Saturday, November 10, 2018

Wildfires rage in California, Trump blames 'forest mismanagement'

 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim
Trump say Global Warming is a hoax.
Trump pull US out of Paris Climate Agreement.

This is Trump reaping his Universal Law of Karma - the fire of Hell.
Ricky Lim
For a person who defy the Law of Nature --- will experience the Hell of 4 Elements :-
(1) The fire of Hell 火
(2) The wind of Hell 风
(3) The water of Hell 水
(4) The earth of Hell......... 土

This is the Universal Law of Karma that defy Nature.
Ricky Lim
If Trump abuse his power with impunity - Trump will incur the wrath of the Universal Law of Karma.

If Trump continue to harm humanity - by not adhering to the Paris Climate Agreement --- Trump will continue to incur the wrath of the Universal Law of Karma.

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