Sun god Apollo presides over final flame rehearsal

Ricky L • Remove
When Jesus predicted the return of Jesus - the Heaven will collapse, the Earth will shatter (天崩地裂) - it means the Supramundane phenomenon of 4 Basic Great Elements entering into Emptiness has arise (四大皆空)- thus Heaven open up, Earth shatter.Reply
Ricky L • Remove
So how does 阿弥陀佛 菩提心 (Amituofo Bodhi Heart) help to save the Heaven from collapsing and the Earth from shattering?
By transforming (四大皆空)- 4 Great Basic Elements Emptiness into (五蕴皆空) - 5 Mental Aggregate Emptiness.
That is, Black Hole phenonmenon of 1-pointedness suction inwards - to expand outwards into SuperNova Nirvana Fruition that enwrap the whole Universe - to salvage all 6 realms sentinent beings and 4 Saint Realms of Nirvana.
Ricky L • Remove
Sister, thanks for the whatsapps - it come just at the right time - to convey the bible story and the son facebook about Jesus prediction of Heaven and Earth shattering --- to intercept the would be 小三灾 just in time.
And thanks Sister-in-law for the acknowledgement.
Ricky L • Remove
Sister provide the cross over - from West to East ----- and reconvey back the East to the West ---- probably intercepting a possible catastrophe ----- as the West believe that when Jesus emerge - Judgement Day come and the World will come to an end.
The Heaven collapse and Earth shatter (四大皆空)and 小三灾 (natural catastrophe, war - nuclear war, epidemic) ----- I think was intercepted just in time.
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