Oil tank fire on Jurong Island
April 20, 2016

ricky l12 seconds ago
See, when East West cross path, East West quake - even "Bodhi Heart" also on fire.
3 pm - 3 attributes on fire.
Divine or superstitious ?

ricky l12 seconds ago
This is the Universal Law of Karma of :-
3 hotspots.
小三灾 - 天灾,人祸,瘟疫。
The 3 small catastrophe - natural disasters (eg. earthquake), war, epidemic (can be of nuclear proportion).
ricky l12 seconds ago
Amituofo !!!

ricky l12 seconds ago
Also be careful of inventing (Asura, the realm of the Titans) - that will wipe out the human races - including the one that invent them.
One try to outdo one another - and it will finally tip-over and Asura go out of human control.
Human's 3 inherent evil attributes :-
(1) Greed - greed for power, greed for control, greed for runaway wealth.
(2) Hatred - exclusiveness of others.
(3) Ignorance - ignorance of Universal Truth, Universal Law.

ricky l22 seconds ago
What has arrived?
净土 Pureland has arrived.
什麽经 to follow?
Does Divine Supramundane exist in the mundane Universe? Yes.
What is it called?
Nirvana. 涅槃。

ricky l12 seconds ago
Is Pureland in Heaven?
Pureland is in 色 & 空。(form & formless) (mundane & supramundane).
色 即是 空。(form is formless)
空 即是 色。(formless is form)

ricky l12 seconds ago
Is all holy books true?
It is all true.
Different book touch a part of a big elephant - and describe it on the part it touch.
When all put together ------- it come back to the Bodhi Heart (菩提心).

ricky l12 seconds ago
Even blackout also happen - which never happen before.
So East West must cross with "Bodhi Heart" - not "cross sword".
Else it can be very devastating.

ricky l22 seconds ago
When East West cross sword "+", blood will be shed and it will turn into 3 disasters - "卐" Swastika of Nazi.
When Bodhi Heart intervene - it will turn into "卍" Bodhi Heart (reverse swastika) & turn into Peace, Harmony and Prosperity.
And when all sentinent beings in Universe attained Enlightenment of Nirvana - "卍" Bodhi Heart into a Full Perfect Dharma Wheel - called "一真法界“ - 1 Universal Unity of the Great Nirvana (Sama Sambodhi) - anchor on the Bodhi Heart.
This is called "1 for All, All for 1" in Mutual Inclusiveness.
So is all the holy books correct?
Yes all are correct.
Some say ONE and only ONE.
Some say ALL make up ONE.
Both are correct - no need to argue.

ricky l12 seconds ago
West - good in "form" (色) - technology.
East - good in "formless" (空) - spiritual.
Both put together ---- the Universal Truth reveal itself.

ricky l22 seconds ago
The World should now unite and go for Peace, Prosperity and Harmony.
We the citizens of the World.
Pledge ourselves as ONE UNITED PEOPLE.
Regardless of races, languages or religions.
Based on justice, equality and mutual inclusiveness.
So as to achieve happiness, prosperity and progress for the World.

ricky l12 seconds ago
And the last divine verse :-
"Looking for Pureland as inspiration anchor on the Bodhi Heart".

ricky l12 seconds ago
So is there ONE called the Perfect One on Earth - the answer the Perfect One is the "Moderate", the "Middle Path".

ricky l12 seconds ago
Some say, Divine is Perfect.
The question is, how perfect is perfect?
Eg. a girl is perfectly pretty. What is a perfect beauty?
So Law of Relativity comes in.
A girl A is pretty as compared to everyone in a room. So girl A is perfect in beauty.
Then another prettier girl B come in. The girl A perfect beauty become not perfect as compared to girl B. And this will carry on.
So there is no such thing as Perfection in the Universe.
There is only Law of Relativity.

