Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Harvesting in a trade war - U.S. crops rot as storage costs soar

By Mark Weinraub and P.J. Huffstutter
  • ricky l
    2 seconds ago
    Trump and his trade team - is the culprit that cause this.
  • Alan Tan
    4 hours ago
    People are dying of hunger and here we have tons of food left to rot!
  • Eric
    3 hours ago
    well done red states, go support your Donald.
  • Michael
    4 hours ago
    One man's action causes millions of suffering. "Make America Great Again?" Still plenty of fools out there still thinking what USA doing is right!! From creating conflict in each Continent to trade war with China that scare them to #$%$.
  • jose
    2 hours ago
    what a waste of food
  • Joseph
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  • joe
    44 minutes ago
    Waste not and want not.
  • Chieftain
    37 minutes ago
    Don't waste sympathy on these Trump cult supporters bec they deserved it
  • Anonymous
    1 hour ago
    Let it go, let it go
    Can't hold it back anymore
    Let it go, let it go
    Turn away and slam the door
    I don't care what they're going to say
    Let the storm rage on
    The cold never bothered me anyway
  • joe
    42 minutes ago
    It is a sin to cause food to rot. Those responsible will have to answer to our Almighty God.
  • Samuel
    2 hours ago
    Simple ! Trump can buy them and ship them to poverty-stricken and war-torn countries ! He had also promised the farmers US$12 billions,after starting the trade war with China. Unfortunately,he may not do that due to his fickle mind,as an overgrown toddler cum dotard !
  • ranjit
    22 minutes ago
    Trump is saying that we are winning and China is bowing their #$%$ to us.

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