Sun god Apollo presides over final flame rehearsal
20 April 2016

ricky l45 seconds ago
Don't worry the world is not going to end as say in Bible. The world has transformed from ignorance state into awakening state (not fully awakened state yet - that is why there are fears and worries).
West and East don't point nuclear weapons at one another. It will end the world.
The spiritual state is taking over. So don't worry.
Calm the world. Spread around.
Universal Compassion with take over.
It is not the end of the world.
It is the beginning.
ricky l13 seconds ago
Later use Supramundane phenomenon to explain - then there will be no worry.
Now hungry, take some plain noodles first.
ricky l13 seconds ago
The world has cross from mundane state into zen state (spiritual state) --- that why heaven shatter, earth crack.
ricky l24 seconds ago
People ask :- is Jesus Heart the same as Bodhi Heart (菩提心)?
The answer is yes.
Jesus Heart represent the Form state (Rupa) (色) - the 4 Basic Elements. And for form - it will subject to birth, living, decay and demise. That means it will demise and break apart. That is why everyone can see - Heaven broken, Earth shatter ----- End of the World.
ricky l13 seconds ago
Also Jesus need to be nail on the cross - bleed and blood - scared --- will die one leh.
Jesus die, God die, All die. (3 die --- of course end of the World lah).
That why Heaven collapse (broken), Earth shatter.
ricky l13 seconds ago
So what is the antidote?
How to save Heaven, how to save Earth, how to save the 小三灾 - the natural disaster, the war (nuclear war) and epidemic from destroying the Earth, the World from (End of the World) - the Bible call the Judgement Day right?
Don't worry, "lung wu kim poh" ----- it is called the Bodhi Heart (菩提心)。
ricky l14 seconds ago
Bodhi Heart (菩提心)has the following Bodhi Vows (大悲心,大悲愿)。
Please see :-
ricky l13 seconds ago
Also see this :-
ricky l13 seconds ago
When Jesus Heart (色)(form) cross over into Bodhi Heart (空)(formless) 菩提心 ---- then 4 Basic Elements - Matter (that will eventually perish) ---- will cross over to 5 Mental Aggregates (Mind) ---- won't die.
This is 脱胎换骨 - Transformation from Matter (Mundane) to Mind (Spiritual) --- then won't die.
ricky l24 seconds ago
If everyone think - crossing from mundane to supramundane means Perfection ---- then you are wrong.
If want to look for Perfection ---- go pray to the robot.
Robot got no sensual desire, no sexual desire, don't eat, don't sleep, don't pee and don't poo ----- Perfection.
But then errr.... got no battery and no electricity --- can robot function? Oh so robot also not perfect.
ricky l13 seconds ago
Perfection - is thus Imperfect.
Imperfect in Middle Path, in Moderation - is Perfect.
An divine sign :- 22 April 2016, 2.30pm - loud thunder, lightning, heavy rainfall - after the above writing of Heaven collapse (broken) *天崩“ - Singapore ---- to signify that what is written above is True - the Divine Sign.
Earth shatter ”地裂“ - is the Japan (East) and Ecudor (West) incessant earthquake, Jurong refinery fire and then follow by China refiney fire. At home - light bulb filament burst, and then whole block blackout.
All these are the Divine Sign - if there is still non-believers.
It means :- 天打雷劈。
Ok so everyone know what is 小三灾 - the natural disaster, the war (nuclear war) and epidemic from destroying the Earth, the World from (End of the World). This is still not the most frightening.
The more frightening one is 大三灾 - Universe collapse, Dharma collapse. 6 realms of existence collapse - 于宙灭,法灭,六道灭。(All end in Eternal Avici Hell) - until a new Universe is formed.
Then 于宙生,法生,六道生。(A new Universe evolved, Dharma appear, new 6 realms sentinent beings form again) --- and we start all over again --- very tiring right?
So better believe, don't say don't believe.
World go for Peace, don't go for war.
The World Make love, errr I mean make friends --- don't fight.
Ok or not?
Ricky L • a second agoRemove
And 1 important thing, 10 years ago, I picked Obama as President of USA.
And he and his Administration follow the Bodhisattva Path for 10 years.
And very lucky - the West and East meet ---- Universal Truth has emerged.
Theravda Buddhism say - the next Buddha is Matrieya Buddha --- this is "vertical liberation" - not "horizontal liberation".
It means not Mahayana (the Big Liberation) (Big Vehicle) - it is small liberation (small vehicle) - too slow.
This mean Buddhist liberate first.
Then need to preach to Taoism.
Then need to preach to Hinduism, Sikhism.
Then need to preach to Christianity, Judaism, Catholics.
Then need to preach to Islam.
Then need to preach to non-believers.
Then need to preach to Heavenly beings.
Then need to preach to Asura beings.
Then need to preach to Animal beings.
Then need to preach to Hungry Ghost beings.
Then need to preach to Hell beings.
You know this type of "vertical liberation" - small vehicles - how slow, how tiring?
Mahayana - do "horizontal liberation" - solution architect that cut across al vertical domain, all religions, all non-believers, all realms, all 十法界, one time "ham bum lung 搞定 - big vehicles.
Mahayana liberation - Big Vehicles :-
"Leave no one behind."
"Leave no sand behind." ---- in the Vast Universe.
ricky l
0users liked this commentThumbs UpThumbs Down0users disliked this commentRicky L • a second agoRemove
Your MaMa say cannot.
ricky l
0users liked this commentThumbs UpThumbs Down0users disliked this commentRicky L • a second agoRemove
Must 横度。不能竖度。
Must do horizontal liberation, not vertical liberation (too slow, too long sufferings for many sentinent beings).
Only horizontal liberation will cut across all vertical domains for fast, parallel liberation - not sequential liberation.
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