(Updated: )
Singapore Herald, which included one with the headline Minister Khaw Boon Wan threaten Malaysia with armed forces over Johor Straits, were found to be "objectionable on grounds of public interest"
"Such false statements, especially the use of emotionally charged phrases like “threaten” and “provoke”, might stoke feelings of ill will against Singapore, and undermine both sides’ efforts to resolve the situation peacefully," IMDA said.
Singapore Herald must not anyhow use 兵法 - when you don't know how to use it.
Not any Tom, Dick and Hairy know how to use 兵法.
拿捏不准 - 就会檫枪走火。
"Such false statements, especially the use of emotionally charged phrases like “threaten” and “provoke”, might stoke feelings of ill will against Singapore, and undermine both sides’ efforts to resolve the situation peacefully," IMDA said.
Singapore Herald must not anyhow use 兵法 - when you don't know how to use it.
Not any Tom, Dick and Hairy know how to use 兵法.
拿捏不准 - 就会檫枪走火。
Ricky Lim
- 只有 people with such attributes - can use 兵法 - 才能用兵如神, 出神入化 - 有如 狮子吼。
- 只有 people with such attributes - can use 兵法 - 才能用兵如神, 出神入化 - 有如 狮子吼。
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Ricky Lim
兵法 就是 = 心法。
Ricky Lim
用在仁义之士 - 就会造福人群。
用在不良之士 - 就会危害人类。
用在不良之士 - 就会危害人类。
Ricky Lim
用李 - i think is a online news managed by some Singapore oppositions who have hatred for Singapore.
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Ricky Lim
Breeke Lo - Singapore has 2 types of opposition.
(1) Opposition who dislike the Government and who has no interest for Singapore or Singaporeans at heart and don't wish Singapore well - and will do anything to bring Singapore down.
(2) Opposition who disagree with the Government but who wish Singapore well.
(1) Opposition who dislike the Government and who has no interest for Singapore or Singaporeans at heart and don't wish Singapore well - and will do anything to bring Singapore down.
(2) Opposition who disagree with the Government but who wish Singapore well.

Masa Soh Mengming
If I want to read articles slamming our position on the dispute, I can always read Malaysian papers or read the comments of the Bolehlanders.
Singapore Herald has always been an opposition publication. But you'd expect people with political ambitions to take a pro-Singapore stance. It makes me wonder what their true intentions are.
Singapore Herald has always been an opposition publication. But you'd expect people with political ambitions to take a pro-Singapore stance. It makes me wonder what their true intentions are.
Yi Yong Ke
Masa Soh Mengming..:
People with politcal ambitions definitely take a pro-Singapore stance or they either go bankrupt or become mentally deranged.
How about you,?
Where is your stance and stand???
People with politcal ambitions definitely take a pro-Singapore stance or they either go bankrupt or become mentally deranged.
How about you,?
Where is your stance and stand???
Norah Arc
I thought I saw pictures of ministers posing with weapon sophistry in our news media recently? Is it too late to throw a blanket over that too?
Hope your neighbours don’t mistaken it for a blanket of fear over Sin but see your rich intentions towards them?
Hope your neighbours don’t mistaken it for a blanket of fear over Sin but see your rich intentions towards them?
Came across a video from Today new in Chinese, reporting about military confrontation at the tuas marine dispute. What a fake news. They only want viewerships. Can't be trusted.
sounds like we are living in China now
Their goals are to blemish Singapore in all matters so how can you expect them to deviate from their stated objectives.Take it or leave it.
Blocking 'objectionable' (note they din use the word 'fake') news only protects people who believes every shit they read. Anyone who feels protected pls comment here.
That is what happen where many Malaysian tabloids - broadcast the news by STR on the fake news of 1MDB and how our leaders are connected which are not true.
And some Malaysians believe it.
In times of dispute - any such fake news can inflame sentiment easily - and ignite into something very ugly.
This is also 1 aspect of a total war - an information war that is exploited by this group of people.
And some Malaysians believe it.
In times of dispute - any such fake news can inflame sentiment easily - and ignite into something very ugly.
This is also 1 aspect of a total war - an information war that is exploited by this group of people.
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Breeke Lo
Breeke Lo
Ricky Lim if they are so gullible as you said, then how did BN lose during a time where Fake News Law was put in place by Najib?
Reply · 1h
Ricky Lim
Breeke Lo - what happen in Malaysia - they know.
What happen in Singapore - they don't know.
And if Singapore fake news online is broadcast - they will treat it as true - because they say - even Singapore tabloid say so.
When a lie is told a few times - it become true.
Don't believe you see how Malay Mall report the maritime dispute news to Malaysians - anyone reading it will think what Malaysia do is right because they twist the fact. They even say Singapore vessels intrude into their Port limit.
How US voters fail to choose Hilary ---- alot is because thanks to fake news.
How US military lost the war in Vietnam - is because they lose the information war - not lost through military might.
By taking action against fake news --- is to convey the message that the news is false --- else failing to take action convey the meaning that we agree it is true --- and this will come with consequences.
