Sunday, December 30, 2018

Commentary: A truce won't solve a trade war but here's what might

Political commentator Robert Boxwell shares three actions US President Donald Trump can take to strengthen his position with China.
 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim
US total trade in 2017 = US$3.88 trillion.

Export = US$1.5 trillon
Import = US$2.3 trillon

Donald Trump - “They kill us” on trade, he said, and promised to fix that.
--- is a total overstatement - make to play to the gallery to woo his voters.

US total economy is US$19 trillion - which depends alot on cheap imports from the World to feed its internal Economy. In other words, its GDP is generating US$15 trillion 
 from internal consumption and production as compare to US$4 trillion trade.

By twisting its arm on China and the rest of trading partners ---- will make import very expensive for US - that will hurt its own consumers - which in fact harm US consumers interest and also the World Economy that is contingent on World trade.
Zhang Jin
trump is a trade war monger
Jack Liew
All this comment is only a one sided judgement. Nothing so wise at all.
But take note that, for China they too have their side of story to tell.
The above commentary projected america as a hero whereas china as a crook. I feel this is seriously not real..

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