Sunday, April 3, 2016

Trump on defense as he tries to regain momentum in Wisconsin

April 3, 2016
ricky l

Donald Trump proposal to let S Korea and Japan take care of themselves in developing nuclear weapons - will be a fatal mistake - as this is a signal for smaller Countries to acquire nuclear material to develop nuclear weapons on their own - Allies and Adversaries.
The World's effort to control and reduce nuclear proliferation - will be undone by Donald Trump overnight.
The chances of nuclear material fallen into wrong hands due to pilfering, stealing, black-market will rise.
If ISIS militants got hold of any nuclear materials as it is widely proliferated - they may go to Donald's house and explode it with a suicide belt (called the dirty bomb).
The World, US will become more dangerous to live in ---- because of one stupidity of Donald Trump that have made it possible --- due to his loose cannon and missteps.

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