Thursday, November 15, 2018

Exclusive: At UN climate talks, Trump team plans sideshow on coal

The Trump administration plans to set up a side-event promoting fossil fuels at the annual U.N. climate talks next month, repeating a strategy that infuriated global-warming activists during last year's talks, according to three people with knowledge of the matter.
15 Nov 2018 08:25PM
Ricky Lim
Even as the Trump administration aims to promote energy strategies that could detract from those international goals, it also plans to let State Department officials continue negotiating the climate accord - a recognition that the next U.S. president may drop the nation's opposition to the pact.
For US to rejoin the commitment of Paris Climate Agreement - Trump need to go and a new President come on board.

Trump don't believe the Universal Law of Karma - 4 Great Elements that backlash on Trump :-
(1) Heat Element - California fire
(2) Wind Element - Typhoon
(3) Water Element - Hurricane and Flooding
(4) Earth Element

that unleash on Trump led US.

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