Saturday, November 3, 2018

Commentary: The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter will change the rules of the air power game

The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter will provide sharper sensing for other advanced weaponry in the Singapore Armed Force’s arsenal if it is selected, says one observer.
 (Updated: )
F35Bs fit in very well to our RSAF operational readiness and can adapt to many strategic deployment.

In addition, the following capabilities are game changers :-
(1) F35 need a vast array of sophisticated VHF (very high frequency) radar to discover it --- which only show up as a blip - and then fall off the radar.

Even with such detection, it can't be locked by radar and track by missiles not to mention to shoot it down. This mean other fighter planes can't lock their radar on F35s to shoot it down in a dogfight.

(Only Russia and China can operate such sophisticated arrays of radar - but c
annot lock missiles to shoot it down. As it blip off and on due to its stealth nature). Such radar cannot be mounted in a fighter plane - thus impossible to detect a F35 in the air for a dogfight - unless come face to face.

Any radar trying to track F35s will appear prominently on F35s sensor - and will get shoot down easily.

(2) F35B can operate anywhere if runways are damaged - and this suit Singapore's constraint very well.

(3) F35 can aggregate battlefield information and can direct other SAF assets to launch precise accurate attack even if F35s run out of ammo - whereby F35 are virtual sensors deep into the enemy territory.

Having say so, we need to ensure F35 are combat ready ----- and the best indicators of combat readiness is the "Full Rate Production Order" issued by USAF.

Else we commit heavy investment to buy the F35s - and turn out very heavy upgrade needed later to patch vulnerabilites or faults.

If combat ready - F35s are a very good investment for our RSAF !

That means :-
(1) Non stealth fighter plane when meet F35 - cannot shoot it down with air-to-air missile because radar cannot detect and lock its missile on it - then how to do dogfight.

Only when see face-to-face - then have to use automatic machine gun to shoot it down.

But before reaching such a situation, F35 will have detected the non-stealth plane with radar - and will have fire the air-to-air missile and shoot it down - no need to dogfight.

(2) F35 with sensor can detect, track and lock its missiles at non-stealth fighter plane with its radar and sensor - and can shoot it down with air-to-air missile.

(3) Air defense cannot track and lock its missile on F35 being a stealth plane.

On the contrary when air defense try to illuminate its radar to track the F35 - F35 will have detected the radar while the ground radar cannot detect F35 - and F35 will have destroyed the ground radar and the air defense system.

So F35 indeed is a game changer.
Temasek Green
Ricky Lim Looks like copy and paste from their brochure. But the readers don't buy these so why the sales pitch? Impress who?
Temasek Green - definitely not for you - because you don't deserve it.
You are neither loyal to the Country nor are you thinking of the interest of Singaporeans - if you are really Singaporean. If you got nothing constructive to suggest, go to uncover inequality elsewhere - we don't need your comments here.

If you are not Singaporean - then you don't have to bother - whatever you say - no one will be interested.
Cilage ini negeri!! Mau perang dengan jiran ????

When we buy any assets - is for our own national defense - not to start a war with anyone.
Why do you have to worry?

Singapore is a Country that is peaceful and friendly, but we keep our defense strong - to prevent anyone from making any move against us who have sinister intention on us.
Bakhtiar Othman
Ricky Lim spore is too small to self suffice, you guys are bound to expand in territorywise. Dont tell me spore are geared up to confront CHINA :D:D
Bakhtiar Othman - don't talk nonsense lah.
Singapore not only survive but have become a 1st World Country for 50 years.
Our business connection are Global - do you think we need to expand territory to survive, thrive and prosper?

You don't try to stir things up by saying we are expanding territory --- and by suggesting this - you are stirring unnecessary tension and you indeed is up to no good.

Why should we confront China?
China is our important trading and business partner and we have a very good relationship.
Bakhtiar Othman
What airspace Singapore got? 5min fly zine at topspeed???? Hahaha joke la
Ricky Lim
What is that got to do with you, you busybody?
Go and mind your own business.

Michael Loh
The advance F35 is as good as the men that fly them. Why was the isreali able to defeat the Arabs combined, its because all israeli flying what had been entrusted them understand throughly the systems and have initiatives to capitalize on top of the passion to fight for survival These two motivations are the main "superiority" that happened in the six days war, the Yom Kippur war. The Russian and French equipment that the Arab had were matched with those of the Israelis but it was the pilots and the total integration of the armed forces that gave Israel the survival advantgage to win wars after wars.
Remember, the next general planning our war strategy, he must bear in mind that the machines and technology is but a means to that end. Survival and victories requires more than spending money (which is a necessity) but wisdom of tailoring the means and preparing the men towards that requirement is the ultimate superiority.
Bakhtiar Othman
Israel of the East?
Michael Loh
Bakhtiar Othman
Its the optimization of materials, whether in a private organization or the army. An army with the best equipment but is not integrated will not function to win wars. Compartmentation of the various parts gives efficiency and do away with confusion. The concept of Total Defence, adopted by Singapore and for its armed forces is geared towards an efficient fighting force supported by the national economy and participated by all citizens (directly or indirectly). The intended purchase of the Advance F35 is but a component of this complex support. By itself, its as good as just a showpiece!
You are correct, to say that its a "borrow" concept from Israel when Singapore turned to Israel for help to train her armed forces. Its an open secret, accepted by both Malaysia and Indonesia. Singapore as good neighbours, do consult neighbours in the area of defence, crimes, intelligence sharing, also geopolitical matters, I am sure. Thanks for your comment!

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