Thursday, November 8, 2018

Shanmugam says States Times Review article has 'absurd allegations', questions how Malaysian media picked up story

MAS files police report over States Times Review article that 'impugned its integrity'

 (Updated: )

Interesting read by Singapore Opposition Parties on Alex Tan - chief editor of States Times Review :-

HEADLINES “Poisonous” States Times Review Claims Foster Anger and Indignation Among Opposition Parties
ByRedwire SingaporePosted on October 22, 2018
States Times Review editor Alex Tan, a former Reform Party general election candidate, has rankled opposition party leaders after he labelled them as leeches and nuisances.

In a post on Sunday (21 Oct), Tan called these opposition parties and their leaders as”opportunists” who are “as good as useless”:

redwire singapore states times review opposition x2

Singapore Democratic Alliance chief Desmond Lim was gracious with his words. Speaking to Redwire, Lim said:

“He has his agenda, but readers have the wisdom to judge.”

Lim preferred to draw attention to his work on the ground, where he has been consistently conducting house visits and social initiatives to benefit needy Singaporeans – work which has been recognised and lauded by opposition parties.

redwire singapore states times review opposition x4
People’s Power Power secretary-general Goh Meng Seng responded with stronger tact:

“A person like Alex Tan, who is exactly the type of person I have described in my previous post who just whipping up irrational, sensational and emotional anti PAP ranting to leech on those hardcore opposition supporters to earn money via his website, Statestime Review.”

Goh went on to describe how he first encountered Tan on the election trail in 2011:

“When Alex Tan first met up with me while I was still the SG of NSP, he wanted to contest in GE2011 under NSP. He was and still is full of anger and throwing all sorts of assertions, even running WP LTK and SL. He presented himself, arrogantly as someone who is smarter, a modern day ZhuGeLiang!

I was of course bemused but to me, I would still give this young chap a chance. However, in the end, he joined RP under KJ and contested in AMK GRC against the Prime Minster, thinking that he could do better than the WP AMK Team in GE2006. But of course his big ego was instantly deflated by the result.

I find him to be more like a psychopathic with a huge ego which is definitely a mismatch with his mental and intellectual capability.

Look at what he had done so far for the Opposition cause. He is only clever enough to leech on the anti PAP sentiments on each and every instances. Did he provide any refreshing or potent new public discourse against PAP and its policies? Nope. Most of the postings are just a copy cat piece of work with insertion of sensational rhetorics. Such methodology is poisonous to the Opposition Cause as it basically promote senseless idiocy of blind hate.”

Tan contested in GE2011 in Ang Mo Kio GRC under the Reform Party banner, where his team won about 30 percent of the popular vote.

He has since relocated to Australia, where he co-founded the now defunct The Real Singapore, and started his personal blob, the States Times Review.


Ricky Lim
If this Alex Tan of States Times Review succeeded in sowing the discord - it will lead to unnecessary tension between Malaysia and Singapore.

The Malaysian mainstream media have picked up on States Times Review - and this will have damage Singapore Government reputation - as well as stir up unnecessary tension between Malaysia and Singapore.

No one would believe MAS coz it had been silent until after the new mys gov came into power. Prior to that in all court cases , no warrant of arrests for Jho Low, Najib n other cronies, nor subpoena issued to them to attend court where extradition treaty was in effect.
Tan Alan
Seriously?... "impuge on integrity"?
"Keppel-Brazil bribery" was exposed only when US-DOJ pursued after "more than a decade" of fradulent and criminal act, and massive fine out of taxpayer's money was quickly paid to "close" the case!!! Did the "relevant authorities" act prior to that? MAS overwhelming silence and inaction so far on PANAMA PAPERS and PARADISE REPORT on tax havens and evasions!
Yeok Fong Yong
Dave, you just come down from Bodoh Mountain? In 2016 Singapore asked Hong Kong to arrest Jho Low by Hong Kong played Bodoh! Banks have been closed, people arrested related to 1MDB. Your own integrity is affected if you played blind and deaf!
Tan Wee Tong
Yeok Fong Yong right.
Paula Tan
Tan Alan
Silence is golden uses legal means ..the lesser mortals take bribes
Sg never ..miw
Razak Muhammad
Dave and Tan Alan — You too should be investigated! Oppositions I know over many years have been playing dirty games like these in order to seized power illegally.
Razak Muhammad
Yeok Fong Yong 100%.
Yeok Fong Yong , is that how Sg did police work ? Brother of LHL Najib is only 30 mins drive away n not ask Najib to produce Jho Low ? Also not ask Najib to b witness ? He was the supreme boss of 1MDB u know ?
Ricky Lim
Dave - I think you are trying to act "politically naive" or deliberately set a clash between Malaysia and Singapore.

And you have not been reading the news of how Singapore is the 1st to prosecute those responsible for scandals in 1MDB case.

Wonder are you in Singapore or is hiding somewhere overseas - while spewing inaccurate information supporting this States Times Review faked news?

Dave is always very quick to exploit issues that Singapore face - to instigate clash between Singapore and other Countries eg. with China when we have issues on Terrex, with US, and now with Malaysia.

Dave seems to rejoice when Singapore go into difficulties and is always quick and happy to exploit the situation.

I am sure Dave will be an interest party that the Security Department will want to have a cup of coffee with if he is in Singapore or if he come back to Singapore if he stay overseas.

LHL n Najib not brothers ? LHL did not know Najib involved in 1MDB fraud in 2016 or earlier ? No ? I thought I saw them having durians together , no ? My opinion at least TM knows LHL n Najib r brothers n LHL had given Najib good discounts on the high speed rail, no ?
Many here sounded like UMNO members, still backing LHL n die for him for his innocence or ignorance of the fraud of 1MDB perpetrated by MO#1. Najib got lucky n LHL too. Thanks guy for being s loyal s the UMNO Guys. Khairy is starting to drop Najib, wonder any Sg guy wanted to drop LHL.
HK got Jho Low in 2016. But one phone call from Najib to LHL n case closed , no ?
Yenni Jean
Yeok Fong Yong There is no need and no use to reason, talk logic and facts with the author. He is no bodoh and he knows he is sensationalising false allegations to cater to his conspiracy-minded audience. This is just his way of making a living. The only way to make the author understand that this is a wrong way to make a living is to charge him, convict him, and throw him into jail, just like the authors and owners of the former TRS.
Hey faker, u drunk? Why commented the opposite on all statements??

Tan Alan hey faker, dun drag non related topic into already fake accusation.
Tay Hai Kong
Talk about something closer to home. About the company setup by Najib and LHL after the sale of KTM railway lands in Singapore, M+S Pte Ltd. Singapore's Temasek nominated a local company, LionCity Capital Pte Ltd, as their 40% shareholder. Malaysia's Temasek equivalent, Khazanah Nasional, nominated an offshore company based in Mauritius as their 60% shareholder. These info are from the ACRA records. Suspicious enough? But not to LHL.
Ricky Lim
Are you suggesting that 2 Nations Government bilateral agreement as a setup or shady deals?

Then are you suggesting that whatever international agreement signed by Malaysia by the previous Administration - in CPTPP, RCEP, ASEAN etc as setup or shady deals as well?

You must have information to support what you say --- else you what you say here is defamatory and you are helping to stir up tension between Singapore and Malaysia.

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