Friday, December 7, 2018

Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen warns Malaysian vessels to leave Singapore waters

 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim
Singapore Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen has warned Malaysian vessels intruding in Singapore waters to leave, in his first public comments on the maritime spat between Singapore and Malaysia.
"Singaporeans are peace-loving, but I strongly caution violators to leave Singapore territorial waters," said Dr Ng in a Facebook post on Friday (Dec 7).

Posted on :- 06 Dec 2018 05:45PM (Updated: 06 Dec 2018 08:55PM)

An Isma
Ricky Lim thank god u not MID.. lol
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Ricky Lim
An Isma - Else why you think that old man Dr M - suddenly try to be friendly - immediately place photos showing him shaking hands with our PM and post that Singapore is Malaysia twin in his facebook 06 Dec 2018 07:27PM.

When we stay strong - and not fearful to act decisively when the condition requires it - you think the old man will shrink?

Now we should temporarily hold off any firm actions - as we monitor the massive rally in Malaysia against the old man.

This old man try to provoke an incident in Singapore - in an attempt to divert his people anger over here.

We will not fall into his trap.

But when the condition is ripen - when it is the time for us to respond decisively - we will !

老虎不发威,他但我们是病猫。(Tiger don't roar, he think we are sickly kitten)
欺善怕恶。(Bully the kind, scared the fierce).
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Patrick Chua
Already given them enough warning, seize the vessel, charge the captain & crew in court.
Zhang Jin
arrest arrest arrest.
Lim Kelvin
Give them a warning shot and see whether they dare to come near again.
Lowaiis Tan
The warning shot has far greater implications than you think lol
SG will bully private mys vessels but not touch mys gov vessals. But private vessels got no time to visit Sg waters. If Sg touches mys gov vessels, LHL is going to have a hard time flying to KL to kowtow n explain n then release the vessel. So u think these clowns khaw, ng n others knew what they r talking about or losing face or saving face ? U tell me.
Lau Lan Chu
You tell me you are on SiN or Malaysia side then I will tell you.
Wong Ks
shoot after warming
Tan Kwong Moh
Now no more "abang-adek", but hope won't become enemy...
Ng At
No Action Talk Only
Foong Mun Loh
Paper General talk big only lah......later M'sia ban export of MaoShanWang durian to S'pore.....will bring Sinkies to their knees liao........
Thong Wong Seng
China restrict buying the Malaysian durian
And we too boycott their durian then the Malaysian
can eat all their own durian.
Thong Wong Seng
You ought to be ashamed of yourself. You come here to
earn your living here. Enjoying all that you are enjoying. If
You feel your Malaysia is so good and you can earn as much
as you are earning now then GO BACK. You ungrateful beast
KT Tan
Maybe time to think of setting up water-based barriers to prevent unruly intrusions.
Pak Mat Tempeh
There will be no winners if the unthinkable happens....Malaysia is playing with fire!!!!
Lee Chin Guan
Malaysia is much bigger than us, and has huge population. But why their economy can't make it?
I think their government stupid stupid, always do silly move.

James Liew
Start shooting! Seize the vessel and blow it up; Indonesian-style!

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