Saturday, November 24, 2018

Climate change could cost US 'hundreds of billions' a year: Study
 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim
US President Donald Trump dismissed last year's report, and just this week appeared to confuse weather with climate when he tweeted: "Brutal and Extended Cold Blast could shatter ALL RECORDS - Whatever happened to Global Warming?"
Trump also yanked the United States out of the landmark 2015 Paris climate accord, signed by more than 190 nations to limit carbon emissions.
Trump is causing tremendous humanity sufferings not only Worldwide, but also to US ---- with his "ignorant stubborn denial" - in Global Climate, Trade war and meaningful Global cooperation.

This problem will only be resolved if Trump is voted out of office - which is 2 years down the road or 6 years down the road - if his ignorant supporters still insist on voting him in.
Ricky Lim
US have been hit by :-
(1) Hurricane Katrina
(2) Hurricane Irma
(3) Hurricane Harvey
(4) Hurricane Florence
(5) Yearly California mammoth forest fire due to dry climate

--- causing tremendous damage to US many States --- and yet Trump is still in denial of Global Climate.

American voters has elected a "Humanity killer thru Global climate change" to be their President.

That is why karma is so heavy:-
(1) Relentless hurricanes and tornadoes hitting US states
(2) Relentless fire in California

Posted on:- 10 Nov 2018 05:41PM (Updated: 10 Nov 2018 08:15PM)

Ricky Lim
Trump say Global Warming is a hoax.
Trump pull US out of Paris Climate Agreement.

This is Trump reaping his Universal Law of Karma - the fire of Hell.
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Ricky Lim
For a person who defy the Law of Nature --- will experience the Hell of 4 Elements :-
(1) The fire of Hell 火
(2) The wind of Hell 风
(3) The water of Hell 水
(4) The earth of Hell......... 土

This is the Universal Law of Karma that defy Nature.
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Ricky Lim
If Trump abuse his power with impunity - Trump will incur the wrath of the Universal Law of Karma.

If Trump continue to harm humanity - by not adhering to the Paris Climate Agreement --- Trump will continue to incur the wrath of the Universal Law of Karma.
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Petjay Catarbas
Trump has said climate change due to global warming is fake news. Nothing will be done.
Jackal Way
According to Trump's theory of insanity, there is no climate change in U.S. So why is the author so concerned about it. U.S losing some billions due to climate change is a peanut. Maybe a few trillions lost may be of concern to them. Nothing to see. Move on.
Tan Koo Koo
When a country is lead by an incompetent clown... they are but a circus.

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