ISIS's finances are taking a serious hit, and it's hurting morale inside the terrorist group

Ricky L • Remove
Without direct combat with the ISIS, cutting out money supply will have a very potent impact in causing chaos to the foot soldiers, ISIS army and the senior leadership - causing the ISIS daesh organisation to begin to crumble.Reply
As posted in :-
17 December 2015
ricky l
ricky l1 second ago
Make no mistake, ISIS daesh must be completely defeated and pay for their crimes - for committing extreme atrocities.
International cooperation and determination is key to defeat ISIS daesh.
In addition to military pressure, cutting the supply lines of ISIS daesh - eg. finance, oil revenue, manpower, internet, communication, food, water, logistics, ammo, weapons, medicine etc ----- will be the fastest way to defeat ISIS daesh, force unconditional surrender and arrest them if possible and put them on international trial for war crimes and meted out punishment as per their crime.
ricky lricky l1 second ago
If international forces can successfully cut off the supply lines of ISIS daesh - . finance, oil revenue, manpower, internet, communication, food, water, logistics, ammo, weapons, medicine etc - there will be very little collateral damages and casualties.
For eg. ISIS daesh has :-
(1) no food, no water - cannot survive for long - and will surrender.
(2) no ammo, no bullets, no bombs, no weapons - and will surrender.
(3) no cash, no oil revenue - to pay their militants, to buy weapons, ammo, food, water, logistics, medicine - how to fight?
No supply - the only way is to surrender.
Thus no casualties imposed on international troops, civilians will not be hurt by firefight and bombs - and the ISIS daesh can be arrested, let them face trial and let them discover their mistakes, repent and those who committed atrocities shall be punished according to the international law of war crimes.
Isn't this the smarter way, surgical way of defeating ISIS daesh?
no need to carpet bomb, nuclear bomb, deploy huge foreign army troops etc --- waste resource, damage infrastructure, kill civilians and innocents - and don't achieve result as well as surgical smarter way of defeating ISIS daesh.
This is a divine way to defeat ISIS daesh.
Ricky L • Remove
By cutting supply, it is the most skillful, surgical with direct impact - on each and individual ISIS daesh - whether foot soldiers or leaders ---- that will lead the whole ISIS daesh organization to crumble ---- without dispensing a single shot in combat with the ISIS daesh militants.
Recruits will be demoralise, disaffected, dis-enchanted.
New recruits will not want to join - a crumbling and demoralise organisation.
ISIS daesh will start to crumble within.
And with sustain external pressure - it will hasten its crumble ----- and prevent protracted combat engagement.
Cutting off supply will also reduce their abilities to finance overseas terrorism.
Ricky L • Remove
守附地球 罗汉菩萨 现身。下凡普度众生。
Ricky L • Remove
No need heavy lift of large troops ---- waste money, waste resources, unnecessary casualties.
No need to carpet bomb - hurt innocent civilians, damage more infrastructure - more costly to rebuild.
More surgical, more direct, soft-touch, skillful --- and most important - divine ways (without shedding blood) - to defeat the evil Satan --- ISIS daesh.
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