China may be feeling increasingly threatened by North Korea

ricky l21 seconds ago
There are few scenarios going forward :-
(1) N Korea decide to negotiate for Peace Treaty, business, trade, investment and integrate with the World - in exchange for dropping nuclear development - similar to Iran Nuclear Deal. This will be the most wholesome outcome.
(2) N Korea continue to push for nuclear development and missile test --- where international sanction continue to tighten and tighten until it threaten N Korea economically triggering social unrest - and N Korea will have no choice but to start a war --- triggering US and S Korea to strike back. This will be the most dreadful scenario.
(3) N Korea is closed to developing a nuclear weapons that can be fitted onto missile - and may trigger a preemptive strike on the nuclear facilities - and trigger a cross border limited war. This is also an unwholesome outcome.
(4) N Korea develop full nuclear capability that can be mounted on short-range, medium-range and ICBM - sparking nuclear war - that may not only draw in US, S Korea, Japan - but also China and Russia to strike back with nuclear war. This is doomsday scenario.
Looking at all the above scenario, only Scenario 1 will emerge with the best outcome.
All the rest of the scenarios will be most detrimental to N Korea.

ricky l4 seconds ago
One more scenario - when war is going to break out, it may trigger a civil war within N Korea

ricky l4 seconds ago
Because internally, some forces realise that starting an external war or a nuclear war will mean doomsday ---- and trigger a civil war to prevent the commence of a nuclear war.

ricky l14 seconds ago
N Korea want a scenario that will not be accepted by the World :-
(1) Keep its nuclear development and become a nuclear power - and still want Peace Treaty, business, trade, investment.
Because the nuclear weapons threaten others' existence ---- no one will accept this scenario.

ricky l4 seconds ago
And given that the World will not give in to the scenario whereby N Korea own nuclear weapons and N Korea insist on developing nuclear weapons ----- what will be the likely scenarios?
Scenario 1 (Peaceful resolution and prosperity) will not happen.
All the rest of the scenarios - Scenario 2 to 5 - may happen ---- and none are good for N Korea and the World.
In all scenarios (2 to 5) - N Korea will collapse.
N Korea will only survive and do well in Scenario 1.

ricky l4 minutes ago
It means :- as time goes by, the collapse of N Korea is inevitable because :-
(1) With international sanction tightening and getting tighter and tighter - N Korea economically will start to suffer and people will start going hungry.
Soon there will be more social unrest.
Soon within the Army ranks, dissent will arise and this may force N Korea to act or a civil war will break out.
(2) Or if N Korea is getting closer and closer to getting nuclear weapons, the World may act.
--- Thus the collapse of N Korea - is now liken a "time-bomb" ticking ----- it is when the collapse come.
The only way to get out of this scenario - the collapse of N Korea - is the willingness to drop the development of nuclear weapons - in exchange for Peace Treaty and Business.
This is the only way to survive.

ricky l4 seconds ago
It means, there are only 2 choices (2 and only 2 - no other choices) for N Korea :-
(1) Peace - by dropping nuclear weapons
(2) Die - collapse
There are no other 3rd choices.

ricky l4 seconds ago
And this 2 choices that need to be made -------- will be getting sooner and sooner.
Time is not on N Korea side.

ricky l14 seconds ago
That is why, possessing nuclear weapons is not a blessing for N Korea.
In fact, it is a "death note" for N Korea.
Only discarding the nuclear weapons - will discard the "death note" ---- and invoke the blessing of the Divine.

ricky l4 seconds ago
The faster the N Korea in getting the nuclear weapons ---- will mean the faster the "death note" arrive in N Korea.

ricky l24 seconds ago
An analogy :-
(1) If a man intend to build and keep a ton of bomb in his bedroom, that can destroy the whole block of flat.
Do you think all his neighbors in the whole block of flat - will let him build the bombs and keep it in his unit?
(2) Before he successfully build the bomb, all his neighbors in his block will storm his unit and stop him from successfully build the bomb - before he can use it to threaten all his neighbors or worst explode the bomb in anger.

ricky l4 seconds ago
Developing and possessing the nuclear weapons in N Korea ---- will not protect N Korea.
In fact, developing and possessing the nuclear weapons - accelerate the demise of N Korea.
Only by discarding the nuclear weapons - will ensure N Korea survive and become more prosperous with trade and business.
Thus possessing nuclear is not a blessing for N Korea.
Discarding nuclear is a blessing for N Korea.
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