Lee Wei Ling's accusations about LKY commemoration 'completely untrue': PM Lee
April 10, 2016

ricky l4 seconds ago
The used of "abusing of power" and "dishonorable son" - are strong, heavy and grossly inappropriate words.
Especially if this is directed at a PM.
It has National and International impact - as a PM represent the Head of a Nation.
She ought to be careful with the used of the words.

ricky l14 seconds ago
During Qing Ming, all descendants will gather to commemorate the ancestors.
Mr LKY is a public figure and is our Founding Father.
What is wrong if the public decide to commemorate the late LKY during Qing Ming and the 1st anniversary of the passing?

ricky l4 seconds ago
Commemorating Mr LKY's 1st anniversary of passing - is the public expression of gratitude to the Founding Father.
You mean Dr Lee forbade the public from commemorating Mr LKY's 1st year of passing?
Isn't Dr Lee "abusing her power" for forbidding the public from commemorating Mr LKY 1st year of passing and paying respect during Qing Ming?

ricky l2 minutes ago
Commemorating Mr LKY's 1st anniversary of passing - is the public expression of gratitude to the Founding Father.
You mean Dr Lee forbade the public from commemorating Mr LKY's 1st year of passing?
Isn't Dr Lee "abusing her power" for forbidding the public from commemorating Mr LKY 1st year of passing and paying respect during Qing Ming?

ricky l4 seconds ago
Does it mean that Mr LKY only belong to Dr Lee.
But Singaporeans cannot commemorate our Founding Father?
"Selfish" or "Selfless"?

ricky l4 seconds ago
Dr Lee ought to know that Mr LKY is your biological Father.
But Mr LKY is Singaporean's Founding Father.

ricky l4 seconds ago
It is as good as saying only Buddha's son can commemorate Buddha.
All the Buddhists and Buddha's disciples cannot commemorate Buddha on Buddha's passing, birth and Nirvana.
Then Buddha son is very selfish not selfless.

ricky l4 seconds ago
The reason why Buddhists commemorate Vesak Day - is to display gratitude to Buddha who has passed down all His Teachings that have benefited sentinent beings.
Commemorating Buddha's passing, birth and Nirvana on Vesak Day - helps Buddhists to remember Buddha's values, teachings and showing gratitude to Buddha - so that his disciples will continue to learn and inherits all Buddha's positive values and benefit from Buddha's values and teachings.
This is the same vein for commemorating Mr LKY.
You mean Dr Lee forbade Singaporeans to learn and reinforce Mr LKY's values and life lessons?
Is Dr Lee "selfish" or "selfless"?
If Dr Lee is "selfless" - Dr Lee should show atonement to Mr LKY and apologise to the PM and the public - for being short-sightedness.

ricky l4 seconds ago
Buddhists are not idolising Buddha as "god" to be idolised.
Buddhists commemorate Vesak Day - to show respect to Buddha as a Teacher, a Master - for imparting His Supramundane Teachings to His Disciples - as a result many of His disciples benefited from His Teachings.
Some even manage to gain Enlightenment - Nirvana - the same attainment of Buddha.
Thus commemorating Buddha on Vesak Day - is expression of gratitude, a vow to continue to learn the values from the Buddha and to help others upon attainment.
Such altruistic and holy meaning in the commemoration.
In a Zen teaching --- some people see the cup "half full" - a Wise Man.
Some people see the cup as "half empty" - a pessimistic man.

ricky l41 seconds ago
And Buddhists recite the "sutra" - the teachings of Buddha over and over again - everyday - as a practice of Buddhism.
Because the continuous reciting of the teachings of Buddha ---- will register and internalise the teachings ---- that will go straight into the Heart and Mind of Buddhists ---- and the good values ---- will be registered, internalise into the Buddhists.
Thus there is a need to have anniversary to continuously internalising good and positive values to the public.
Now does Dr Lee understood the true meaning of commemoration and the constant reminder of the right values?
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