Sun god Apollo presides over final flame rehearsal

阿弥陀佛 - is made up of 3 parts to form 1 Nirvana Fruition (涅槃果)- No-Self (无我), Compassion (大慈大悲), Panna Wisdom (般若智慧).
Thus Amituofo 阿弥陀佛 (represent No-Self - 无我), Kuan Shi Yin Pu Sa 观世音菩萨 (represent Compassion - 大慈大悲), Da Shi Zhi Pu Sa 大勢至菩萨 (represent Panna Wisdom - 般若智慧).
These 3 Nirvana attributes - make up 1 Amituofo 阿弥陀佛 - a Man (represent by one family unit).
Thus 22 愿 (22 Vows )of Amituofo 阿弥陀佛 - No Woman in Pureland - is not true. 2 Wives of 1 Husband - make up 1 Nirvana Fruition of Amituofo 阿弥陀佛 - just like nucleus, atoms, protons blah, blah.
But the 2 wives of that 1 husband --- must be the right "zen piece" ---- that is the right jigs to form the right zigsaw puzzle.
If not the right jigs, cannot fit in to form the zigsaw puzzle - and will break apart.
Why the 无量寿经 - 22 Vows mention Pureland has "no woman" ---- the purpose is to find the real Amituofo 阿弥陀佛 --- who understand the True Meaning of the sutra - and able to interpret it correctly (not just literal interpretation of the sutra).
Otherwise anyone who recite and memorise the sutra - can claim to be Amituofo.
That is why :-
修心 - 唯上乘。(Practice meditation from the Heart - Highest form of practice).
修经 - 唯中乘。(Practice reciting and reading from sutra - Intermediate grade of practice).
修戒 - 唯下乘。(Practice precepts and disciplne - is the lowest form. If someone follow what the sutra say, than they will chop off their 2 wives - who are actually the Man's Bodhisattvas - the Man's Nirvana Fruition).
Else if no Lotus, no womb - how to reborn in Pureland? Does a man have a Lotus, a Womb to give birth into Pureland?
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Ricky L • a second agoRemove
And the real Amituofo 阿弥陀佛 - is one that has attained the Nirvana Fruition 涅槃果 to understand the True Meaning of the Sutra - 无量寿经。- not the literal meaning.

Now, why is there a need for 2 Bodhisattvas to a Buddha?
The 1st Wife produce offsprings within the 3 concentric circles.
The 2nd Wife (Lotus) allow sentinent beings from outside the 3 concentric circles to be reborn into within the 3 concentric circles --- into the Pureland.
(That is why, all those sentinent beings are crying in tears - because they are outside the 3 concentric circles - & not in Pureland).
Hence :-
(When 5 Mental Aggregates attain Emptiness, begging for alms is easy)
(3 Saints if not formed, tears of 10 realms continue to flow - result in 3 catastrophe - natural disasters (eg. earthquake, tsunami, mrt power trip, refinery fire, block blackout, light bulb filament burst, water pipes here leak there leak - 泪水难消 etc), war - nuclear war, epidemic).
And the 2 Wives are :-
(Kwan Shi Yin Pu Sa willow of Compassion open the heart of the Capitalism Samsara World.
Da Shi Zhi Pu Sa 9 Grade Lotus want to emerge from the Jade Tower.)

Why - because the person only see one side - the Form side - 色 - and cannot see the other side - Formless side - 空.
阿弥陀佛 in Emptiness - can see both sides - 空 & 色. And can see 2 Bodhisattvas (2 菩萨 - in 1 Nirvana Fruition 涅槃)。

Who is this person who see one side ?
God right?
In order to see both sides of 色 (Form) & 空 (Formless) :-
Can consider using the following representation :-
OMGod - which represent Emptiness, 3 Saints, 9 Grade Lotus Pureland to liberate 9 realms (空 (Formless)) and Godie lah..(where i experienced 四大皆空 about year 2007 or 2008 - something like heart attack for 4 hours sitting and lying down. Become a body sariras and then rebirth again - where i experience Go die and then rebirth lah.) - 色 (Form) .
Allah to Amituofolah - where Allah represent 色 (Form) and Amituofolah represent 空 (Formless) .
Pureland (not Heaven) - is Singapura ------ Singaporlah.
恭迷搞定 lor.
ok ok - 还没考定 。。。。

Ricky L • Remove
Thus when see one side, the Form side, the 4 Great Basic Elements side - it will subject to Law of Impermanence. And when the lifespan of the Earth is coming to an end ---- it will experience 天崩地裂 - Heaven collapse, Earth shatter.
And when the family unit is wrong ---- then the human population will shrink - and worst, many drop outside the 3 concentric circles of the Nirvana Fruition --- ie why now the Earth experience the Universal Tears of the 10 Realms.

