Tuesday, November 27, 2018

ricky l

GM to lay off up to 14K workers, close as many as 5 plants

Tom Krisher, AP Auto Writer
2 seconds ago
The moment of truth has come in.

Trump's trade war has now boomerang back on him.

Now he realise that the World is not buying American goods -- because Trump has pissed of many consumers all over the World.

Now Trump is paying the price.

21 seconds ago
The World not buying US agricultural goods because of its tariff.
If Trump levy more tariff - soon the World will also stop buying apple phone and other US products --- then more US jobs will be lost.

45 minutes ago
Republicans are cursed. They always end up screwing up the economy. All the recessions are under their watch. Then a democrat has to come in and fix it. Then the alt right gets a bug, and puts some nut in power,along with a goofy administration, and screws it all up again. I been asking for some time, if the economy is so good, who is it good for? Not the folks I know. They have to work two jobs, just to make ends meet.

56 minutes ago
But golly gee Mr. Trump, you said our jobs and homes were all safe...

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