Thursday, April 28, 2016


Not too long ago, my Indian Muslim colleague put :-
2 round fruits (cannot remember 2 apples or 2 oranges) and 1 bannana in between - in his cubicle.
When I walked past his cubicle, i was initially shocked. My initial impression is he is not happy with me.

Then a next thought come, ay, he seems to understand the Dharma Zen (禅)- 2 Pu Sa and 1 Amituofo --- and the Law of Relativity --- 色 (Form) & 空 (Formless).

But I need to be very sure and I keep quiet and observe him.

Then one day, from his cubicle, he point to me and say "Is-Lam". Another Muslim colleague turn around and asked him again "What did you call him just now? You call him Is-Lam?"

I look at that Indian Muslim and smile. So indeed, he did understand the Dharma Zen (禅)- the hidden underlying meaning of the profound Dharma Teachings.

Another day, just to be sure, I met him again in the pantry. I asked him subtly, you consume alot of fruits? He say yes and i nodded. He seems very friendly. And I feel that he knows the Dharma Zen.
I ask him is he a vegetarian, he say he also eat mutton. Then i realise he could be Indian Muslim.

When I drive passed and see a mosque pointing to the sky, then i realised, the Group that build the mosque also understood the Dharma Zen (禅).

The mosque represent 色 (Form) & point to the sky - Heaven represent 空 (Formless).

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