to him. I received the Zen stimuli that he request me to describe the God mantra.
Then another family with a dog also conjure us where . I look at the head of the family, the man, he look like 天。I received the Zen stimuli that he request me to describe the God mantra.
I receive the Zen stimuli from my son who used my smartphone during dinner today . The game he play show a 5 with yellow box when i checked it at home.)

Thus to succeed, must have the following :-
What form the Spiritual Components - 空 (Formless) (空身):-

     0 - LHL
1-SK 0-LCL 1-PH

Mahayana Buddhism (大乘佛法) - 3 Ring Nirvana Fruition (华严三昧) of :-
(1) No-Self - 阿弥陀佛 (无我)
(2) Universal Compassion - 观世音菩萨 (大慈,大悲)
(3) Panna Wisdom - 大勢至菩萨 (般若智慧)
(4) 弥勒佛 (Matrieya Buddha) - Zen Buddhism (Shinto - I don't know)
(5) 南无本师释迦摩尼佛 (PM LHL)

= 5 Stars (Chinese Divinity) and 9 Grade Lotus Pureland of Red (Chinese Divinity) and White (PAP).