This fake news has the consequences of creating military confrontation and tension between 2 Countries - that are not intended ----- it is right for the Government to act and dispel this fake news.
What happen in Singapore - they don't know.
And if Singapore fake news online is broadcast - they will treat it as true - because they say - even Singapore tabloid say so.
When a lie is told a few times - it become true.
Don't believe you see how Malay Mall report the maritime dispute news to Malaysians - anyone reading it will think what Malaysia do is right because they twist the fact. They even say Singapore vessels intrude into their Port limit.
How US voters fail to choose Hilary ---- alot is because thanks to fake news.
How US military lost the war in Vietnam - is because they lose the information war - not lost through military might.
By taking action against fake news --- is to convey the message that the news is false --- else failing to take action convey the meaning that we agree it is true --- and this will come with consequences.
This fake news has the consequences of creating military confrontation and tension between 2 Countries - that are not intended ----- it is right for the Government to act and dispel this fake news.
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Breeke Lo
Ricky Lim Fake news helped Trump win, and why is he the one trying to kill press freedom now? That guy actually coined the term ''fake news". The reason is simple, he knows that if he can control what comes up and what doesn't come up in the news, he has a higher chance to win again in 2020. Is that what u want to see happen? Trump winning again by manipulating the press a second time?
Breeke Lo - We are in a period of passive "total engagement" with the old hat - and taking control over information channel is vital to Singapore at this point - not letting ourselves score own goal.
Election thingy is not in scope - and don't intend to discuss this further.
Election thingy is not in scope - and don't intend to discuss this further.
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Breeke Lo
Ricky Lim the correct way to counter a piece of fake news, like the one that u said will trigger a war, is to publish a factual retort to it, and back up your counter arguments with facts. Truth and facts will prevail in the end. This shows you are able to stand up to scrutiny. Ppl are not that dumb. That was how Najib lost, despite the media virtually working in his favor.
Breeke Lo - The factual news are reported many times.
But do you think Malaysian tabloid will pick the news that are of the advantage to them or disadvantage to them? Just like they pick up the STR false report.
Anyway I will stop here - but just to let you know the "Total Defense" is not so simple unless you see the whole jigsaw.
But do you think Malaysian tabloid will pick the news that are of the advantage to them or disadvantage to them? Just like they pick up the STR false report.
Anyway I will stop here - but just to let you know the "Total Defense" is not so simple unless you see the whole jigsaw.
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Ricky Lim
Breeke Lo - yes we can't - but blocking a fake news will sensationalise and send a strong message that the news is false.
Look at the effect of STR - you see the impact? All Malaysian tabloid subsequently acknowledge the news is false and issue a statement.
Look at the effect of STR - you see the impact? All Malaysian tabloid subsequently acknowledge the news is false and issue a statement.
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Breeke Lo
Ricky Lim "When a lie is told a few times - it become true."
I think this is the most fundamental point you overlooked. U dun sit there and watch someone tell a lie against you and keep quiet. U dispel it with facts. And we're talking abt an entire govt machinery w vast resources and reach .. against a 1 man show blogger like STR. Just look at how we quashed the Oxford historian PJ Thum.
But make no mistake abt it, if the truth is not on your side, the truth w prevail even if you hv an entire army of bloggers and IB dogs. Again, that was how Najib lost.
I think this is the most fundamental point you overlooked. U dun sit there and watch someone tell a lie against you and keep quiet. U dispel it with facts. And we're talking abt an entire govt machinery w vast resources and reach .. against a 1 man show blogger like STR. Just look at how we quashed the Oxford historian PJ Thum.
But make no mistake abt it, if the truth is not on your side, the truth w prevail even if you hv an entire army of bloggers and IB dogs. Again, that was how Najib lost.
Breeke Lo
Ricky Lim "Look at the effect of STR - you see the impact? All Malaysian tabloid subsequently acknowledge the news is false and issue a statement."
This is actually the most dangerous aspect of news censoring. It cause more harm than good. There are uncountable pieces of ''objectionable" articles out there as we speak in case u r not aware. What does it tell u when I block 1 site but not the other 99? It instantly conveys to everyone that the other 99 is believable, they 'passed' censorship. Isn't that worse?
This is actually the most dangerous aspect of news censoring. It cause more harm than good. There are uncountable pieces of ''objectionable" articles out there as we speak in case u r not aware. What does it tell u when I block 1 site but not the other 99? It instantly conveys to everyone that the other 99 is believable, they 'passed' censorship. Isn't that worse?
Ricky Lim
Breeke Lo - I have said my piece and don't intend to discuss further.
It is going into endless loop.
It is going into endless loop.
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Masa Soh Mengming
In fairness, the report was described as reporting false fabrications.
Nevetheless, it is overkill to stop a publication which alleges that Khaw did a LKY or GCT by threatening to mobilise the armed forces. As I have said many times, a strong response is what we expect from our government.
Nevetheless, it is overkill to stop a publication which alleges that Khaw did a LKY or GCT by threatening to mobilise the armed forces. As I have said many times, a strong response is what we expect from our government.
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