Sun god Apollo presides over final flame rehearsal

Ricky L • Remove
N Korea to exchange for Peace Treaty and business - must negotiate a Nuclear Deal - the same deal as Iran Nuclear Deal.Reply
Ricky L • Remove
I and my wife was in Pearl Harbor many years ago.Reply
We saw the submerged ships and the billboard say the deceased lay rest in the sea.
My wife cry incessantly (the tears of the Bodhisattva) - which pierce my Heart.
We are determined not to let another World War emerged again.
Ricky L • Remove
A Catholic woman sit besides my wife and hold my wife pendant (Kuan Shi Yin Pu Sa) (观世音菩萨) - and she say Mary.
We understood what she mean and our resolve to unify all the Religions.
Ricky L • Remove
My sister pass back the Matrieya Buddha pendant to me and my wife.
I understood what she means.
She want to cross over Jesus to Matrieya Buddha - transform "Form" to "Formless" - 色 to 空 -- this help to save the Earth shatter and the Heaven collapse - transforming from Mundane 4 Great Basic Elements - to Awakening State of 5 Mental Aggregates to hold the Earth together.
Germany has genuinely repented its WW2 Nazi atrocities - that is why Europe did not get shattered by Earthquake.
Ricky L • Remove
My sister produce a very thick book that talk about Christianity while I was in a hospital.
I casually flip the book rapidly and stop at a page that talk about --- Jesus Heart. I put a divider on this page and passed back to her.
Today, the cross over from West to East ---- is the Jesus Heart to Bodhi Heart (菩提心)。
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