Wednesday, November 7, 2018

US-China trade tensions could lead to 'broader conflicts' if not handled well: PM Lee

 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim
In response to a question from Mr Micklethwait about how governing Singapore has changed in his time as Prime Minister, Mr Lee noted that the emergence of social media has made things “very different”, and the job has, he said, become “more complicated”.
“It’s not just that you have more news going around, but you have more fake news, you have opinions that can crystallise overnight and it may or may not be based on fact,” he said. “And suddenly you’re having to react to them.”
Posted on :- 23 Jan 2018 07:26AM (Updated: 23 Jan 2018 10:27AM)

Ricky Lim ·
Facebook acknowledged on Monday (Jan 22) that the explosion of social media poses a potential threat to democracy, pledging to tackle the problem head-on and turn its powerful platform into a force for "good."

Posted in :-
17 Jan 2018 06:22PM (Updated: 17 Jan 2018 06:33PM)

Ricky Lim ·
It is good that the Government is recognising social media influencers.
By reaching out to social media influencers, the Government is also tapping a vast amount of ideas out there that can help to shape policy making

It is wise to tap and muster the strength of social media.

Because it is realtime, online and can reach many audience and mainstream media offering many varied solutions and ideas even weird unthinkable ones but could bring a breakthrough).

Because social media contribute to the building up of metadata, Big Data where policy makers and mainstream media are tapping for solutions to World problems and National problems.

Social media can shape National events and influence World events online, real time and transform the World into a wholesome World.
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Ricky Lim ·
Posted on :- 04 Dec 2017

China think tank calls for 'democratic' Internet governance
04 Dec 2017 04:40PM (Updated: 04 Dec 2017 05:04PM)

Ricky Lim ·
"(All countries) should give full play to the Internet to spread positive things like justice, kindness, liveliness and goodness in cyberspace," the report said, without elaborating.


Posted on:-
01 Dec 2017 05:14PM (Updated: 01 Dec 2017 05:20PM)
Ricky Lim ·
Digital disruptive technologies disrupted traditional business and industries and jobs.

It has created new business and new jobs. But it has also contribute to business demise and job loss.

Similarly, social media can also shape National events and World events and transform the Nation and the World positively into a wholesome World.

Holy people, Great people in the past use speeches and books to transform people - but only to the people they come into contact.

Social media is borderless and virtual and can reach larger audience online, real time.

The potential to shape World events is tremendous. What is needed is one's good heart, one's wise mind.
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Ricky Lim ·
China Government has help to propagate to All Countries :-
"(All countries) should give full play to the Internet to spread positive things like justice, kindness, liveliness and goodness in cyberspace," the report said, without elaborating.

This will have help me to fulfill the 3rd Bodhi Vow :-
十方十法界(六道众生、声闻-四圣人、缘觉- 辟支佛、菩萨、佛) 加持及普渡
10 direction of 10 Dharma realms (6 sentinent beings realms, Saints, Paccekas, Bodhisattvas & Buddhas) provide Blessings & Support.
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Ricky Lim · Singapore
Posted on :- March 3, 2017

ricky l 5 seconds ago
There are 2 aspects of cyber warriors that perform the role of cyber defense :-
(1) Protection of our IT infrastructure
(2) Psychological and ideological warfare - propagated through the cyber space.
ricky l
Reply 00
ricky l 15 seconds ago
The latest US election - demonstrate that social media are used in cyber space to influence the election result by foreign intelligence.

This is one aspect of cyber attack - that fringe on psychological and ideological warfare - that cross border and impact domestic views and change election result.

ricky l00
ricky l 8 seconds ago
Sophisticated software are used to do profiling, web crawl to do meta data search, data analytic are performed and ideologies, fake news, propaganda, scandalised news etc are spread to targeted audience - via the cyber space - to influence the election result.

This is a new dimension of cyber attack.
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Ricky Lim
To that, Mr Micklethwait asked if long-term strategic thinking has become harder for a politician.
Mr Lee responded that it would certainly leave him less time to see what his long-term intentions would be. “It also makes it harder to get people to focus on the long-term and believe that in fact you have a workable scheme to get from here to there,” he said. “Because every day you’re chasing a new rabbit.”
Government Leaders will have to stay focus on long-term strategic thinking -- while leaving the tackling of chasing new rabbit due to emergence of social media that made things “very different”, and the job “more complicated” - with social media psychological units.

Long-term strategic thinking - is imperative for policy makers to stay focus to tackle Economic challenges, Social challenges, Political challenges and Security challenge - and make the citizens aware and conscious of the challenges faced by the Nation.

As social media detract and disrupt the citizens focus away from the Long-term strategic thinking --- social media psychological think tanks and units, mainstream media --- should pull the citizens back on the Nation challenges ---- and not get distracted by social media fake news or their isolated bubbles created by social media.
Ricky Lim
The moment the Government Leaders got distracted from the Long term strategic thinkings ---- by short-term social media fake news and isolated bubbles ---- the Nation will deviate and divert from solving the real econcomic, social, political, security challenges faced by the Nation and by the citizens.

This will be disastrous for Singapore.

Oliver Weng
A famous speech and quote from President Xi of China, if you want to be in Government then don't ever think of making it rich and if you want to be rich, then don't be in the Government.
If you want to make use of your Government positions to make a quick one to become rich, sooner or later you will be finished.
This should be a good Quote for all PAP.PA.TC.CCC.and RC member
Ricky Lim
Many who join the Government has no intention to get rich quick - because politicians is a risky business - and there is no guarantee that one will always win election.

To get the best talents to join the Government (where this talents are already doing very well in their respective profession) --- we need to pay them so that they won't lose too much where they are already paid well and paid more than - if they work as politicians.

Ricky Lim
In fact, there is problem getting talents to be politicians - even if million dollars pay are dangling out there.

Not many talents are willing to sacrifice their careers, their private lives and their freedom - to join politics.

If the policy of not paying market rate to politicians ----- Singapore governance standard will fall badly and everyone will suffer.
Ricky Lim
Singapore success is not given and should not be taken for granted --- and the fastest way to unravel Singapore's success, prosperity and wealth --- is to knock away the talents helming the Government.

And the fastest way to do so - is to meddle with the remuneration of the politicians and the civil service.

Without top talents helming the Government --- Singapore is nothing in the World and may go into oblivion.

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