Friday, April 29, 2016

Can 3 Bodies (Buddha, Dharma and Human Bodies) come together?

People asked :-
Can the 3 Bodies - Nirvana Body, Dharma Body and Human Body come together?

The answer is yes but under 2 conditions :-
(1) When the mundane Samsara Universe collapse into a Big Black Hole
(2) When all the 10 Realms have attained Nirvana Enlightenment.

Now the 3 Bodies are separated.

(1) Buddha Nirvana Body (OmniScience) - represent Perfection. Can pray to Buddha statue.

(2) Dharma Body (OmniPresence) - are present in all 10 Realms. Can read sutra (mantra), recite sutra (mantra), chant sutra (mantra). Listen to Venerables, Sangha, Monks, Nuns and learned LayPeople - explain sutra and mantra.

(3) Human Body (OmniBenevolence) - just treat him like anybody who is in Middle Path, in Moderation. Can follow Venerables, Sangha, Monks, Nuns and learned LayPeople.

Then when do Matrieya Buddha (弥勒佛)come in to do vertical salvation 竖度?
When 阿弥陀佛 (Amituofo) human body passed away.
Passed away to where? I don't know.

How to ensure 新家-净土 able to maintain high standard?
(1) Ensure good Governance System - under  hybrid of Western Democratic Parliamentary System (debate, brainstorming etc) & 孔 (Confucius System)  (follow order) - Form (色)Rupa
(2) Ensure Religious Diversity - under 大乘佛法 (Mahayana Buddhism) - 空 (Formless) Nama.

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