Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Malaysia's desire to take back airspace 'not a straightforward decision': Khaw Boon Wan
Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/malaysia-take-back-airspace-khaw-boon-wan-response-10996012

 (Updated: )

Breeke Lo
This old snake is trying to kill 2 birds with 1 stone.

1. He is using us to rally and unite people along nationalistic lines... by portraying us as transgressors of their sovereignity and economic interests.

2. This old beaten snake is trying to fulfill some unfinished business, which have been nothing but futile attempts while LKY was alive. And he is in a hurry to get it done before he joins LKY so he can have the last laugh!
Ricky Lim
Singaporeans can do their bit - along nationalistic line.

That is, stop visiting Malaysia and spend  our money in Singapore - to make the retail and F&B in Singapore more vibrant.

As long as this old man is around causing trouble for us --- Singaporeans should not make his life easier by spending hard earned money to contribute to their Economy.

Ricky Lim
Currently, the Singapore factor is worth at least RM50 billion (S$16.6 billion) a year to the Johor economy, state executive councillor for tourism and domestic trade, Datuk Tee Siew Keong, told Malay Mail Online.

"An average of 16 million tourists a year from Singapore visit Malaysia and a vast majority enter the country via Johor Baru. It is their first stop and assuming they spend a night or two here before moving to other places, the money they spend is substantial," Datuk Tee was quoted as saying.

Singaporeans should do our bit to stop visiting Johore and Malaysia - until we are convince that they stop creating trouble for us.

We should spend our (S$16.6 billion) a year in Singapore - and create more jobs in Singapore rather than contributing it to Malaysia.
Paula Tan
Ricky Lim old man needs healing in his damaged soul ..bitter ... lah
Paladin Nicholas Lawrence
I was just thinking this morning that Mahathir is a real serpent.
Then I saw your post!

I normally don't like to wish this on people, but I hope he passes on soon. He has a very bad record of stirring trouble for S'pore.

Ricky Lim
Paladin Nicholas Lawrence - We as Singaporeans should take pride in ourselves and our Country.

If this old man has the propensity to consistently display unfriendliness, and hostility towards us and our Countries - hurting our interests --- then why should we as a citizens --- help this old man to continue to hurt our interests by giving him money to hurt us --- such as patronizing their retail, recreation and making them rich?

We should spend our money in Singapore to help our own people - by giving them business and create more local jobs.

S$16.6 billion a year is a big sum of money - and if Singaporeans spend this in Singapore - how many jobs we can create and how our business can benefit and earn good profit. Why give such a big sum to this old man - to hurt Singapore and Singaporeans?
It is stupid of us to do so.

Also we can see that in their Parliament --- they start to pinpoint Singaporeans as their whipping boys eg. the airspace management, suggestion by their MPs to stop Singaporean cars for plying on their road, immigration officers tearing Singaporean passports etc.

Only when they display genuine effort to forge friendly relationship with Singapore - should we as citizens show friendliness by visiting their places --- because benefits should be mutual.

By stopping visits to Malaysia - is the most immediate outcome to display our displeasure - and hurt them immediately. This is within our means to do so ---- so why not do it? Our actions will speak louder than words. A loss of RM50 billion (S$16.6 billion) a year will hurt them quite badly ---- as they are already budgeting for deficit - and their coffer is running dry.

When people slap us in the right side of the face --- we should stop visiting them to continue to give them business.
Not let them slap our left side of the face - by still visiting them and continue to give them business.

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