Thursday, April 28, 2016

十法界 (10 Realms)

When 清明节 (Qing Ming Day) - 地狱 and Ulabama (于兰节)- 饿鬼 comes, it means all 10 Realms of the Universal Beings are complete and has descended into Earth in 新家-净土 (Singa-Pureland).

(Note :- Buddhism does not have a day to liberate all the Big Hell Realms and sub-hell realms. Thus need 清明节 (Qing Ming Day) to help in 大普度 - Big Salvation). This is only found in 大乘佛法 (Mahayana Buddhism).

This is where the Zen Piece (禅位) of the Universe is complete and has come down to Earth.

During this period, the Zen 禅 - will be at its full potential in 新家-净土 (Singa-Pureland) --- due to my 3rd Bodhi Vows (十方十法加持及普度) 10 Realms provide Blessings & support.

What is 10 Realms :-
(1) Buddhas (佛)
(2) Bodhisattvas (菩萨)
(3) Pacekka Buddha (辟支佛)
(4) Arahat (罗汉)
(5) Heavenly (天人)
(6) Human (人)
(7) Asura (阿修罗)
(8) Animals (畜牲)
(9) Hungry Ghost (饿鬼)
(10) Hell (地狱)

新家-净土 (Singa-Pureland) has transformed from 孔 (Confucius System) to 大乘佛法 (Mahayana Buddhism).

By building Singapore as an orderly Country with an orderly System - and now into a System that transcend the Earth, into the Universe and into Infinite Universe(s) only if necessary ---- to become the Universal System.

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