By By Karolina Tagaris | Reuters – Wed, Apr 20, 2016 10:59 PM SGT
Ricky L • Remove
Better explain this clearly :-Reply
(1) When a meditator attained Jhana Samadhi - he attained 五蕴皆空 (5 Mental Aggregate Emptiness) first. That is 1 pointedness absorption suction.
(2) Then he will subsequently attain 四大皆空 (4 Basic Great Elements) Emptiness - whereby all body properties are absorb into the 1-pointedness concentration.
Thanks and kudos for my wife from asking me and verifying with me via zen. My wife (心经)- very powerderful.
(3) Then his 1-pointedness nimitta concentration will expand outwards - into the space - with depth, vastness, profoundity - led by Compassionate flickering light to feel the void and all crevices of the Universe.
(4) And when all the Universe are fully fill up, the 3rd ring concentric robust firewall of Wisdom will enwrap the whole Universe - so that no stray thoughts will arise from within the 3 concentric circles and no stray thoughts from outside will penetrate the 3 concentric circle. This is the Nirvana Enlightenment.
(That is, + sign form, expand outward into 卍 and then form a full Dharma Wheel - in the Bodhi Heart 菩提心).
Thus all Buddhists disciple circumbulate the Buddha clockwise to turn the Dharma Wheel.
Now, "dom balek" and reverse the order. I turn the Dharma Wheel anti-clockwise and then everyone follow. So the sequence of Supramundane phenonmenon should be reversed.
So what happen should be - for Jesus to rebirth again --- Heaven collapse, Earth shatter.
That means the Earth is breaking outwards due to earthquake tearing the Earth apart - this is 四大皆空 (4 Basic Great Elements) Emptiness.
And when this happen, 5 Mental Aggregates collapse inwards into 1 pointedness concentration 五蕴皆空 - something like Heaven collapsing inwards - to prevent the Earth from breaking apart. This is done by Unifying all the Religions together into One Amitufo Sutra (small sutra) and One Infinite Life Sutra (big sutra).
So by circumbulating anti-clockwise - I do "horizontal liberation" by reversing the clock from "End of the World".
Otherwise, Matrieya Buddha will have to do "vertical liberation", circumbulating clockwise - ie. 1 by 1 liberation. Those not liberated will wait for another Buddha etc. until all liberated --- which is very long, slow process.
南无千手千眼观世音菩萨 !!!
千手千眼观世音菩萨 - hear and see the sufferings of all 6 realms sentinent beings.
2 realms - Hungry Ghost realm and Hell realm ---- are the 2 most suffering realms --- that is why the PuSa will have mood swing when liberating these 2 realms.
千手千眼观世音菩萨 - have to break apart into 6 realms sentinent beings - to do 6 parallel salvation at one time.
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