More soldiers to be deployed for public patrols, says Ng
April 7, 2016

ricky l2 seconds ago
SAF entrusted with National Defense armed with many sophisticated assets - should be closer to the source of the external threat (where ISIS pose the most likely credible threat).
Thought it is a right move - as fast response to proactively identify threat, stop threat and if anything happens - response quickly to threat to contain and limit the damage done.

ricky l2 seconds ago
SAF can help to supplement the Police Force - due to manpower stretch -- lower child birth and need to do more patrol and proactive deployment in crowd congregation.

ricky l2 seconds ago
Bearing in mind that ISIS terrorists are army-trained and fight in conventional war and commando tactics.
ISIS terrorists are also proficient in using bombs and chemical weapons --- the domain of the military.
Thus SAF troop to tackle and outmaneuver ISIS terrorists will make sense.
Heavy armor vehicles will be required to provide protection for troops in a firefight and also to protect against bombs, IEDs.
But Police Forces intelligence gathering, forensic, analysis, investigation skills etc will still be needed. Though SAF also have military intelligence gathering.
In fact tackling ISIS terrorists --- should be Para-Military --- ie. half Police skills and half Military skills - complementing one another.

ricky l2 seconds ago
Sometimes to overwhelm ISIS terrorists that carry assault weapons, bombs or even medium equipment like machine guns ---- military heavy weapons to suppress them quickly maybe require eg. using missile launcher, grenade launcher or heavy machine guns.

ricky l2 seconds ago
Or when needed helicopters to track ISIS daesh running from the air, military helicopters can be activated such as Apache --- and can fire "Hellfire missile" at the ISIS daesh from the air if detected ISIS daesh is going to ignite a bomb - to take them out quickly.

ricky l2 seconds ago
Or if need to track ISIS daesh on the run, military drone can be activated to track them and provide real-time, online intelligence of the location of the ISIS daesh - and then call upon Apache to fire "Hellfire" missiles at the ISIS daesh to quickly neutralise them.
3G Battle Management System will be fully utilised and put to good use - where the whole military assets - hell-fire missiles, laser-guided assault weapons - will trained on the ISIS daesh and take them out surgically, quickly and tactically.
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