Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Sun god Apollo presides over final flame rehearsal
Reuters By Karolina Tagaris
20 April 2016 15:59

ricky l
Where did I attain my Enlightenment?

My wife and I went to Phor Kark See Temple to listen to 净空法师 invited by a Singapore Master and listen to the Veneable Jing Kong talk about Basic Buddhism for 7 days while on vegetarian meal for 7 days.

Both my wife and I witness a very bright aura emerging from the temple.

After 7 days, I slept on the bed with my wife beside me at my HDB flat.

Then suddenly, I attain 1-pointedness nimitta concentration - with 1st try i resist, and then 2nd try, I let my 5 mental aggregate suck into the nimitta.

Then I sit up, use my blanket to cover my body like a Sangha robe and continue to meditate until I achieve Full-blown Nirvana Fruition and maintain in that position for 4 hours.

Thereafter, my wife woke up and shake me incessantly because i am basking in the Fruition - so blissful that I do not want to come out from it.

Then i realise i cannot leave my wife alone and sub-consciously cannot leave sentinent beings alone ---- could be due to my Bodhi Vows that I make with 4-Face Buddha and the Sleeping Sakyamuni Buddha in Thailand.

Before all these, I undergo training in Ta Pei Yuan under Brother Richard on Basic Buddhism and then undergo training with a Famous Singapore Venerable Monk on meditation.

Under this Singapore Venerable Monk - i undergo 3 years of very solid training for 3 years (many meditation methods) --- before i go to Phor Kark See Temple - and thereafter attain Enlightenment.

My this Master Singapore Venerable Monk - then ordained me on 3 Triple Gems in Ta Pei Temple under 观世音菩萨 statute - to undertake Mahayana 大乘 and then he chant 阿弥陀佛 Amituofo.

Just before Year 2001, I met 大勢至菩萨。

ricky l
My wife, 观世音菩萨 accompanied me all the while to practice Theravada Buddhism (小乘佛法)until I attain Arahat.

大勢至菩萨 Da Shi Zhi Pu Sa is the one that gave me the 无量寿经 Wu Liang Shou Jin.

I in return gave her an 阿弥陀佛 chanting statue.
大勢至菩萨 Da Shi Zhi Pu Sa invite me to her Sister-in-law house to meet a Chinese Venerable.
I share my meditation experience and zen experience to the Venerable.

Another day, 大勢至菩萨 Da Shi Zhi Pu Sa invite me to her house when we met a Woman Elder and a maid.

大勢至菩萨 Da Shi Zhi Pu Sa then show me a Jade 阿弥陀佛 Amituofo in front and then the white standing chanting 阿弥陀佛 Amituofo that i gave her behind.

大勢至菩萨 Da Shi Zhi Pu Sa told me that the statue is no longer chanting.

I kneel down and pray to the 2 阿弥陀佛 Amituofo statutes.

This is the time I start off with 大乘佛法 Mahayana Buddhism until I attain 菩萨 果 (Bodhisattvahood) together with my wife 观世音菩萨 and my son 弥勒佛 and go through many trials and tribulations to 修菩萨行 - conducting Bodhisattva practices。

I practice Group Chating of 阿弥陀经 Amituo Sutra  普觉 temple Phor Kark See Temple during one period regularly.

Then in 1 practice, when I bow down, a White Standing 阿弥陀佛 Amituofo shining brightly descended in front of me.

After that, I no longer do Group Practice of 阿弥陀经 Amituo Sutra  and I begin doing meditation on my own in 无相殿。

My son 弥勒佛 (Matrieya Buddha) also attend school in 普觉 temple Phor Kark See Temple and also attended a short novice monk retreat.

ricky l
Only through practice of the 修菩萨行 - doing Bodhisattva practices - can i attain the 阿弥陀佛 果 Amituofo Fruition.

A Chinese saying :-

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