Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Bomb hoax, car breakdowns and queue-cutting aggravated Causeway congestion: ICA

 (Updated: )

TK Lim
Bullshit. Few of my friends and I went to JB last Friday. At Tuas, The massive jam started around 3pm before the car breakdown happened. After the car be cleared, I went in about 930pm, it still massive jam. Which, take about 3 hours just to clear Singapore custom.
Half of the counter were not opened, no traffic police to manage the traffic.
I am wondering is this done in purpose to retaliate the Malaysian government nonsense claim on territory. If this is the case, Singapore government is lame and childish.
Ricky Lim
I am glad that you mention Malaysian government nonsense claim on territory - as Malaysian.

Your old hat claim on territory - is indeed nonsense.

And we indeed need to response with nonsense.

The causeway jam is indeed a disincentive for Singaporeans to visit the neighbor for shopping, dining and recreation.

Singaporeans should avoid the Causeway jam by not crossing over - so as to clear way for Malaysians to come and go.
Ricky Lim
There are alot of nonsense recently :-
(1) egg export ban nonsense
(2) some fish export ban nonsense
(3) water nonsense
(4) airspace nonsense
(5) port limit nonsense
(6) abang adik nonsense

(7) ship intrusion nonsense

We also need to response with some nonsense :-
(1) causeway jam nonsense

Ricky Lim
Suggest weekend, Christmas, New Year, Lunar New Year - should reduce manned counter by another 10% to 20%.

Paul Tan
As you rightly said it was nonsense claim on territory by Malaysia then it would chidish on you not to expect retaliation.
TK Lim
Paul Tan retaliation by bully the Malaysian citizen contribute work force to Singapore? If it is correct, Singapore government doing exactly malaysia government (specifically Mahathir) wish Singapore goverment to do. By bullying, you are turning those become Mahathir supporter, spreading hatred to citizen level. Do malaysia gov care about the Malaysian shuffle cross the boarder? They don’t, sinply wrong target. Stiring, spread hatred and manipulate emotion then gain politician Advantage what Mahathir good at. Just like playing with race and religious in Malaysian.
Hello there is bomb hoax too angry bird. Open more counter then security left with no enough man power to cover check u kn.

This life style is permanent for aleast another 15 years, Just live with it. If not just stay put.
Paul Tan
TK Lim nope! I am not turning one to become anyone's supporter. I am just turning you "chidish" argument towards u.

Paul Tan
Ricky Lim absolutely! No choice! Security cannot be compromised. Also need to thoroughly search every vehicle. Don't allow very old and rundown vehicle to come into Singapore 有毁市容.
Ricky Lim
TK Lim - You say "bully the Malaysian citizen contribute work force to Singapore?"

Since when did Singapore bully Malaysian citizen?

Are you and Malaysians in anyway buliied in Singapore?

Many Malaysians are in Singapore with jobs earning good money - did Singapore in anyway bullied Malaysians here?

We are discouraging Singaporeans to visit Malaysia - because your old hat display hostilitiy to Singapore - despite our Leaders showing friendliness.

Under such conditions and such negative political climate - why should Singaporeans visit Malaysia?

Ricky Lim
TK Lim - I hope you don't expect to take everything under the sun and give nothing :-
(1) Malaysians earn good money with jobs here
(2) Malaysians in Johore expect to earn good income from Singaporeans with food, shopping and recreation

and yet your old hat want :-
(1) more money from water
(2) want airspace
(3) want port limit
(4) want vessel intrusion
(5) want ego abang adik
(6) want more money from eggs
(7) want more money from fish

---- we are not the old hat suckers, and we are not the old hat punching bag.

----- We too can punch back very hard. 佛都有火。
---- You still expect us to roll out red carpet for the old hat and sayang the old hat ah?

--- Our responses are by far the most mild in comparison.

We will not bully the Malaysians - but we will definitely stand up against your old hat bullying --- but Malaysians may have to suffer some collateral damages unless Malaysians restrain your old hat.
TK Lim
用李 I might be wrong but I doubt the bomb hoax. I been there, didn't see any extra security officer, no extra check on any vechicle. Car breakdown, is just excuse as it jam before and after breakdown cleared. Car cutting were not happening as the entired lane jam and stuck till AYE, simply cannot cut. Sum it out, more as an excuse to public.
Singapore ICA on malaysia border got very high standard on control traffic that's why I doubt it do it in purpose. The massive jam normally happened in chinese new year, long holidays, tightend security due to certain insident (but normally with almost full counter open but jam due to higher security check time). My frustation, more on the malaysian goverment nonesen and singpaore goverment response in this way.
K Tan Don
Ricky Lim Interesting points you raised..beside the dirty hawker food, and some unethical sellers, did you encounter any bad experience in your stay in JB ? such as you kena rob, or the immigration staff tear your passport, etc..we will help you to complain in our MYS forums..
TK Lim
Paul Tan Argument? I am not here to argue. Malaysia goverment (or mahathir govement) is evil came with bad political movement.
Singapore retaliate by bullying boarder just lame and childish. Thats my point and I hope singapore can find a way to retaliate to malaysia goverment straight and direct.
Ricky Lim
K Tan Don - My family has stop going to Malaysia eversince your old hat come into power.
So i got no answer to your questions.
K Tan Don
Ricky Lim : Sorry to hear that, please come again when Tun is not the PM anymore, ok ? We welcome you to come and shop in JB..
Ricky Lim
K Tan Don - Will consider if the old hat is no more.
Breeke Lo
K Tan Don good that u asked. My friend's friend was locked up at customs for passport ''chop" issues over the weekend (because there are no processing of cases on weekends). The guy's mother spent a total of $5k (not sure RM or SGD) to finally get him out.
Tun Osman
Limtk, dont come to Singaporelah. Avoid the jam. Stop blaming Singapore. Dont be childish.
Tun Osman
LimTK, malaysians should be gratefull to their kind Singaporean neighbour for letting them work in Singapore. Singapore can always get other ASEAN countries citizens to work here. Dont be an as..... thinking we're depending on malaysians alone.
K Tan Don
Tun Osman : We are so grateful woh..U happy now ? Now please open all the counters departing to JB..

