By By Karolina Tagaris | Reuters – Wed, Apr 20, 2016 10:43 PM SGT
For this Big Salvation and Liberation of Judgement Day - no one in this Universe has ever done it before.
If we succeeded, it will be our 10 Realms - World Independence Day (to resolve 小三灾)on Earth collapsing and in fact, the Universe Independence Day (to resolve 大三灾)on Universe collapsing.
Thus will need to tap each and everyone in this Universe of 10 Realms - to put their Heart and Mind into it to help one another - to make sure it succeed.
Else Consequences will be very serious - Earth Collapse, Universe Collapse.
我已超越了 阿弥陀经 及 无量寿经。(I have exceeded the Amituofo sutra and Wu Liang Shou Jin sutra).
If we all fail to achieve the holy mission of :-
"Leaving no one behind.
Leaving no sand behind."
Ricky L • Remove
If the above happen, then I will become the 无量寿佛, the Infinite Life Buddha. But if this Buddha if ever to be born - that means 小三灾 and 大三灾 (Earth collapse and Universe collapse) will happen.
That means my Bodhi Vows :-
"Leave no one behind. Leave no sand behind" fails.
Thus I must be the 阿弥陀佛 (Amituofo). If not the conseqences will be very serious - as this Universe will have to collapse - and to resume with another new Universe --- and this will have to go on and on --- until the final Bodhi Vows :-
"Leave no one behind. Leave no sand behind" is achieved.
Ricky L • Remove
No wonder i overheard someone say :- "神是你,鬼也是你“。
无量寿佛 - 有三大菩提愿 (大悲心,大愿力)。
“Leave no one behind.
Leave no sand behind."
无量寿佛 - 有三大菩提愿 (大悲心,大愿力)。
(空)- Formless
“Leave no one behind.
Leave no sand behind."
(Form) - 色

What is 无量寿佛?
无量寿佛 is Infinite Life Buddha.

大涅槃 !!!
The Great Final Nirvana !!!

Ricky L • Remove
Because 上帝,God or Allah - talk about Form (色)。
无量寿佛 - Infinite Life Buddha talk about 空 & 色 (Form & Formless) (Nama & Rupa) - and talk about Nirvana (涅槃)。

Why because 上帝,God or Allah - preside over 1 Universe - Form (色)。
When the Universe collapse - 上帝,God or Allah collapse along with it.
Only 无量寿佛 - Infinite Life Buddha can help to recover or restart another Universe through 空 & 色 (Form & Formless) (Nama & Rupa).

In fact, 无量寿佛 - Infinite Life Buddha can help to recover or restart infinite Universe(s) - endless if need be.
The best is stop at 1 Universe - once and for all.

Ricky L • Remove
That is :-
1st Universe - 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 ................ 0.999999......, 1
2nd Universe - 1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 ................ 1.999999......, 2
to infinity Universe............................. until Great Final Nirvana 大涅槃 !!!
until :-
无量寿佛 - 有三大菩提愿 (大悲心,大愿力)。
(空)- Formless
“Leave no one behind.
Leave no sand behind."
(Form) - 色
If not sensitive - that why can talk more lah.
But if sensitive - then cannot talk, cannot elaborate lor.
If don't talk ---- then it become you die, i die, everyone die - all die.
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