Friday, April 22, 2016

Sun god Apollo presides over final flame rehearsal
By By Karolina Tagaris | Reuters – Wed, Apr 20, 2016 10:59 PM SGT

ricky l
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Ricky L • a second agoRemove
Japan - 九州。Incessant earthquake - to the West quake. Also Japan warship and plane after changing constitution.

中国 - 九界线
US - warship, war plane
Australia - warship, war plane
Thailand - political tension and terrorism.
Indonesia - terrorism.

All these may trigger 小三灾 - 天灾,人祸,瘟疫 (3 small catastrophe - natural diasater eg. earthquake, war - nuclear war, epidemic)。

And may be follow by 大三灾 - 于宙灭,法灭, 六道灭 (3 big catastrophe - Universe collapse, Dharma collapse, 6 realms sentinent beings collapse --- and all descend into 阿鼻地地狱 - Avici Hell).

---- underlying tension are brewing all because of Pureland and the whole family of Divinty ---- to salvage the World and the Heaven - and albeit the 6 realms sentinent beings.

Japan - due to WW2 - hell beings and hungry ghost sufferings from WW2 are shattering the Earth, nuclear leak.

Heaven - is pleading crossing of Form 色 rupa to 空 Formless nama.

Thus - 4 Great Elemets Matter shatter, 5 Mental Aggregates (Mind) of Heaven collapse inwards. Judgement Day has arrived.

Hence 天崩地裂 (Heaven collapse, Earth shatter).

ricky l
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Ricky L • a second agoRemove
Japan Shinto Shrine - WW2 realm beings are trying to break out ---- and need 9 Grade Lotus to salvage Japan --- and the Whole World.

Thailand 4 face Buddha 四面佛 - is under attack by terrorist - & as a result, the karma - the source of terrorist attackers have to suffer terrible fate of war under attack.
Because 4 face Buddha 四面佛 is the one that recommend Amituofo to the Master Sakyamuni Buddha.
4 face Buddha 四面佛 - represent 4 directions to 4 major religions - Buddhism, Taoism/Hinduism, Christianity, Islam.

And because of 4 face Buddha 四面佛 right decision to point me to my Master Sakyamuni Buddha ----- thus I am able to save my Country, my World, my Universe now.

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