ricky l12 seconds ago
Assume the Earth manage to find girl Z that is the prettiest on Earth. When girl Z grow old, will she still be the perfect beauty?
So no Divine One is Perfect on Earth, in Universe.
Only "Moderate", "Middle Path".
- ricky l42 seconds ago
- ricky l12 seconds ago
ricky l12 seconds ago
Why want to talk about all these now?
Because East and West --- will be crossing path and the underlying tension is brewing.
Even sign of 天崩地裂 has been manifesting.
So if don't talk about this now, then wait until when to talk?

ricky l12 seconds ago
Talk only when 天灾人祸,瘟疫勢孽?(小三灾)come?

my50 minutes ago
明教圣火. Hahaha........

ricky l12 seconds ago
So what will be the final 经 on Earth, in the mundane Universe?
无量寿经 (The Infinite Life Sutra).

ricky l12 seconds ago
阿弥陀佛 !
观世音菩萨 !
大勢智菩萨 !

ricky l11 seconds ago

ricky l22 seconds ago
Let us explain :-
"One is One" how can it be "Many make One"?
Eg. when one group see 1 human - we say human is One.
when another group see 1 human - this group say head, hand, body, arm, legs, skin, internal organs make One human.
Is both group wrong? No both groups are right.
1st group see the human - and say the human is One (It is correct).
Another group practice meditation and develop Jhana - and it see many parts (many atoms) are organised in a structured manner and then become One.
1st group - say there is One and Only One. (technology group) - Form group (色) - rupa.
2nd group - say many parts make up One. (spiritual group) - Formless group (空)- nama.
Both are Right !!!
So don't argue.

ricky l22 seconds ago
One group say :- "God create Universe".
(Formless create Form).
Another group say :- "Mental vs Form".
色 即是 空。(form is formless)
空 即是 色。(formless is form)
"Nama vs Rupa".
where Mental Aggregates (Supramundane & mundane) and Great Basic Elements (Universe) - create Universe.
Both groups are right.
The 1st group lump everything into One called "God".
The 2nd group break down the Divinity into very discrete, finite description of "Divinity".
The Divinity is so profound, so deep, so vast, so perfect, so infinite ----- that even to describe it in depth will take infinite years to talk, to complete, to understand until the Great Enlightenment come.
Both Groups are right. So don't argue.

ricky l21 seconds ago
The only thing that is not right ---- is advocating violence, killings, murder, suicide etc.
This has nothing to do with Divinity.
Even so call holy killings - are "hell bound" - including holy man that order it ----- and have to suffer in hell to repay the karma before can escape from hell.
No one ----- I repeat ---- No one will escape from karma.

ricky l31 seconds ago
To elaborate on Perfection.
Buddha has attained Enlightenment and is Perfected in Nirvana.
Being Perfect, Buddha must be the most handsome man on Earth.
Then I suppose all women on Earth will want to woo Buddha as their husbands ---- because of Perfection even in look correct?
But in reality - is this happening?
No right?
So "Moderate", "Middle Path" is perfect.
Not the "Perfection - that no one on Earth can match".
Even in Nirvana, all Buddha have the same and equal Enlightenment. No Buddha outmatch one another.
Only then, all the Buddha "卍" Bodhi Heart can be superimposed toegther to form a full and complete Dharma Wheel that enwrap the entire Universe.
If one Buddha is more perfect than others, then how does the "卍" Bodhi Heart superimposed into one another to form a perfect Dharma Wheel?
This is not only understood by logic, this is manifested when Enlightenment of Nirvana is attained - thus called "Sama Sambodhi" - all Nirvana Enlightenment are same and equal.

ricky l11 seconds ago
So I suppose the champion of World or Universe beauty pageants will be the most pretty woman on Earth.
Is it so?
Beauty is the eye of the beholders.
Some say the champion is the most beautiful, some will say "not my kind".
So beauty is relative right?
So perfection is relative right?

