Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Facebook admits 'serious mistake' after Edwin Tong questions failure to remove hate post in Sri Lanka
Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/facebook-serious-mistake-edwin-tong-hate-post-sri-lanka-10975582

 (Updated: )

Daniel Goh
Fact of the matter is, FB's inaction on politically and socially malicious posts in Myanmar and Sri Lanka had a pretty much direct effect on the political-social situation in both countries now... no matter how the committee grills this Richard Allan guy, all the committee are gg to get are pacifist answers from him. The moment they are back in office, its B.A.U. It's this silent arrogance of these higher ups in FB that is dangerous.

FB is the best example of what a skewed view of freedom of speech and uncontrolled dissemination of information can do a country, it's people and their way of life.

Side note: who is to say that FB was not deliberately complicit in allowing politically and socially malicious posts go unchecked? The power of social media now allows governments of big and powerful countries to politically destabilise other countries and regions quietly, for whatever reasons.
Ricky Lim
Cambridge Analytica used its own database and voter information collected from Facebook and news publishers in its effort to help elect Donald Trump.

In addition, A bombshell new report from the New York Times reveals that Russia (and some Countries) was likely not the only foreign group which actively worked to help Donald Trump win the 2016 election using social media.

Thus combating fake news spreading through social media to prevent the carrying out of fair and open election - is necessary.

This also should include local online news spreading fake news - such as the States Times Review spreading fake news on our "illegal involvement" in 1MDB and others --- which turn out to be false and defamatory.

It has the effect of :-
(1) Smearing our reputation as a trustworthy financial hub
(2) Put us into collision course with Malaysians who are highly sensitive to the 1MDB scandal

Alvin Leong
"The power of social media now allows governments of big and powerful countries to politically destabilise other countries and regions quietly, for whatever reasons."

Correct, but the power of social media can also allows people to bring down the evil government in their own countries, as long as social media is not banned in that country.

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