That is why 上帝,God or Allah - means:- 神是你,鬼也是你。(God is you, Ghost is also you.)
When 上帝,God or Allah comes - Universe will collapse, and all go into Avici Hell.
Not 疑神,疑鬼 - it is real.

What is inside the 3 Concentric Circles of Nirvana Fruition ?
(1) No-Self - 无我
(2) Universal Compassion - 大慈大悲
(3) Panna Wisdom - 般若智慧
What is outside the 3 Concentric Circles of Nirvana Fruition ?
(1) Ignorance of Universal Truth - 痴
(2) Greed - 贪
(3) Hatred - 嗔

Ricky L • Remove
Having a 2nd Wife is to allow 6 realms sentinent beings to be reborn from outside to inside of the 3 Concentric Circles of Nirvana Fruition of Pureland. (The 1st Wife is responsible for birth in inside the Nirvana Fruition - not outside).
Now 10 Realms outside the Pureland are crying - and want to be born into Pureland - via the 9 Grade Lotus (九品莲花生)。
Because these beings are not able to achieve this wishes - thus Heaven collapse, Earth shatter 天崩地裂.

That is, the 2nd Wife - allows the Form state, 色,mundane state - to transform over to the Formless state 空, zen state (supramundane Nirvana state).

Ricky L • Remove
Why rebirth as Humans is better ?
Humans - have 1/2 wholesome and 1/2 unwholesome (due to body is a pile of garbage - have sensual desires - thus can experience 12 dependant origination of lives) ---- 色 & 空 ---- when practice meditation - very easy to attain Nirvana Enlightenment.
In say Animal realm - err. did we see a dog sit in meditation and attain Enlightenment, does fish sit to meditate to gain Enlightenment, does bird sit in meditation to attain Enlightenment?
In say Hell realm - the sufferings is so intense and so immense - can those beings sit in meditation - where life and death happen any other moment?

Or can Animal realm - read and hear the discourse to understand and gain Enlightenment?

Ricky L • Remove
And the whole Universal Truth and Universal Law is about :-
(1) Mind - Spiritual (Birth, demising) of stray thoughts ---- crossing into (No Birth, No Death) of no stray thoughts.
(2) Matter - Mundane (Birth, Death) - sex --- and no sex - celibacy - no birth, but got death.

I think 1 wife with 2 husbands will cause an opposite effects -- it sucks in.
1 husband with 2 wives - expand outwards to accomodate others.
That is the reason why a Buddha is a Man.
观世音菩萨 - head is a Buddha (阿弥陀佛)。
1 wife with 2 husbands - sucks in - means Black Hole suction - and all vanish, all die.
1 Husband with 2 Wives - expand outwards - means Supernova - horizontal salvation --- Mahayana.

I verify my Samadhi Jhana and Nirvana Fruition with my wife (心经) via zen - who is beside me.
She double confirm plus chop what I say above.

0users liked this commentThumbs UpThumbs Down0users disliked this commentRicky L • a second agoRemove
Yes the whole Universal Truth is all about "Life and Death".
- Matter - Life and Death (sex and birth).
- Mind - Mundane to Supramundane (mental aggregates from mundane to supramundane).
Gay (Homo) - definitely cannot give birth - no womb, no lotus how to?
Sentinent beings cannot be rebirth, population will shrink - if all are male.

Ricky L • Remove
Ah now i understood - why Heaven collapse inwards and Earth shatter outwards.
Because Black Hole suction happen now when Earth shatter outwards.
Only Amituofo and 2 Bodhisattvas - can intercept the Black Hole suction (only when Da Shi Zhi Pu Sa) come - to expand it outward.
Now 1 Amituofo and 1 Kuan Shi Yin Pu Sa - not enough because Da Shi Zhi Pu Sa have not come yet.
No wonder Universal Tears and Earth are still shattering.
Amituofo and 2 Bodhisattvas - can intercept the Black Hole suction (only when Da Shi Zhi Pu Sa) come - to expand it outward ---- by forming Pureland 净土 - to replace Heaven.
Thus I used the word Pureland 净土 - and not Heaven (because Heaven is collapsing due to Black Hole suction collapsing).
I need the Pureland to expand outwards to replace the Heaven - hence Pureland (净土)。

Ricky L • Remove
Da Shi Zhi Pu Sa is the 3rd outer ring firewall to hold the Nirvana Fruition.
If she have not yet come with the Pureland Lotus, how to wrap around and form the complete 3-ring concentric Nirvana Fruition?
Of course here leak, there leak, here trip, there trip lah.
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