New Cybersecurity Act to boost defence against cyber attacks: Yaacob
April 11, 2016

Hta htoo3 hours ago
Why hire so so many IT workers from overseas? Save costs on educating the locals?
Penny wise, pound foolish!........heeee
Quickly begin training so many people in such a short time won't produce experts. They must have the aptitude!
- ricky l1 minute ago

ricky l15 seconds ago
How lian to you what local can do.
(1) network - bgp4, ospf, static route, vrrp, hsrp, glbp, vrf, link aggregation, etherchannel, vlan.
(2) server virtualisation - vmware, esxi, vm, virtual centre.
(3) cloud computing - catalog, multi-tenant, software-defined network, nsx, vxlan.
(4) san storage - san storage manager, san controller, enclosure, disk array, logical drive name, hot spare, host, LUN, disk type, sas, ssd, FCD, FDE, san switch, WWNN, WWPN, HBA.
(5) network management system, application management system
(6) ITSM - incident management, service desk, change management, config management, release management, CMDB.
(7) network security - firewall, IPS, VPN, APT, DLP, WAF
---- just some technology what a local infra guy can do.
Penny wise, Pound foolish?
This is super-high productivity.

ricky l32 seconds ago
Do you want to challenge a local how fast can a local configure a router comprising the most complex configuration :-
(1) BGP4 WAN routing
(2) ACL
(3) NTP protocol
(4) VPN IPSec
(5) IPS
(7) Policy-based routing
(8) traffic-shaping
(9) VRRP redundancy
- 30 minutes to complete.
You see whether a local will lose out to your so called overseas IT.
Game to take up this challenge?

ricky l5 seconds ago
Meritocracy right?
Then do a fair fight here - and see whether local will lose out to oversea IT -- and your so call penny wise, pound foolish.

ricky l5 seconds ago
I bet you must be using your wireless broadband to access the internet and post your comments here. You must be an overseas expert in wireless lan.
Then do you know that :-
(1) wireless lan is using wi-fi technology under IEEE802.11a/b/g/n/ac ---- what are the various speed of this different denomination?
(2) which denomination are using OFDM and which are using DSSS modulation?
(3) what is IEEE802.11i?
(4) what is TKIP, WEP, WAP, IEEE802.1x EAP, captive web portal?
(5) how do WLAN do authentication?
(6) what encryption standard does WLAN adopt?
- some very basic wireless lan technology ---- as you are an oversea IT expert - you must be able to answer at ease right?
Otherwise you will be penny wise and pound foolish you know.

ricky l5 seconds ago
Now local got aptitude for IT or not?
Now local can be an expert in IT or not?
You do not even dare to take up the challenge - talk only.

Hta htoo2 hours ago
Wat chiu talk about, ricky l ?!......heeee

Chua21 minutes ago
ricky, with your knowledge, it would be good to find a platform to share your info and rope more talents into this industry.

ricky l16 seconds ago
Another ICT initiatives that are not highlighted is :- IOT (Internet of Things) ---- whereby TCP/IP drive many appliances and make this commercial appliances the smart appliances.
Eg. of IOT are IP remote controlled door access, cctv, tv, sensors, fridge, drone, driverless cars, etc.

ricky l6 seconds ago
But with proliferation of IOT will means the cybersecurity must be rocked solid ---- as hackers can start hacking and everything that is IP-based can be hacked and taken control of - anywhere in the world wirelessly or wired --- a frightening scenario if you see DieHard 4 ---- that is what it means.

ricky l6 seconds ago
One very good used of IOTs - are IP based sensors and controllers to remotely monitor and detect MRT track fault proactively and can respond immediately when fault are alerted and detected - without the needs for engineers to walk the track to check track faults using "eyeballs".

ricky l16 seconds ago
So ICT will be increasingly pervasive that will manage, control, provide value add in every aspects of the Economy.
Previously ICT are only focused in Office Automation productivity tools - eg. processing spreadsheet, document, database, email.
Then it progress to become mission critical apps for business such as ecommerce, transaction based in driving business and doing business electronically.
The next phase as Smart Nation --- ICT is used to drive Critical Information Infrastructure - like ERP2, IOTs, manage energy, water, driverless car, intelligent building management system etc. --- as this form a very critical backbone of the Entire Nation.
Train commuting hours may be shorter to facilitate maintenance: Khaw
Nurul Azliah
April 12, 2016

Train commuting hours may have to be shortened in order for operators to carry out maintenance for longer periods, Transport Minister Khaw Boon Wan said on Tuesday (12 April).
Khaw revealed this in Parliament as he gave an update on plans to improve Singapore’s rail network through stepping up maintenance, conducting major replacement works and expanding the system capacity.
“I hope commuters will allow us to open some of the MRT lines a bit later in the morning or close them a bit earlier at night. An extra hour or two a day will make a lot of difference to our engineering and maintenance staff, and help them perform better,” said Khaw, who is also the coordinating minister for infrastructure.
“We can run some buses to provide an alternative,” Khaw said. Engineers are currently given three hours to conduct maintenance each day, he added.
The Ministry of Transport (MOT) will spend about $1 billion in major replacement works, which Khaw said are “very costly investments” but “necessary.”
In a move towards preventive maintenance, train operators will be deploying more sensors this year to monitor the condition of assets and conduct necessary maintenance before any issue arises, Khaw said.
Sensors such as the Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT), used to monitor the third rail which powers the trains, and the Wheel Impact Load Detector (WILD), which monitors train wheels, are currently deployed.
On top of these, operators will deploy the Catenary Eye System (CES), which will use infrared to monitor power systems for the North-East Line (NEL), and the Rolling Stock Monitoring System (RSCMS), which will collect information on train systems along the North-South Line (NSL) followed by East-West Line (EWL) next year.
New substations will also be built to cope with the surge in demand for the rail network.
The upgrade of the system will take “a few years” to complete given its extensiveness, which is an undertaking that is not without its risks, Khaw said.
“We are taking a risk that it may cost more disruptions. We are deploying condition monitoring tools and techniques to help mitigate such risks. But we know the risk cannot be fully eliminated,” he said.
No “finger-pointing” during a crisis
MOT plans to facilitate closer cooperation between the Land Transport Authority and train operators in Singapore to improve their crisis management.
“We address each (crisis) incident as a collective responsibility. No finger-pointing, share openly, solve the problems speedily,” said Khaw.
MOT will also tighten regulations and step up its audit on engineers’ processes, and add more resources, where necessary.
In a bid to attract more Singaporeans to work in the railway sector, MOT will set up the Singapore Rail Academy to expand the pool of engineers.
“The academy will work with rail operators and the institutes of higher learning to deepen rail engineering capabilities through training as well as for accreditation and certification of training programmes and competencies,” he said.