ricky l11 seconds ago
Why "Middle Path" or "Moderate" is Perfection?
"Middle Path" or "Moderate" is reaching equilibrium - where karma - positive or negative is the ruler that measure whether a person has reached the "Middle Path" or "Moderation" - 不执着。

ricky l31 seconds ago
Another eg. to elaborate Perfection.
Being Perfected in Nirvana, does it mean that the Enlightened One is devoid of sensual desires?
Unless the Enlightened is a robot - then he will have no sensual desires. Even Enlightened One upon attained Nirvana will have sensual desires because he still possess the mundane body (一副臭皮囊)。
So an Enlightened One being Perfect in Nirvana - is not a robot - and have no sensual desires.
Unless the Enlightened One enter into Jhana or maintain his Nirvana Fruition - then mundane sensual desires will be fully suppressed like in Black Hole (in Jhana) and fully eradicated when in Nirvana.
But the moment the Enlightened One wear off its Jhana or/& Nirvana and re-live the mundane life, mundane sensual desires will come back even though the remnants of Jhana and Nirvana consciousness are still around.
So the Enlightened One still need protection when in mundane life because he still possess the mundane body (一副臭皮囊)。
So is this perfection or not perfection - and devoid of sensual desires?
A robot probably is perfected in devoid of sensual desires - then pray to robots?

ricky l11 seconds ago
Thus holy man who renounced the mundane world - will have to be subjected to discipline order (戒条)or practice meditation or enter into Jhana or / & Nirvana - to suppressed or eradicate sensual desires.
Thus holy man who are steadfast in practicing the holy discipline order - are worthy of respect.

ricky l11 seconds ago
For layman that follow the discipline order - do it in "moderation" or "middle path" - not overdo.

ricky l11 seconds ago
If break legal law, law take over.
I am refering to morality - where counselling should be done for morality discipline.

ricky l11 seconds ago
Note :- A person who has practice until it reach Jhana or/& Nirvana - devoid of sensual desires --- will become body sariras --- and can no longer stay on Earth as Human ---- because he will have no karma to be Human ----- he will "fly" or "go to Nirvana".
So don't be too extreme in insisting on extreme discipline or precepts.
Some who do not know how to manage the extreme precepts will bomb themselves --- as his time to stay on Earth is ending.

ricky l11 seconds ago
When they bomb themselves or others --- instead of going to heaven being extreme in observance of precepts ---- end up instead in hell.
That is why so pitiful ---- too extreme in administering discipline and precepts ------ sigh .......

ricky l11 seconds ago
修心 - 唯上乘。
修经 - 唯中乘。
修戒 - 唯下乘。
Practice meditation - to internalise - is the highest form of practice.
Practice the recitation and following the teaching of holy book - is the medium form of practice.
Practice the precepts or discipline order - need the above 2 higher form of practice to complement.

ricky l2 minutes ago
Eg. when a monk stay too long in temple practicing - are given break to go shopping to look see, look see or do some mundane works.
Otherwise their precepts observance are so solid that their overwhelming good karma on Earth - will expire their time as Humans on Earth.
ricky l1 minute ago
In olden days, Buddha and monks will beg for alms after long duration of precepts practice to inherit karma to stay on Earth as Humans.

ricky l11 seconds ago
Shaolin monks practise martial arts taught by 达摩祖师 to strengthen their bodies and keep healthy and also to inherit karma to stay on Earth as humans --- but not to fight.

ricky l11 seconds ago
Some temple must do some "business" or donation (not excessive but in moderation - and must be used for good cause) to fund temple activities to inherit karma to stay as humans on Earth.

ricky l11 seconds ago
So can a holy man be Perfected?
Can - unless he become body sariras - then he become Perfected in precepts - and become a non-movable robot.

ricky l11 seconds ago
So Perfection - become Imperfect.
Imperfect in moderation and middle path - become Perfect.

ricky l11 seconds ago
So what is moderation and middle path in precepts ---- the answer is "what is in the heart", "what is the intent"?
For self or for self and others.
If only for self - unwholesome.
If for self and others - then it is wholesome.