Friday, April 29, 2016

Jhana Samadhi - 1-pointedness nimitta concentration.

The stupa structure - is for body sariras 五蕴界空。1-pointedness nimitta concentration.

The mosque structure - is for human to 五蕴界空。1-pointedness nimitta concentration.

That is why, Is-Lam know the Heaven is going to collapse inwards so as to prevent Earth from falling apart - triggering nuclear leak, double Earthquakes and then many earthquakes, refinery on fire, mrt power trip, water leak, light bulb filament burst etc
Thus only 阿弥陀佛 Amituofo & 2 PuSa 菩萨 (三圣)- can intercept to prevent 五蕴界空。1-pointedness nimitta concentration.

The above confirmation has initially come from 东方, East side (Japan, China, Singapore) and now from Is-Lam (Muslim and the West). That why the flag - red zone (East) come first before the white zone confirm (West).

Only 阿弥陀佛 Amituofo & 观世音菩萨 Kwan Shi Yin Pu Sa is here to intercept (with help from 弥勒佛 Matrieya Buddha). But 大勢至菩萨 Da Shi Zhi Pu Sa is not here yet - thus 三圣果位 (3 Concentric Ring of Amituofo Nirvana Fruition) is not complete yet - thus now here leak there leak, here trip there trip - because no 3rd concentric ring firewall to stoutly defend the leak and trip from those who are scrambling to want to come into this Nirvana Fruition.

If not 弥勒佛 Matrieya Buddha will have to take over when Earth shatter and Heaven 五蕴界空。1-pointedness nimitta concentration occur and Heaven collapse inwards to do vertical salvation 竖度- so as to prevent Universe 于宙 from collapsing.

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