Tuesday, December 18, 2018

China honours Lee Kuan Yew for 'long-standing' support of its development
Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/lee-kuan-yew-lky-gets-award-from-china-11042524

 (Updated: )

K Tan Don
Mr LKY is the modern Zhuge Liang - brilliant rare gem..
Breeke Lo
Guess how he'll handle your water intrusions if he is still around?
K Tan Don
Breeke Lo : Only he and Tun are on par..
Faker K Tan Don they nvr on par like your fake statement. Look at your fake identity for a almost bankrupt nation yet still trying foolish act by intrude into her neighbor water.
Cut your link to one of Singapore founding Father. You r not fit!!
LKY not a war strategy leader dun tainted his name.
He is a great nation builder with an excellent Ace team of the modern world!
K Tan Don
用李 Try to find a 90 plus leader who can win a national election against all odds stacked against you. Anyway for a Malay leader, he is exceptional brilliant and influential. What does a guy like you staying in IMH knows ? That 93 years old are making you so upset, I think u will prolong your stay in IMH..
Philip Chan
K Tan Don Nope, LKY is better.
K Tan Don
Philip Chan Well without doubt, Zhuge Liang is better than Sima Yi in certain things..but Sima Yi was the one having the last laugh and live longer..
Faker K Tan Don dun try to disgrace your fake representative further.
Who the hell in histroy need to run back to set up a third Car Factory at age 93 & not enjoy life??

Dun shame the unfit further & get lost!!
K Tan Don
用李 Oh oh the 93 years old is making your mental condition get worse..quick..go and take some medicine..
Breeke Lo
K Tan Don on par?

LKY lived his entire adult life as a leader, total 52 yrs since he become PM. The 93 yo only total 28 yrs as leader from Deputy PM and spent a big part of his adult life as a blogger and online complainer 😂

It's like comparing lizard and dinosaur.
Steven Mok
K Tan Don , no way on par..
LKY can speaks Malay language where Mahathir can't speak mandarin when needed.
Singapore first world development and Malaysia still far behind par 3rd world and seems sliding down..
K Tan Don
Steven Mok : Aiyoh, you want no. 1 no 1 loh..like that also want to quarrel..u happy enough loh..anyway Mr LKY deserve to be no. 1..so u win..I got no complain..happy ?
Ricky Lim
K Tan Don - Don't compare your old hat with Mr LKY.

Mr LKY has transformed Singapore into a 1st World Nation with per Capita GDP 3rd highest in the World - and above all racial and religious harmony.

Your old hat?

Mr LKY is 正人君子。
Your old hat is a 小人伪君子。

Ricky Lim
K Tan Don - Now your old hat want to emulate Mr LKY and what Singapore do :-
(1) want to have racial equality - but roll back when the Malay mass demo in ICERD - no political guts and no political vision.

(2) want to emulate no corruption - but we know all along he tolerate "kopi lui".

---- full of hypocrisy.

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