Thursday, December 27, 2018

US government shutdown extends into next week

 (Updated: )
Ricky Lim
"He's taken our government hostage over his outrageous demand for a US$5 billion border wall that would be both wasteful and ineffective."
Some immigrants children and toddlers pile up sandbags to make steps beside the border wall - and then they climb up the border wall walking up the sandbag steps.

The $5 billion border wall was totally wasteful and ineffective.

Only Trump and some of his foolish supporters think that he has such a bright idea to stop illegal immigrants.

The immigrants kids are smarter than Trump and his supporters.

Breeke Lo
In an interview last mth with Fox news, when asked to grade himself..

"I would give myself ― look, I hate to do it but I will do it ― I would give myself an A+. Is that enough? Can I go higher than that?”

I almost died laughing over this

Henry Lee
Can shut down forever.

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