Breeke Lo
K Tan Don Who said that this jam is a retaliation to the water intrusions? If anything, it is the hostile climate that neccessitated a higher level of security. Silly to think it is deliberately making life difficult for the common Singaporean and Malaysian. That are many ways to retatiate without needing to inconvenience our own ppl.

Breeke Lo
K Tan Don good that u asked. My friend's friend was locked up at customs for passport ''chop" issues over the weekend (because there are no processing of cases on weekends). The guy's mother spent a total of $5k (not sure RM or SGD) to finally get him out.
Tun Osman
Limtk, dont come to Singaporelah. Avoid the jam. Stop blaming Singapore. Dont be childish.
Tun Osman
LimTK, malaysians should be gratefull to their kind Singaporean neighbour for letting them work in Singapore. Singapore can always get other ASEAN countries citizens to work here. Dont be an as..... thinking we're depending on malaysians alone.
K Tan Don
Tun Osman : We are so grateful woh..U happy now ? Now please open all the counters departing to JB..
Breeke Lo
Who said that this jam is a retaliation to the water intrusions? If anything, it is the hostile climate that neccessitated a higher level of security. Silly to think it is deliberately making life difficult for the common Singaporean and Malaysian. That are many ways to retatiate without needing to inconvenience our own ppl.
Christopher Tan
Ricky Lim I full agree that Singaporeans should avoid the Causeway jam by not crossing over - spend your money here to drive the Singapore economy & pump petrol in Singapore to do your part towards nation building.
K Tan Don
Breeke Lo : Sir, did I made this assertion that the jam was a retialiation by SG govern? That comment was made by another commentator..I am just pleading with you guys to open up all counters departing JB, so that our workers can go back earlier to JB to celebrate Christmas and New Year with their families... I never mention about retiliation leh..don't accuse me something I never say leh..please go through all my comments to see whether I got say anything about retiliation or not ? Aiyoh, why you like that one ? I am expecting an apology from you, on this accusation..please redirect your response to the other person..
TK Lim
Ricky Lim Yup, respone is necessary but got to go toward the right direction. If response on citizen on boarder, he just having a ultimate good laugh at the back as it is doing him a favour. No point everyone is toyed by him yet he lose nothing. Example water issue, want to change the agreement? it is fine, let's discuss the new price of raw water and also the price of treated water back to Johor. If can't reach a mutual agreement, Singapore can sustain with higher price water treatment under subside with NO or FULL (+margin) price to Johor. Let's see Johorean will support him anymore or not by stiring the emotion.
Breeke Lo
K Tan Don Yes, you are getting your apology. That comment wasn't directed at you. It's for the OP TK Lim. Clicked the wrong reply button cos urs was right above. Sorry :)
K Tan Don
Breeke Lo ok apology accepted. thank u.
Suhail Sham
So funny. Bomb hoax but no police. The PAP are indeed the peddlar of FAKE news just like how historian Thum PinTjin told Law minister during the select committee hearing.
Tun Osman
Oppos licker in the house.
Tun Osman
Suhail Sham politicised everything. Singapore borders cannot be compromised. Even with the strict checks, drugs, cigarettes n many illegal things are smuggles.
Tun Osman
K Tan Don please tell your fellow countrymen to stop working here. Go find jobs at your own country. This will definitely stop the jams.
K Tan Don
Tun Osman : Please ask your government to allow all our people to withdraw our CPF monies then.. you want to kick our workers out, please be kind to ensure you pay us all our monies..not a single penny less..Don't rob our people hard-earned money..after our workers got our moneys, we will proceed to close our borders, our airspace..turn off the water tap.and everyone live happily ever quarrelling ..please ask your government to send us an official notice, so that we can start to do all these things...thank u.
Breeke Lo
Suhail Sham besides SPF, law enforcers includes ICA, PCG etc. Your style of opposing is not helping but disgracing SG opposition. U shut up is most helpful.
Ricky Lim
Singaporeans should not quarrel with the Malaysians.

Only their old hat give us trouble --- not the Malaysians and many of their younger Ministers who wanted better relationship.

Hope Singaporeans don't misfire or over-fire - control your fire.

We are not here to make enemies - because no one will benefit in a hostile environment.
(Remember our policies - Be friends with All, Adversity with None. Forge Mutual Benefits with Win-Win Outcome.
We don't say for fun - we practise what we say.)

When we are bullied - we must stand up to fight the bully.
But at all times - we should not bully others.

So far, Singapore has not over-reacted - and we should continue to remain calm and restraint.
However if Causeway is jam and political climate is unfriendly - then we should spend more of our time at home - why stuck in the jam?
Selva Kumar Nkp
And the many unmanned counters?😎
Freddie Tan
You are right. Everyone can see that

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