Thursday, November 15, 2018

‘Singapore and US stand together and stand strong’: PM Lee, VP Pence reaffirm robust, enduring partnership

Both leaders, who spoke at a joint press conference on Friday (Nov 16), also noted that there are still many other ways to collaborate.
 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim
Speaking at the joint press conference, Mr Pence thanked Mr Lee for the hospitality, and described Singapore as an “inspiration” to the world.
“It is really remarkable to think of Singapore’s success in only 53 short years,” he said, adding that Singapore has reached “towering heights”.
“Here, two great oceans meet, and here, like nowhere else on Earth can be found such variety, such contrast, such success and such prosperity,” he said. “In such a small place, it is truly an inspiration to the world.”
“Singapore shines brightly and the United States is proud to call Singapore a strategic partner and friend.”
This accolade by the Vice President of USA - aptly describe what Singapore is - the highest honour in which Singapore rightfully deserve - much kudos to the Singapore Government and the diligent Singaporeans and residents.

It speak volumes of Singapore achievement for the past half century of Singapore Nation Building.

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