Advocates for those in need: The Social Service Office where social and job assistance come together
A woman with no confidence to return to work, and others who need more than financial aid – such folks are in the good hands of one social service team, which seeks holistic solutions for clients in need.
By Derrick A Paulo
04 Nov 2018 06:30AM
how much salaries are being paid to these social workers.........compared to how much money given to the needy ?.............LOL

How much tax have you pay to help this people needing financial assistance?
Or are you one of them who 有手有脚 with healthy mental capacity - but don't bother to work - just sitting there complaining - expecting social welfare to give you money - while you sit behind the keyboad - do nothing but enjoy shooting the Government?
Then you are essentially a 寄生虫。(parasite)
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The main priorities is to help those underprivilieged to get the necessary skillsets to work.
For those with lower mental capacity - more menial works that is less mentally demanding but yet still can help them to earn income.
The moral of the story is that - we cannot preach the notion of giving away "social benefits" as the primary source of income for the underprivileged group.
We should help the underprivileged group to "develop skillsets and give them fishing rods to fish - and not relying on the Government (which in fact the taxpayer's money) - to feed them with fish".
Only when the underprivileged group face "career crisis or family crisis" - when they suddenly go under - social welfare will need to come in to 扶他们一把 to help them tide over the financial crisis and stand back on their own feet - so that they will not lost hope.
This should be the objectives of "social welfare benefit".
Not preach the notion of total reliance on Government, which is the tax payer money - to feed them perpetually.
Else the State will go bankrupt and the burden on the whole Nation taxpayers will be very heavy - and will not be sustainable.
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Singapore need to be a Compassionate Society.
But we to be Compassion with Wisdom ---- not Blind Compassion - that will not be sustainable --- and will pull the whole Nation down.
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Ricky Lim ......just like the 400 million they spend every year on free education for foreign students ?

Foong Mun Loh - Can you please quote where is the authoritative source that say 400 million are given to foreign students - before talking about the policy of foregin students who is helping Singapore to generate more wealth - to feed someone like Foong Mun Loh.
Or can we rely someone like Foong Mun Loh to help to generate more wealth for Singapore - or will we hear of more complains from Foong Mun Loh?
And if Foong Mun Loh can generate more wealth for Singapore with less complain, and if Foong Mun Loh able to spar with the Global Foreign Talent and hold your own - I believe the Government will not hesitate to give one scholarship award to Foong Mun Loh.
Singapore is very careful about spending money - and there is always a good reason why such money are spend to boost our Country's competitiveness to generate more wealth for the Country and our businesses are Global all over the World.
BTW for curiousity sake - how much has Foong Mun Loh contribute to the GDP of Singapore - with ideas, talents, invention, innovation, entreprenuership, policies, foreign connections, etc.....
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